Princess Arabia

Something About Empathy Is Confusing

42 posts in this topic

3 hours ago, gettoefl said:

the old me used to feel deeply saddened sullen sorrowful shattered ... seeing your shit life before my eyes

not no more though, now i do something about it

i forgive me for placing you in my path and giving you that shit life so i can heal all my bits

i forgive you for making your life shit to this day at every turn not taking care of business

i forgive me for thinking your life shit, i did this to help heal my judgmentalism, i have never walked in your shoes

i forgive you for proclaiming your life shit, you acted the victim so you stayed the victim

i forgive me for contributing to your shit life by being a non loving channel, bringing you grief and strife, please do forgive me

i forgive you for all the squabbles all the cross words all the rifts we endured, it was your fault too and brought you to your current shit life

i forgive me every time i didn't and don't see you as the divine incarnated, you are the one and i am the shit one for not wordlessly telling you this

i forgive you for not beholding your majesty and living the most fantastic life every lived, it's okay i forgive you and i love you and we'll do better

Sounds like you did a bit of the hoponopono prayer.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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14 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Sounds like you did a bit of the hoponopono prayer.

for me acim hitting the spot :D

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1 minute ago, gettoefl said:

for me acim hitting the spot :D

I love me some ACIM. Aaron Abke's channel teaches it well.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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19 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

I love me some ACIM. Aaron Abke's channel teaches it well.

indeed but i would like the tldr version please :)

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@Princess Arabia The only experience I can say from myself is while back being at my older brother house and watching all the family drama. That was totally killling my vibe, lets not forget that at some level people have Auras and when we interact with them, listening theirs talk an so forth we are in contact with that, and the more sensible we are more we will feel and being affected by the energy of these people, of course is possible to get a good shield and probably is what some shamans do in their dietas to be able to go into healing sessions with many sick people and still be firm in such dense energy. I say this because I participate in such circles and sometimes I can feel in the field the fear of the group, I never know where is coming from but you can feel it in th air. So many times Ineed to go out of the circle to check if the feeling belongs to me or was someting that I was catching. 

The irony is, live is more easy for insensitive people, and I think they actually desesitize themselfs with food and addictions to keep numb and not feeling. So, if you choice is keep feeling is good to find ways to create good boudaries or energetic authority so you can walk anywhere and interact with everyone. But i doubt is possible to be 100% imune to energy around you. I personaly just go away if I feel the energy is dense. As empaths is good to hve empaty for ourselfs first, so them we can be in position to help others. 

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@Rafael Thundercatthank you and that picture is beautiful. A sense of peace came over me just by looking at it.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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12 minutes ago, Squeekytoy said:

Take what you need from ACIM or anything else, and then THROW IT OUT.

There is Nothing outside of Consciousness


I AM Godzilla

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18 minutes ago, Squeekytoy said:

Good, that's where that nauseating crap belongs.


What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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On 12/30/2023 at 5:24 PM, Princess Arabia said:

My concern is this. We say we are One. Others are us and there is no separation. If that's the case, why do I have to process and do shadow work to not feel other's pain. If we are all connected, then isn't it normal for this to occur especially if I'm getting more connected to my inner being, because I am. The more I delve into this work the more I feel connected to Source. If we are all from the one Source, why is it unnatural for me to feel this way  and have to feel as if something is wrong with me because I have the ability to feel other's pain. 

You don't have to do anything.  

If you find that your empathy is a problem for you, and you don't want to be so easily bothered, then you can do something,

First, you have to shitcan the spiritual dogma because you're overcomplicating the issue, which is as stated above.  

Spiritual enlightenment is about CHOICES. I repeat, it is about CHOICES.  It is not about "aren't I supposed to blah blah blah?"

No.  It's about CHOICES. You're not SUPPOSED TO anything.

So you decide, and then you make changes if your decision is not to stay pat.  Shadow Work is about leaning into a part of you that may be neglected or undeveloped to generate psychic balance which will temper your extremes of empathy.


Edited by SeaMonster

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1 hour ago, SeaMonster said:

You don't have to do anything.  

If you find that your empathy is a problem for you, and you don't want to be so easily bothered, then you can do something,

First, you have to shitcan the spiritual dogma because you're overcomplicating the issue, which is as stated above.  

Spiritual enlightenment is about CHOICES. I repeat, it is about CHOICES.  It is not about "aren't I supposed to blah blah blah?"

No.  It's about CHOICES. You're not SUPPOSED TO anything.

