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Am contemplating adopting a set of belief (maybe not forever) so I can find a more contained way of thinking (not the main goal of it, but maybe it could help as an exercise agains my ADHD tendencies to jump from one thing to another and never truly commit)


Many questions come to me.
A few of those are (bad english an confused thoughts, please bear with me) :


1) Do you think that the fact that a religion is older than another has an impact on its legitimacy? (if you consider that they're not fictional tools, but that they actually tell a truth about real entities)

2) In the same idea, I tend to be drawn/fascinated by older religions such as sumerian (which, by the way, isn't it weird that it didn't survive since it's one of the older ones? What actually makes a religion stay more than another one on the collective level?), but I also shake my head trying to get aways from the shiny spell of "ancient magic old things", cause I feel like this might not be the truth, and maybe we tend to see it as such because we've been taught that older things are kind of more respectable in a way?

I mean, we wouldn't study way older scientific texts, so why do it with religion? Couldn't a religion born yesterday be just as valid? But then what does it mean, that religions are not tales of powerful forces we are linked to, but rather storytelling to draw values from?

3) Are religions just stories to control people from fear, and if so, does that mean than the "religion" should be avoided and be replaced by science? (which obviously, could be totally wrong as it has been in the past, but I mean, science as we know it anyways. If religion is just a control tool without any basis, our guidelines might as well just be more down to earth sciences)

4) How do I even chose a religion to dive into? There are many big ones, but the number of believers doesn't mean they're the right ones (just look at what huge number of people believe and do everyday).

5) What is religion to you?





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Every religion is different. I’m also wanting to study and dive deeper into what they are. I don’t think I’ll ever be religious myself but for many people religious beliefs may be useful. 

Religions like Christianity sort of distort what a religion could be for a lot of people. It’s a very limiting type of religion. One that, by its very nature breeds ignorance and self deception. 

If i was to say I was of any religion I’d be a Taoist because it just seems the most advanced of any. Really, the three teachings of China: Taoism, Buddhism, and confuicionsin (however you spell that). Though, these aren’t religious in the same way Christianity or Islam is. 

Toaist and Chinese Thought are still very true today in many ways. Very similar to Aztec Non-duality that Leo shared with us. 

Not every religion is the same. You’re asking some powerful questions. I can’t dive too deeply here at this time.  


Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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I'm trying to eliminate as many beliefs as I possibly can. Enough to just sustain my way of being and to get to know who I truly am. To know thySelf. I don't want to idol worship. I want to get to know the Universe and it's existential nature and to understand how the mind works. What are thoughts. Behavioral patterns. Energy. How to generate from within. Sacred Geometry. How to truly Love. How to be of Service to Others. Those kinds of things are on my agenda. Not what to worship and believe in. 

That's just me. Those things i mentioned I find to be of better value than to worry about what Religion is best and what to worship. I want to exude and radiate Love, embody presence so that I can help to change the world one Being at a time. I want to shine without being in the spotlight. I want my energy to be felt from a distance. I want the Universe to use me to help send it's messages to mankind. 

No Religion can do that, but I will go within and ask Source for guidance and to lead me on the path on how I can help to serve others and help to pave the way for others to come and to not be led astray as so many if us have been.



Edited by Princess Arabia



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At first I was forced into religion. Them I left religion to rebel against the system. Then I began to hate and resent religion for causing me to become a dysfunctional human being. Finally, I am free from the grips of religion. I no longer need to have any feelings towards it, much like I don’t care to fit into children’s clothing anymore. 

I AM Lovin' It

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10 hours ago, BojackHorseman said:

1) Do you think that the fact that a religion is older than another has an impact on its legitimacy?

Yes there is a slope of development and maturity for religions also, as it is with individual stages it is with colective stages over time.

10 hours ago, BojackHorseman said:

2) In the same idea, I tend to be drawn/fascinated by older religions such as sumerian (which, by the way, isn't it weird that it didn't survive since it's one of the older ones? What actually makes a religion stay more than another one on the collective level?), but I also shake my head trying to get aways from the shiny spell of "ancient magic old things", cause I feel like this might not be the truth, and maybe we tend to see it as such because we've been taught that older things are kind of more respectable in a way?

It is the inability to mantain it's original subtance translated to the winds of each generation which ends up killing them. The oldest living tradition which is hinduism, more of a compilation of religions than a single religions, has this principle of: "Unyielding defense of tradition and tireless innovation." Which translates as preserve what has worked in the past and continuosly strive for improvement. Also older is not better but it has been more proof tested against the fire of experience and life.


10 hours ago, BojackHorseman said:

3) Are religions just stories to control people from fear, and if so, does that mean than the "religion" should be avoided and be replaced by science? (which obviously, could be totally wrong as it has been in the past, but I mean, science as we know it anyways. If religion is just a control tool without any basis, our guidelines might as well just be more down to earth sciences)

Religion unfolds in diverse dimensions, birthing from mysticism, encompassing sociocultural norms, and traversing through the realms of architecture, food and music. It's a very multifaceted and rich expression. Frorm the side of sociocultural norms, when it has been linked with authority and politics, we have seen many corruptions and evil making. About the science vs religion debate you should get very comfortable with development psychology models like Spiral Dynamics or Susanne's Cook-Greuter ego development research; to really make sense and put into proper context the science vs religion discussions.


10 hours ago, BojackHorseman said:

4) How do I even chose a religion to dive into? There are many big ones, but the number of believers doesn't mean they're the right ones (just look at what huge number of people believe and do everyday).

Try what calls you with a child like curiosity and playfulness. Don't get ideologic, just paths and tools you are trying.


10 hours ago, BojackHorseman said:

5) What is religion to you?

Religion is a technology made to access certain states of consciousness.

Edited by Davino

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty. We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Virtuous and Conscious. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life God is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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