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What would you look out for as your younger self?

3 posts in this topic

Maybe you are older now and have problems with your health

What would you do differently?

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1. Let food be thy medicine by procuring such from the perimeter of the grocery store (whole, minimally processed voids devoid of added sugars and seed oils).

2. Prioritize sleep by rendering your room a proper sanctuary, and setting an alarm to go to bed, as opposed to wake up.

3. Meditate daily to liberate mental bandwidth that would otherwise be monopolized due to succumbing to analysis paralysis.

4. Pull the giant stick out of your ass: stop living on the momentum of other people's perception of you, i.e., stop taking yourself so seriously, lighten up and enjoy the company of others.

5. Start lifting weights to optimize your endocrinology.

6. Methodically analyze your micronutrient intake and supplement with key vitamins and minerals to optimize your physiology (i.e., vitamin C, D3, E, K2 (MK-4), creatine monohydrate, magnesium bisglycinate, and EPA/DHA).

7. Drink 1 cup of 100% pomegranate juice daily to augment your antioxidant status.

8. Surrender the notion that saturated fat is deleterious, and rather, embrace the consumption of such while concurrently neglecting PUFAs.

9. Invest in a stainless steel water bottle and stainless steel water distiller that distills into a glass container.

10. Invest in an Instant Pot and use it to prepare meals with the pressure cook setting on the lowest possible pressure.

11. Monitor the CO2 level in rooms you reside in for extended periods of time, i.e., your bedroom, and crack a window if the level exceeds 1,000 PPM.

12. Invest in 100% cotton clothing, particularly for your underwear.

13. Seal your lips with 3M micropore tape at night to necessitate nasal breathing while sleeping.

14. Have an at-home sleep study conducted that utilizes an effort belt that rests against the chest, a pulse oximeter that attaches to the index finger, and a nasal cannula that's inserted inside the nostrils (you spend 1/3 of your life asleep, and the quality of such most greatly impacts the remaining 2/3).

15. Spend time outside, getting enough sunlight for your skin tone (the darker your complexion, the more exposure necessary) since Vitamin D3, while a staple supplement for many, is not a sun substitute akin to how coffee/caffeine is not a sleep substitute.

16. If you're a man, have your ferritin level assessed and ensure you are in the bottom 50th percentile (donate whole blood to reduce your level).

17. Go for 10+ minute walks after meals to aid digestion.

18. Don't directly touch receipt paper (use gloves if necessary).

19. Invest in cotton towels, pillow cases, bed sheets, etc.

20. Use an alcohol spray or gel to minimize odor-producing bacteria, as opposed to masking body odor with endocrine disrupting chemical-riddled deodorants and colognes/perfumes/fragrances (this will make your attractive pheromones more identifiable via olfaction).

***If you find this list overwhelming, just breathe: the best has yet to come and there will be serenity on the other side of the struggle you currently see. If you are seeking direction, start with step 1 by letting food be thy medicine and fix your physiology, then following the remaining steps will be infinitely easier).

The world has yet to benefit from the best of you, but that's the direction you're ultimately destined for, so let's all go there together.

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Nothing at all. Everything is perfectly designed. 11/10. 

Don’t confuse this with not doing anything and allowing life to remain stagnant. 

I AM Lovin' It

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