Princess Arabia

Please Clarify This Emotional Youtube Comment

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The following is a copy and pasted YT comment from a Rupert Spira video. He was speaking about Universal Love. "Love is the Experience of the Unity of Being" is the title of the video. This comment caught my attention and I would like to hear your thoughts on this. I could feel the pain in the words while reading this and it actually made me very emotional. 

There have been numerous forum users who have spoken about Consciousness in this fashion and I think it is a very important subject to address because so many of us feel this way. I don't think it is addressed enough so we can truly understand this part of Reality and why it exists - apparent or not. It's a pretty dark comment but this is an example of how a lot of people feel that's why I'm sharing it with the intention of understanding why this is so.


2 days ago (edited)

It is not like that. It's easy to be fooled by words that please the conditioned ears. Here's Rupert talking about love and oneness, while baby fawns are being torn apart, eaten alive by predators, screaming in pain from the top of their lungs to absolutely no avail, while the mother gazelles helplessly watch in distress from a distance. A woman forced to watch her daughter being brutally raped and killed by the invading soldiers, followed by the execution of her husband and her two sons. The woman lost her mind, threw herself over a bridge and committed suicide. What would Rupert tell the baby fawns and the mother gazelles, if they ask why? Because, that was exactly the question, the woman asked before ending her life. WHY? Will Rupert tell them, oh, don't suffer, because your true nature is all happiness, but, somehow, you decided to forget your happiness nature in exchange for this experience? Really? If this is what you believe, then, not are you only insulting their sufferings, but, you're actually killing them twice.

It's better you say nothing than to deceive yourself twice. Oh, How long are we going to deceive ourselves ? Rather, how much longer will consciousness deceive Itself? If he truly believes that it is consciouness and consciouness Alone that is doing the whole show, then, it calls for the question "WHY" ? Which will inevitably invite self introspection. Consciousness needs to introspect itself as to why it has all these itches and impulses to manifest, rather than, continuing to indulge itself, in all kinds of self deceiving, self aggrandizing, schizophrenic, narcissistic self praises and worships like a dictator. This is a WRONG understanding of Existence. These insane self deceiving understandings are coming from old religious and spiritual ideologies and beliefs, founded upon self ignorance and self dishonesty. Existence is not all good, all loving, all peace or all happiness. Existence is not like that. It has never been like that and cannot be like that. It's a very self ignorant and self dishonest belief ,only , to perpetuate further self deception. Just like the great honest philosopher put it. " Every history of life is the history of suffering ". The question is always, Why? Religious or spiritual ideologies have always offered distorted ,ignorant, childish and dishonest answers due to ignorance and dishonesty. Saying God and the Devil, or, consciouness and mind, finite mind or ego, can only lead oneself into further self deception. Just as you do not get something from nothing, You do not get sufferings from all happiness, or, all love. What is never within, does not and cannot manifest as without. Consciouness can only manifest what is within. No violence within, no violence without. No suffering within, no suffering without.

All the endless pains and sufferings are the itches and impulses within consciouness, that, found its way to manifest. No matter what, You simply do not get apple juice from oranges. No matter how you twist, turn and distort. Consciousness has to ask itself by introspecting as to why it has all these itches and impulses to manifest ,which are experienced as endless pains, tortures and sufferings in what we call " Life ". There's no another way for consciouness to liberate itself from its Own desires, itches and impulses other than self introspection. It is consciouness that gets liberated from its Own itches and impulses, no one else! It has to face its own darkness in its Own Psyche, rather than go on to further deceive Itself playing childish, self praise and self worship games. While it indulges in all kinds of self deceiving ganes, countless life forms are being eaten alive and go on suffering, at this very moment, and, every moment,crying out and screaming in pain from the top of their lungs to absolutely no avail. Do we not hear their screams? Or, is consciouness too busy deceiving Itself , boasting and bragging how happy , peaceful and loving it is? Eternity means absolutely nothing in self deception, other than, condemning itself to an eternal damnation as the history of life shows. One can NEVER be too careful when it comes to the Absolute True Nature of oneself or Existence as Is in Itself.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Here is the video

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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I will answer,

The killings are a distraction that you have created for yourself , have you ever witnessed a woman being robbed and the next second police arrives? Yup a scripted distraction, like all else is. Have you witnessed people speaking about that god is only love and that after this life there is only heaven and love? Yup a distraction made by god also. 

