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Keryo Koffa

Skim through the Ego-Games

1 post in this topic

My baseline awareness rises, each time surprised by how mechanical and limited my actions used to be and how much I numbed myself down since I was a child. A continuous insight is to stop imagening barriers, states, limits to break through. When I'm ready I'm ready. Just go to the next step, become the next step, stop imagening its hard, stop imagening pace. Stop imagening timeframes, expectations. Get in tune with the energy within.

We are like trees, branches of branches of branches. And we dwell on singular branches, focusing on a specific one and comparing it to another, forgetting that we are an entire tree with tremendous energy through the thick stem that is the base. We grow branches all the time, and spend so much energy maintaining their form. Meanwhile, we forgot that we need to take care of the stem itself. The stem is rotting while we are trying to maintain singular leafs to be green. But its useless, green isn't good. Green absorbs energy, but it's winter and we need those ressources. The base of the tree can make any number of branches and leafs grow when it's healthy, they are not important, just one configuration, one experience, a means to an end, survival.

There are many confused posts in the forum, some try to make sense of their branches, others deny their existence, causes confusion. It's not that the branches don't exist, the point is that they're an arbitrary expression of a megastructure. They're like hair, you can change your hairstyle, it's one expression, an imaginary identity aspect of the larger being behind the ego. Some say their branches are better and more important or true than other branches. Some are in fact closer to the stem, but it's all branches. We shouldn't expect those who maintain their ego to just dissolve it when you say it's "Nothing". We need to navigate out of there. Else "Nothing" will just become another leaf on top of that branch and be ever further from the base truth.

Everything is valid, just local, circumstantial, localized. In the grand scheme, as part of a whole, a holon, it can be unhealthy but it's all a balance. Since it's all conceptual, let's go accelerationist itself and show through imagination what the illusion means and leads towards when fully contextualized and interpreting all of reality through it and it should dissolve itself.

In essence, a mix of compassion and honesty. Maybe y'all already knew that or my model sucks. Either way, the more we contextualize everything, the more understanding there is, and understanding dissolves ego through responsibility and awareness 

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