
What are the chances of 2024 being the year aliens are revealed to humanity?

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The biggest assumption here is that aliens thrive on human conceptual time.


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On 1/4/2024 at 9:23 PM, Yimpa said:

The biggest assumption here is that aliens thrive on human conceptual time.

Or that they operate primarily in the human visual spectrum, or communicate face-to-face.

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I doubt aliens will be revealed.

Humans are not evolved enough to understand their level of consciousness. If aliens wanted to tell us that we are God, then we would just turn it into a religion and start a genocide over it. Humanity needs more time to evolve before aliens decide to speak with us directly.

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Practical ways to facilitate your own wishes.

Rest and relaxation before bed, Clear the room of electronics, make a comfortable space for meditation and relaxation. Do a non mental activity, during the evening that doesn't engage the upper areas of the body so much.

Your third eye, projection through dreams, inner ear work, or astral travel are the ways you can represent non-terrestrial intelligence to yourself, without leaving your room. If you are not yet remembering dreams you can take substances for that like etherium gold or etherium black, self-alchemy, or just practice, relax more before bed, and get off the computer/tv/books/mental stimulation to do so. You want to recharge the upper areas of your body and relax them, yoga can help bring energy up into the higher centers of the body to assist. Patience, be receptive not passive or active.

Either way take it steady and don't push too hard, or you can have a burnout.

Set the intent to have these experiences, and make it a ritual pattern to relax, meditate and or do yoga before sleeping. I recommend Kundalini Yoga, sites like this can help understand the benefits there, https://www.biologyofkundalini.com/ Every X amount of days we are born anew, and we want to re-configure ourselves for these experiences to happen.

You want to retain energy throughout the day to be able to achieve these sorts of contacts. 

Opening the third eye is very beneficial to see the world beyond this flat 2D film, an actual dimensional experience, the rest i'll leave to you. Just focus on what you want, sent intent the answers will come to you, if you let them. Plenty of good books on opening the third eye, just music, tones you can make or listen to, correct foods to de-calcify the gland, visualizations etc. Its a practice that takes time and effort to achieve. You can't click your fingers and do so, I won't bias it too much but during these steps patterns and experiences align to prepare you, starting very small, such as me writing this message.

All the best.

Edited by BlueOak

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They don't travel by ships from X light years away. That would be absurd. They travel by quicker means most likely that use less energy 

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2 minutes ago, Tanz said:

They don't travel by ships from X light years away.

That makes Elon sad.


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“Did you ever say Yes to a single joy? O my friends, then you said Yes to all woe as well. All things are chained and entwined together, all things are in love; if ever you wanted one moment twice, if ever you said: ‘You please me, happiness! Abide, moment!’ then you wanted everything to return!” - Friedrich Nietzsche

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Aliens get to Earth through an interdimensional corkscrew water slide.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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7 hours ago, Yimpa said:

That makes Elon sad.

Sad maybe, he's certainly getting a lot of money from the government doing so, syphoning money out of American hands but we can say the same goes to military spending.  

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3 hours ago, Vibes said:

I'm not giving up until you tell us something.

The really advanced ones can transmit their consciousness from their toilet to anywhere they want interdimensionally without any machine or device.  


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On 12/29/2023 at 8:57 AM, LoneWonderer said:

Most sources seem to indicate that 2024 is the year. Some sources even claim that the US is going to stage a fake alien invasion to bring people to come with this reality. What are your thoughts? If not 2024 when?

Mexico had bested the Americans when it came to showing tangible proof of alien life on earth. It is possible that there were American ufologists who had similar proofs but were derailed from showcasing their findings by deep state entities. 


Hopefully, the Mexican presentations will now  propel other such presentations around the world, even if the American government and scientists in the payroll or control of the deep state will keep claiming them to be hoaxes.

Self-awareness is yoga. - Nisargadatta

Awareness is the great non-conceptual perfection. - Dzogchen

Evil is an extreme manifestation of human unconsciousness. - Eckhart Tolle

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The image below and other old photos has been analyzed by professionals. No signs of alteration has been found.

This was years before Photoshop and other similar softwares was invented.


Edited by D2sage

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On 1/8/2024 at 4:59 PM, Vibes said:

@Leo Gura Any update on the courses?

I'm not giving up until you tell us something.

On 1/8/2024 at 8:17 PM, Tanz said:

The really advanced ones can transmit their consciousness from their toilet to anywhere they want interdimensionally without any machine or device.  



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15 minutes ago, Yimpa said:


My question here what substances can trigger to shit.

He must have taken very high amounts of psychedelics. That's for sure 

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