
Mushroom Trip 023 - 5.5g - Insights around “What is the Purpose of My Life?”

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Mushroom Trip 023 - 5.5g - Insights around “What is the Purpose of My Life?”


  • When: August 21st 2023
  • Mushroom Strains Used: (4g B+) + (1.5g Blue Meanie)
  • Dose: 5.5g total. Lemon Tekked tea.  Didn't strain it. Drinking a cup of dirt basically. Yes it was gross. 
  • Intention: What is the Purpose of my Life?  My entire life.
  • Taken at 12:15 PM


During this trip I was Listening to Leo's Episode: 

"How To Create Your Dream Career - The Ultimate Life Purpose Course"


Observations, Thoughts, Insights and Musings: 

  • 25 minutes in: Entire popcorn ceiling moving.
  • Feed your muse through your work.
  • Idea: Ask people what potential they see in me? Ask everybody in your life:
    • Then flip it, and tell them their potential.
  • Question: What's the most meaningful thing I could be doing in my life?

  • Existence is magical.
    • The substance of reality is God/Magic/Consciousness Stuff 
  • I have to REFUSE to be a fool EVERY DAMN DAY with EVERY ACTION.
  • All limits are self-imposed. And all things that are self-imposed can be self-unimposed.
  • Question: How do I ACTUALLY want to live every single day of my life till I'm dead?
    • What would a peak day of my life look like? What the hell am I doing? What skills am I training and practicing?

  • Conquer yourself, conquer life. 
    • Life is a process of conquering yourself and then conquering everything around you.
  • “I hope this trip is the hardest trip of my life. Because those are always the best ones.”
    • This was genuinely a rough trip. I was feeling a low spot in my life at this time.