The reason is simple , ones you fully surrender to god and go through with your illusionary death you will see that there's nothing besides you and nothingness forever. All these distractions give you meaning and purpose away from the eternal. 

I understand because i was god, everything is understood up there.

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3 minutes ago, Jowblob said:

I will answer,

The killings are a distraction that you have created for yourself , have you ever witnessed a woman being robbed and the next second police arrives? Yup a scripted distraction, like all else is. Have you witnessed people speaking about that god is only love and that after this life there is only heaven and love? Yup a distraction made by god also. 

The reason is simple , ones you fully surrender to god and go through with your illusionary death you will see that there's nothing besides you and nothingness forever. All these distractions give you meaning and purpose away from the eternal. 

I understand because i was god, everything is understood up there.

3 minutes ago, Jowblob said:


Can you please elaborate more on what you are saying. Are you saying, that I made it all up or the YT commentor made it all up. Not sure if you're saying she's distracting  herself or I am.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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6 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Can you please elaborate more on what you are saying. Are you saying, that I made it all up or the YT commentor made it all up. Not sure if you're saying she's distracting  herself or I am.

I give you an example: A long time ago i went to my moms house after an experience that dissociated myself from human life because i was walking in higher consciousness. The next day when the trip was over she said, my collegue had a heart problem/heart pain and went to his boss to ask if he could go home because he didn't feel well. The boss said: No, you stay here and work. Couple hours later the guy gets heart attack and dies. The reality/distractions are being created here and there, there as gods dreams it up but here as a distraction according to you subconscious knowingness that will get you more grip on reality you're currently in. 

When i surrendered and stopped my heart and experienced my illusionary death, the "love" that people describe here is indeed "GOD" but you only experience for yourself and for "you as god" it doesn't feel like love but more of An extreme conscious vibration/processing heat that you only have for yourself. This love/vibration/signal gets lowered at these human levels so you experience it more as a slight vibration/signal. Up there there is nothing to experience, it's just your being. Everything is necessary in this human life to make you truely experience human life and be immersed away from the eternal.

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If love doens't include pain and suffering it is not love. Love is all inclusive, so inclusive that it doesn't care to do what it wants. Unbiased love, loving both opposites. Simetrical Love, equanimous love, cold love, brutal love, merciless love.

I mean this topic is such a huge entanglement of human psychology, shadow, ego, metaphysical understanding, existential love and awakening that it just can't be fully expressed in a few forum answers. You will have to discover it, beyond bias and for yourself, what love is.


For the moment I have this quote for you:

“In God’s kingdom everything is possible. He is omni­potent. It is none of your business to question what He does for anyone. Why should He always do what pleases you? He is the Lord. What He does - whatsoever — is all for your real good: this is the attitude to be taken.”
 ~ Anandamayi Ma

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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3 minutes ago, Jowblob said:

I give you an example: A long time ago i went to my moms house after an experience that dissociated myself from human life because i was walking in higher consciousness. The next day when the trip was over she said, my collegue had a heart problem/heart pain and went to his boss to ask if he could go home because he didn't feel well. The boss said: No, you stay here and work. Couple hours later the guy gets heart attack and dies. The reality/distractions are being created here and there, there as gods dreams it up but here as a distraction according to you subconscious knowingness that will get you more grip on reality you're currently in. 

When i surrendered and stopped my heart and experienced my illusionary death, the "love" that people describe here is indeed "GOD" but you only experience for yourself and for "you as god" it doesn't feel like love but more of An extreme conscious vibration/processing heat that you only have for yourself. This love/vibration/signal gets lowered at these human levels so you experience it more as a slight vibration/signal. Up there there is nothing to experience, it's just your being. Everything is necessary in this human life to make you truely experience human life and be immersed away from the eternal.

Are you saying in respect to my post and regarding the YT comment, that she is making it all up as God to distract herself. I donlt think you directly addressed the post, you're just giving me examples of what you experienced and your illusory death.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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4 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Are you saying in respect to my post and regarding the YT comment, that she is making it all up as God to distract herself. I donlt think you directly addressed the post, you're just giving me examples of what you experienced and your illusory death.


Edited by Jowblob

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8 minutes ago, Davino said:

If love doens't include pain and suffering it is not love. Love is all inclusive, so inclusive that it doesn't care to do what it wants. Unbiased love, loving both opposites. Simetrical Love, equanimous love, cold love, brutal love, merciless love.