So you decide, and then you make changes if your decision is not to stay pat.  Shadow Work is about leaning into a part of you that may be neglected or undeveloped to generate psychic balance which will temper your extremes of empathy.


Ok Sir. So empathetic I felt all that screaming. lol. Thank you for your wise words.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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On 1/2/2024 at 3:32 AM, Princess Arabia said:

Ok Sir. So empathetic I felt all that screaming. lol. Thank you for your wise words.

It wasn't screaming, it was very animated, emphatic speaking, accenting certain words. :P

Edited by SeaMonster

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First step is to get off this forum. Spirituality is a dangerous thing. I’ve been far down the rabbit hole, and it never ends. I see people on here that I saw years ago when I was active, still discussing the same topics: “Am I real or not?” “Do others have experiences, or am I the only one?” “Are we all one, or are we not? How can I make this make sense?” It is endless, and it is a dark, dark place to be.

You are not God. Yeah, God might appear to be hidden in these words, and this message might be interpreted by you to be written by God. I can assure you it is not written by God, but a 24 year old soon to be 25 year old white man from Denmark. But if you are deep down the rabbit hole enough, that assurance will just look like another trick of “the illusion,” a part of the deceiving nature of “the dream.” 💀
It doesn’t help that this place is ridden with other mentally and spiritually ill people who call themselves God and claim to “not be here” either. 😆

I read someone on here referring to people as lifeless bags. That is very concerning.

I’ve had a similar problem with empathy as you. I also had a hard time understanding what were my feelings and what were others'. I also had a hard time making sense of the “we are all one, and we are all God.” I had big “awakening” experiences that somewhat proved this to be the case, so I was out and about, shouting the truth from the rooftops, proving people wrong with my bulletproof truth claims. After all; I’d seen the truth with my own eyes, or so I liked to believe, and make other people believe.
The problem was that something felt wrong, off; I felt like something didn’t make sense, but my ego convinced me that I had the answer, I just had to realize it “more fully.”

The first step to mental health, love, and happiness, is to realize that YOU are NOT God. God created you. This will humble you. Then, you realize, YOU are NOT all-knowing. This will humble you. Then you realize that you SIN; you’ve hurt others and yourself, but there is one who has never sinned, according to history. This will humble you. Then you stop listening to “spiritual teachers” and “gurus”; wolves in sheep’s clothing, and you start listening to him, and you go to him alone for answers. This will fill your heart with love. You are no longer alone in an unknown, uncaring universe; you live here with people that are just as valuable as yourself, with a steadfast knowledge of right and wrong, and that right is right and wrong is wrong. Slowly, the cognitive dissonance goes away as you wake up from “wake up culture.” You step out of the darkness and into life. You get hope back, real hope. The teachings of “no hope” were the blind leading the blind.

Humble yourself before him, and he will save you from this hellhole.

I didn’t grow up Christian, I just had the fortunate good sense not to let my spiritual ego and preconceived ideas of Christianity and Jesus hold me back from going to the source document to find out for myself what the man claimed and taught.

I’m happy I did that. His teachings are miles ahead of every spiritual teacher or guru I’ve ever listened to, and that includes Adyashanti, Mooji, Eckhart Tolle, Tony Parsons, Leo Gura, Jim Newman, Andreas Müller, Rupert Spira, Gangaji, Papaji, and the list goes on.

Edited by traveler

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On 1/2/2024 at 6:54 AM, Squeekytoy said:

Speaking of which, much of what I write here comes from a loud obnoxious voice in my head. xD

That's not the only voice in there, but it's the one ranting against bullshit. Jed McKenna calls this "The Little Bastard", the one that goes to war and burns it all down. So it's the one I've cultivated for years and comes out the most in this particular venue, lol.

I'm sure it sounds unconscious af, but that's ok. It plays its part.

Just saying because I've been told before by someone that it sounded like rocks to their ears, even just in writing. :ph34r:

Your tone is fine with me. It comes off as confidence and surety in oneself, even if what you're saying is a bag of crap.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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1 hour ago, traveler said:

First step is to get off this forum

You're showing a good example of this advice. 

I read your whole comment and I appreciate the time and concerns. You have to understand everyone doesn't process things the same way. We don't all use our resources and tools given to us to accomplish the same things or utilize in the same fashion. I am very empathetic and love to hear other peoples take on their view on empathy etc. It doesn't mean my life is turning upside down because of it and i have in the past read articles about it to get a better understanding. Doesn't mean other's perspective is going to hurt me being.