  • You have to FIGHT HARD for a good life!
    • This is not an easy fight.
    • If this battle was already easy, you will have already won. If you haven't won yet, then you are still in the battle.
      • If you are not yet living the life you want, then you are still in this war.
      • If you haven't won yet in all areas of your life, you're still in the war!
  • I have a hard time believing that I have any focus problems whatsoever. 
    • I think I just have a morale problem.
  • I am experiencing Basically zero distracting visuals, which is great. No characters dancing around or whatnot.
  • Insight: You need to achieve peak states of consciousness with whatever direction you want your mind to go in.
    • So if you want to be extremely motivated, focused, conscious, etc., then you need to create reference points for what that looks like. And you need to create these reference points often, otherwise we will just simply forget and then we will not be aiming our beings in the correct direction. 
    • This is why for example visualization can be so powerful. 
  • My self-respect is too Goddamn High to die a Loser.
  • Imagine Creating a 30-Day Assignment where every day you write a blog post about what that person has taught you in life.
    • To bridge yourself to your teacher as a student, you should write all about the things they have taught you.
  • When you're gifted the most intelligent mind you have to respect it.
    • Read the books it needs.
    • Contemplate for it.
    • Heavy metal detox it.
    • Feed it good Food.
    • Give it The Cleanest Water.
    • Give it Good Sleep.
    • Exercise for its health.
  • When you realize how intelligent you are, you will start to fucking respect your life so that you can become the individual that you came here to be.
    • When you realize that you have the intelligence of God. You will make your religion around respecting that intelligence by first and foremost respecting yourself.
    • Respect the intelligence of God
      • You need to become a man of STRENGTH to respect the intelligence of God.
      • You have the mind of God! and you need to do everything  you can if you're interested in accessing this level of intelligence!
  • Live your Life like a Sims (Max all Skills) Speedrun: Lowest expenses possible, grinding every hour of the day to make money and max all the stats that you want to max out.
    • Hone your skills like crazy to free yourself from wage slavery to craft the life you want. 
    • Treat every day like legendary training.
  • Hustle like an immigrant that doesn't feel safe.
    • I realized that a large amount of lack of productivity is an overabundance of feeling safe and how much of an illusion of safety we can create for ourselves. This feeling of safety disallows us from really hustling like an immigrant.
    • You should never feel safe if you want to be productive.
      • You should act from a place of not feeling safe. If you are not financially free yet, why are you acting from such a place of feeling safe and comfortable? I don’t think you will get nearly as much done if you don’t have that fire burning under your ass every single day. 
    • How the fuck should you feel safe if you are not even financially free yet? If you are not preparing in every way you can in every domain? This awareness of how quickly your life can be turned upside down should scare you into taking massive amounts of action to really get your life in order. 
      • What if X person you Rely on dies?
        • How are you going to handle x person dying WHEN they die?
      • What if you become permanently/ temporarily disabled in some shape or form? What then?
      • What if your car blows up?
      • What if your house blows up
      • What if you get robbed?
      • What if you get scammed?
      • What if someone in your life becomes extremely dependant on you?
  • I am currently obtaining insights that are a challenging mission to put into words. But I will try anyways:
    • What if the meaning of God learning how to express his greater Clarity of understanding of himself is a process of him learning how to formulate any form into being and it could be through several lives and dimensions at once all at one time?
  • I noticed that I get auditory hallucinations when I hear water dribbling. like small little bits of sentences are present with the splashing of water dribbling. 
    • (I noticed this while Listening to the water dribbling in the toilet that I’m peeing into.)
  • Reality is competing for your attention at all times. 
    • Everything is trying to distract you at all times. Distract you from falling further asleep into the dream of reality.
    • Even through the domain of thought, when you try to clear your mind, you keep on getting bombarded with figments of consciousness. (thoughts)
    • If you want to get a lot of ideas, meditate more to create room and for your mind to clear for new creative ideas to enter. For new valuable insights to enter.
  • REALITY is always competing for your attention at all times. 
    • Whether that be what's in your mind or what's in your physical environment, everything in your state of consciousness is competing for your state of consciousness at all times.
    • You are constantly bombarded by reality itself and reality is making you into whatever the fuck it wants to make you into. In this way, your free will doesn’t exist at all because you are a machine to your environment and the thoughts that are being fed to you. If the thoughts are not even yours, then is any of life yours? Is any of reality yours? As the Ego?
    • And unless you want to actually be somebody that's interesting, has a sense of humor, is very strong, etc...  you got to fucking REALLY think about what the fuck you are doing everyday! Because someone is playing The Sims on you right now! God is trying to control you by making you do all this stupid shit, and I'm wondering, are you going to show him that you're actually going to live how you want? This is allocating authority to the Ego. And this is a good thing.
    • As much as God can physically manifest, he is showing you the middle finger of how much control he has over you. And when you start to see that middle finger then you start to think about how the fuck you're going to control your life.
    • Your life purpose is like a little ember that you hold onto. And all of the distractions of the world are like a giant sea of shit that is ready to extinguish that ember at any given moment.
      • It's up to you on whether or not you can hold on to that ember in a sea of shit!
  • Living a great life IS IN THE DETAILS!
    • The details of how you organize your time, your schedule and your life.
    • The details of what you put as a priority.
    • The details of how you clean your room.
      • I really notice just how much more put together my life is when I discipline myself enough to keep an always clean and tidy environment up to a militant level. 
    • The details of "I want all these fucking books to be straight and I want all my kettlebells to be in a straight fucking line! Organized by weight or organized by the most intelligent organization relative to what weight I'm using at that time!"
    • It is BECAUSE it takes more effort to keep a clean and organized room does it breed a habit of a human that does more, and thinks more intelligently around how it's going to act.
  • If you want to be a safe comedian: All jokes need to be directed at yourself. In order to protect the respect of everyone.
  • My Current state of consciousness is like a Frank Yang 360 full View.
    • I’ve got my face looking directly on the floor and I am looking at WHAT ACTUALLY EXISTS. I’ve noticed when my state of consciousness is sufficiently raised, SIGHT starts to break. 
  • Being an Ego is: "I shall only hold beliefs about reality that are convenient."
    • Wisdom is making sure to differentiate between which beliefs will bite you and which beliefs will support you.
  • What living Without could teach you
    • Imagine living without a leg for a week, but that would teach you so much and give you so much appreciation for legs.
    • Imagine living without something for a week, that's what it teaches you.
    • Imagine being dead for a week, not being able to do anything, what would that teach you?
      • I think it would teach you so much around your motivation for what you want to do about life.
        • I think this is the biggest value I could get out of a 10-Day Solo Meditation retreat. 
          • I'm still trying to figure out if a 10-day solo retreat would be a positive thing for my life...
  • Imagine how you lived your life as a love letter to other people. 
    • Because of you, I will live my life in the following ways: A,B,C,D
      • You Taught me X,Y, Z
      • You have inspired me to cultivate X, Y, Z traits in my character
    • “I'm a little pencil in the hand of a writing God, who is sending a love letter to the world.” ― Mother Teresa
  • When you think someone is a fool, you just don't understand their perspective guiding their unconscious ignorance.
  • You need to learn how to Respect Yourself. 
    • You have been given a body, learn to respect that body because it gives you the opportunity to act any life you want!
    • You do not deserve to live with all the abundance you have if you are not ready to respect every moment in every day!
  • I noticed the indoctrination of images in my subconscious are the following: sunglasses, a black man, a white woman, forks and knives, a beer bottle, and a good time. I see these visuals CONSISTENTLY every mushroom trip. It's nuts.
  • Imagine every month you had to reintroduce yourself to everyone you knew. As a technique to self actualize yourself faster by creating a higher standard of yourself in the minds of everyone you know.
    • Communicate with everybody around you the higher standard that you are setting for yourself. Doing all this talk to pressure into your commitment to holding your word and reinforcing it with action. 
  • Why would you want something that doesn't exist?
    • Be very careful of your desires in reality. Make sure it is possible for it to exist!
    • You are a fool if you are desiring something that doesn’t actually exist or cannot actually exist FOR YOU!
  • What if you only did things worthy of memory?
    • Contemplate: What are things that are worthy of memory?
    • I think about the times I really disciplined myself perfectly and got things done.
  • Change the echo chamber of your mind. Because that is the infrastructure of your results!
    • Your mind runs your perception of realty, and your perception of reality runs everything. Fuck up your perception of reality and you will fuck up your life. 
    • Invest in building the mind for success! This is rock solid ground zero infrastructure. This is WHY
      • You need to Meditate.
      • You Need to Read.
      • You Need to Contemplate.
      • You Need to Awaken to what’s True, To what’s ACTUAL.

End of Report.


I forgive my past, I release the future, and I honor how I feel in the present. 

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I had quite long solipsistic experience in shroom at the new year festival,

I felt also super insanely angry but motivated, active, furious, and felt also divine and pleasant at the same time,

I felt so sad, so sad but insanely gratitude and happy

I felt solipsistic, cause that others were like disorganized sub-mind or sub-processing unit, that are not part of my mind,
even though this shroom was not like going directly breakthrough, mushroom does not deconstruct my obsession about models and theories,

still shrooms, it felt insanely profound.

I felt it was quite a breakthrough, it has impacted me for 3days just like I had 20mg of 5meodmt and intensely breathed for 3days straight.

Edited by Fluran

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