I mean this topic is such a huge entanglement of human psychology, shadow, ego, metaphysical understanding, existential love and awakening that it just can't be fully expressed in a few forum answers. You will have to discover it, beyond bias and for yourself, what love is.


For the moment I have this quote for you:

“In God’s kingdom everything is possible. He is omni­potent. It is none of your business to question what He does for anyone. Why should He always do what pleases you? He is the Lord. What He does - whatsoever — is all for your real good: this is the attitude to be taken.”
 ~ Anandamayi Ma

So IOW what you're saying is don't question the bad things that are happening. Let it be. Love it all. In regards to the person with the comment, they need to understand this and not question these atrocious things that are happening because it is God's expression of love. Is that what you're basically saying in so many words. Trying to understand.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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1 minute ago, Jowblob said:


Ok. Got it. Don't shout. Lol. It's OK. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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11 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Ok. Got it. Don't shout. Lol. It's OK. 

The reason ascended masters are always all about "love" is because when you wake up in earthly domain, you will see that everything is you, created by you and that all is a play. In this state of consciousness you can't have anything else than love and forgiveness because now again the game is over and you're the only conscious being on earth. But this isn't the highest state since you're still in the body.


Love you enemy, love your neighbours and so on, but it's not possible if there is seperation and you're not in "that" state of consciousness. Ones you enter "that" state of consciousness then you will love your neighbours and your enemies.

Edited by Jowblob

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The deeper you go into this work, the less you’ll care about things that were once very important to you.

While that sounds selfish, it’s actually more selfish to care about things you have little to no understanding about. No direct experience with.

For example, let’s say you have a child who is neurodiverse and you feel bad for them because they don’t neatly fit into your worldview. It would be selfish to force that child into your religion and culture when they clearly show signs that they want nothing to do with it. Instead of trying to understand how they see the world, you paint them as deficient or wrong; something that needs to be fixed.

Consider that it’s actually you who needs to seek help for your own ignorance and selfishness.


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23 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

The deeper you go into this work, the less you’ll care about things that were once very important to you.

While that sounds selfish, it’s actually more selfish to care about things you have little to no understanding about. No direct experience with.

For example, let’s say you have a child who is neurodiverse and you feel bad for them because they don’t neatly fit into your worldview. It would be selfish to force that child into your religion and culture when they clearly show signs that they want nothing to do with it. Instead of trying to understand how they see the world, you paint them as deficient or wrong; something that needs to be fixed.

Consider that it’s actually you who needs to seek help for your own ignorance and selfishness.

I just can't help but feel others pain and it gets worse the deeper I get into this work as i get more sensitive to the tou h. I don't even like loud music anymore, I get sensitive to noise. 

Sometimes I feel like hibernating into my cocoon just so I don't have to witness this. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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21 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

I just can't help but feel others pain and it gets worse the deeper I get into this work as i get more sensitive to the tou h.

Others’ pain is your pain. It’s a signal to look inwards at how we perceive others and ourselves.

Perhaps there is pain in you that is not being properly acknowledged and cared for.


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3 hours ago, Jowblob said:


everything is a distraction by ego for ego with ego to keep ego entranced embroiled embittered ... so that it fights kicks screams foul

and keeps on keeping on with it and keeps on adding fuel to it and never sees through it

it's a trick a trap a trifle nothing more

i matter damnit, i mind damnit

Edited by gettoefl

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16 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

Others’ pain is your pain. It’s a signal to look inwards at how we perceive others and ourselves.

Perhaps there is pain in you that is not being properly acknowledged and cared for.

I see. I was saying that to myself after I wrote what I wrote. So you're saying If I look at my own pain and acknowledge it, I won't feel others pain as much, I won't feel others pain at all or I will interpret differently what I'm perceiving as other people being in pain. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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1 minute ago, Squeekytoy said:

"Please Clarify This Emotional Youtube Comment"

It's emotional 🤷‍♂️



What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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3 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

If I look at my own pain and acknowledge it, I won't feel others pain as much, I won't feel others pain at all or I will interpret differently what I'm perceiving as other people being in pain. 

No guarantee as to what will happen. Go into it with an I don’t know mentality.


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2 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

No guarantee as to what will happen. Go into it with an I don’t know mentality.


What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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