I understand the playfulness of life. How to make myself happy from within (also sad and miserable) no matter what the circumstances. I will not live in a place of constant (insert all negative emotion here), I know how to snap out of it quickly. It doesn't matter to me if you say I'm not God and whatever else you said in regards to this because I AM what I am. If I'm a fish thinking I'm human then I'm a fish having sex with humans and eating human food, doesn't change that fact. I won't get depressed to find out that I wasn't human but instead a fish. Doesn't make a difference because I'm still what I AM. Those are just words.

I don't need to humble myself because I don't feel like I'm grandiose. I feel like I'm just what I AM. I will continue to do the best with what I AM. I am very expansive and open to learning new things at all times. I'm not stuck into beliefs and am very fluid in how I operate. I don't need to stop doing anything because it is feeding me toxic ideas and concepts because they won't be stuck to me like glue unless I choose to let that happen because I see the benefits of it. After I've observed myself how a particular thing has outrun its course then I'll decide to engage in something else on my terms, not because someone else is telling me to do so because it didn't work for them. 

Infinity is just that Infinite. There are infinite places, people, things and circumstances that will present itself for infinite reasons that were pre-determined due to a causual effect and there's nothing one can do about that other than to make choices on how to alchemize those effects to one's benefit no matter what the situation is. In other words to make the best of it. There is no difference between anything. How we perceive those sameness is what will decide the outcome which still is pre-determined.

So, thank you for your concern, but as I'm not seeking anything to make me humble or to feel less grandiose nor am I in search of a particular guru to accomplish anything other than the fact that I resonate and enjoy listening to them and will take from it what I so incline to take away and leave the rest, I will be just fine in the end of my human existence no matter what choices I make while I inhabit this body. This is just an experience and if there's no one here even having an experience then so be it too. This just is and it always was and will always be. 

You listed a bunch of Spiritual teachers names, which, btw I listen to most of them too, but you excluded yourself. You exist in them too, you exist in all Realities, you are all of it too. You exist as fulfillment in all Realities so they are also you. Fulfillment is not in the future it is NOW. So I don't need to look to figures, I just need to realize it and recognize it NOW. They are you, you give them the power, their light is coming from you. So I don't need them they need me. I'm just playing the experiential game of choosing which one I want to experience. You won't understand this, though, because you're the one in grandiosity thinking you're separate, you're special, you're a separate entity that needs saving. Maybe you need to humble yourself into the recognition that you are one with everything and that the separate thing that you think you are, you made it all up.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Thank you for your reply. Most of my comment wasn’t aimed directly at you, it was more so a comment on the dangers of the “I’m God” or “No Self” framework that exists on this forum. I had the impulse to go off when I read your topic so I did. I don’t know you personally, and I’m not trying to force you to humble yourself; I’m advising it, to everyone. 

It is impossible to humble yourself if you think you are the only conscious being alive and everyone else are figments of your imagination though. There has to be something above you, for you to be humble; in many cultures, that is God. Many people are humble enough to put God above themselves. 

In modern spirituality, inspired by Eastern teachings, we call ourselves God, or this happening - God. That is were the cognitive dissonance and mental illness starts; solipsism >>my experience is the only experience because I can’t proof other people have experiences, which means everyone else are NPC’s and I’m the main character <<, the most arrogant and immature conclusion. By believing that, you are basically saying you are the most important person alive. Even worse; the only one 🤣

Also, I’d just like to put this out there, because as I said; I had problems knowing what was mine and what was others’, and I could never know, because I lived under a paradigm that didn’t distinguish were I ended and other people began. Aaron Daughty’s framework technique won’t help as it attempts to heal the symptom, not the cause. I actually tried that technique; evidence that I suffered from the same thing as you.

This is not a personal attack but I got to say; spend enough time on a forum like this and you’ll start making pure nonsense claims like:

1 hour ago, Princess Arabia said:

There is no difference between anything.

Edited by traveler

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1 hour ago, Princess Arabia said:

You're showing a good example of this advice. 

My last post before today was July 2023, before that was 2021. I visit here maybe once every 6 months. It is a valid point, but realise I’m not here to argue, I’m actually trying to help you. 

Edited by traveler

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6 hours ago, traveler said:

My last post before today was July 2023, before that was 2021. I visit here maybe once every 6 months. It is a valid point, but realise I’m not here to argue, I’m actually trying to help you. 

Ok thank u. Maybe the homeless needs ur help. I sure dont. 


What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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12 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Ok thank u. Maybe the homeless needs ur help. I sure dont. 


Okay, yeah, I think they’ll take all the help they can get. Good for you. 
All of the best. Good luck! 🙏

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