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I finally understand solipsism!

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21 hours ago, Someone here said:

I know I'm contradicting myself a lot about this solipsism stuff...but please guys hear me out ..I think I finally got a grip on the truth about solipsism. 

You see ..I'm conscious right now ..I'm conscious..that Is undeniable. But others are literally images in my consciousness.  I know I'm looking through my eyes ..but no one is looking through other's eyes because that's not in direct experience. 

You see?  If consciousness is fundamental to reality and consciousness is everything then there is no escaping the solipsistic implications of this. 

I don't know who I'm talking to right now.  But it replies so it's fun... I guess there is absolutely zero point in making this thread.  Once you know the truth you will shut up forever and maybe go live in a cave a lone in your solipsistic bubble of god consciousness. 

I mean I struggle to accept this but Sorry to break it to you have absolute consciousness.

You and I are not "alive" at the same time. Both of our lifetimes were imagined at once and then God decided to watch them like frame at a time.

You are god imagining everything into bein.gretroactively past and future. The present moment is one and has always existed.

Think of this.

Really contemplate what "others " are .


Good job!
however, the next realization, right around the corner is to see that there is no”you”.  No you as God, no you as others, no you as space! Reality doesn’t  need to have an owner. It happens to no one! 

Edited by Galyna

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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40 minutes ago, Galyna said:

Good job!
however, the next realization, right around the corner is to see that there is no”you”.  No you as God, no you as others, no you as space! Reality doesn’t  need to have an owner. It happens to no one! 

As if tuning into all the creative and imaginative ways we could be, and with each new day, waking up to embodying a brand new, fresh persona, so we can play around in it, and explore ourselves again within this world of pure imagination, then each night, letting it all go with gratitude and love, so that we may open up again and recieve something new, something fresh, born from the fruits gathered and seeds planted from past expeditions.

Something that tickles the soul... :x

Like a flame, burning from within... 🔥 

Edited by tuku747

Brains Do Not Exist 

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45 minutes ago, tuku747 said:

As if tuning into all the creative and imaginative ways we could be, and with each new day, waking up to embodying a brand new, fresh persona, so we can play around in it, and explore ourselves again within this world of pure imagination, then each night, letting it all go with gratitude and love, so that we may open up again and recieve something new, something fresh, born from the fruits gathered and seeds planted from past expeditions.

Something that tickles the soul... :x

Like a flame, burning from within... 🔥 

Nicely said…🙏

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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Remember to figure these things out in your own direct experience. An intellectual understanding, philosophical understanding, agreeing with another forum member who is convincing or even Leo because he is convincing is not the same as an actual awakening into the truth of "Self" vs "Other".

Though, I suspect a radical Solipsism to be the case, and I have had mystical experiences that suggest as much. I still know personally, it may be more years of contemplation, tripping, and awakening work before I grok what is the case.

Be extremely careful allowing others to tell you what is true. When it comes to spirituality you should focus on direct experience.

Often times, when we are new to spirituality someone who speaks confidentially can be convincing. Some of the most convincing people are also the most deluded, egotistical and spiritually retarded people out there. This includes many of you on the forum, (and me) who think you are more developed than you really are. Be humble, be careful. You don't win any award for being more awake than others. Or, trying to flex is on a forum.

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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21 hours ago, Osaid said:

Bro adopts a new ideology every other week

If 'bro' clung to yesterday's ideology, or even last week's ideology, then wouldn't that be ego attachment to the past and a hindrance to awareness being present? So always staying in the present perception would be an 'enlightened' way to be, true?

Although, just not vomiting it on the forum as if it's universal gospel truth is the next step. Hah

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21 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

You are an idea in God's ass. 


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21 hours ago, Someone here said:

Sounds like a crock of nonsense. 

It's the opposite. 

God is an idea in my ass.



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21 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

So now we have 3 entities. God, my and mind. I thought it was only one in God's ass.


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19 hours ago, Yimpa said:

Mind is an idea in God's ass.


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10 hours ago, Vibes said:

Where is Razard to eloquently break your legs when we most need it in God's ass???  :D


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@SOUL What are you doing?

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Just now, Thought Art said:

@SOUL What are you doing in God's ass?

Pulling it out...

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23 minutes ago, SOUL said:

If 'bro' clung to yesterday's ideology, or even last week's ideology, then wouldn't that be ego attachment to the past and a hindrance to awareness being present? So always staying in the present perception would be an 'enlightened' way to be, true?

Although, just not vomiting it on the forum as if it's universal gospel truth is the next step. Hah

Right, but it is odd for someone to change ideologies so often like it's a new pair of clothes. Never seen it before. An ideological chameleon. It's like they don't even take their own ideas seriously. But at the same time I don't think they are trolling. They're not transcending ideologies, they are just changing it a lot. 

Describe a thought.

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5 hours ago, Osaid said:

Right, but it is odd for someone to change ideologies so often like it's a new pair of clothes. Never seen it before. An ideological chameleon. It's like they don't even take their own ideas seriously. But at the same time I don't think they are trolling. They're not transcending ideologies, they are just changing it a lot. 

this is what all philosophers do ... it's time to roll out my new grand vision and see how amazingly smart and deep the masses think i am ... it is self glorification rather than self realization, the first of which makes you proud and the second ordinary

Edited by gettoefl

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Theory, lots of theory. Wait until this temporary human experience ends and the sobriety of your view from the higher levels of reality slowly begins to return. Sometimes a sufficiently strong stress test is enough, provided that it does not tear the ego-mind into pieces. But this is an extremely rare occurrence unlike the death of the physical body, which is a massive, everyday occurrence on this planet.

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23 hours ago, Someone here said:

Do you think more meditation is necessary ?
Do you think you need to clear your mind more ?
Do you think you need to activate a specific chakra ?
Do you think it's necessary to self inquire for months ?
Bullshit! All of it. Enlightenment is your natural state of being. Everything is already enlightened. All is well. It's the seeking that veils it. Just like thinking that you need money or sex to be happy in life.. The same goes for thinking you need to blast off on psychedelics to be who you already are. 

You will be chasing your tail FOREVER 

Yeah. Good luck with that approach

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What you say is obvious, in your experience you are alone. If a tooth hurts, it only hurts you, the others are part of the things that appear in your experience. This seems like a discovery. well....but this means absolutely nothing, since the one who is alone is the self, the center of the experience, and this self is not real. It is a creation, a consequence of perception, of movement. Spirituality means going beyond the self, where there is no center, perception or experience. where nothing is the same as everything, and where there is no loneliness, since there are no limits. The unlimited is not alone, because being infinite is everything. It is not one, it is not two. If you think it is one, it is a limited vision.

Edited by Breakingthewall

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21 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

The unlimited is not alone, because being infinite is everything. It is not one, it is not two. If you think it is one, it is a limited vision.

So that means the unlimited can also be alone, one, two, and a thinking limited vision :o

I AM nutz

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