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Tinnitus in complete silence

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To begin, I've never had tinnitus day to day life. When I'm out with friends, doing school work, hanging out with family or work I never experience tinnitus. 

However, when I put on noise reduction headphones and I'm in complete silence, I have loud ringing and screeching in my ears that is hard to ignore. I think this has happened just due to loud headphones and loud music playing. I'm not really sure what to do about it. 

I have this theory that if I stay in complete silence, my ears will become accustomed to the silence and the ringing will stop. 

Any tips? Solutions? It's not that severe, but with meditation I'd like to find a solution. 

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i've been there... you have a fixation to sit in a quiet moment that you can't find


when i was younger, i would hear a similar shrill noise when meditating


you can't meditate and procrastinate at the same time. i don't meditate much any more, i just maintain communication with the Lord

"Holy fuck. Holy fucking fuck. That body of yours is absurd." -Sri Ramana Maharshi

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What my hearing doctor told me, and I find it useful… just get used to your new friend. 

Though, I suspect stress has a lot to do with the tinnitus. It fluctuates. When I am deeply relaxed it's a lot less.

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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