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Keryo Koffa

Consciousness vs Self-Awareness

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So I was thinking (yes, I know thinking is a sin here), that when I think of consciousness, I smuggle in the duality of Self-Awareness. But that is contextual to the self-duality and content of consciousness itself. Though it seems consciousness is synonymous with awareness, but not self-awareness, that's an apect of identity and form.

I know all of existence is a fabrication within consciousness, but I'm not aware of the mechanics that create this specific manifestation. My awareness is limited. It seems that source consciousness is split. This reality is too consistent. Its consistency has to be simulated beyond my awareness in order to include all the people, phenomena and timings that I myself am becoming aware of by experiencing them from this limited lens. It seems there is a larger consciousness (god) that I'm continuously awakening into.

I am wondering about how far the fabric stretches, it is infinite after all. Are there different stages like proposed in NDEs? Does my personality difectly dissolve into god upon death or does my experiential self-awareness continue to integrate and create new dualities from that vantage point as the next stage of a now "duality-aware god" Maybe its more partial than that and I reincarnate, I know consciousness is somehow localized to this body's vantage point creating a perspective out of it, it is the only one I'm aware of at this point, but all others must be simulated as well and there's no reason they're not equally conscious, just outisde my present limitation.

All ego-fascination of course. But if there was nothing to it, we wouldn't be here. Forms exist within us to be explored.

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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@Squeekytoy First I didn't know, I was experience, then I believed myself material and separate, then I imagined myself an emergent property, then I realized every experience is inside that peoperty interacting with the external, then external felt unseperated from internal, then I was confused by the consistency and specificity of experience as if it was filtered by a lens from a vast source, then I saw consciousness as more fundamental than anything else and now fear pops up when I think I'm the only current present experience, but also confused because I'm not nothing, but this body and mind is made of the same stuff as any other. But I'm unaware

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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