
Be Still, And Know That You Are God.

16 posts in this topic

10 hours ago, John Flores said:

@Shin WARNING: Don't drive for 1/2-1 hour after listening to this

Why ? Did you dieded ?

Welcome to the doge heaven my doge, just don't forget to shit everywhere and say wow for no reasons.

Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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All experiences begin in you and end in you. Everything begins with you and ends with you.

Edited by Loreena

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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Isn't knowing that you are God viewed as egoic?  Or if it is the truth, then it can't be considered egoic, but going around shouting you are God to others might sound kinda Egoic :D

-1/12 is Infinity 

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@Dodoster Hey bud, hope its going well with you.  Realizing you are god realization.  Let's break this down a bit though.  Most rational people confuse spiritual people with being religious.  That's mistake one.  I'm very spiritual but won't TOUCH religion with a ten foot pole.  Shouting that you are god to an unsuspecting public would be proselytizing right?  That's why we have religion.  The message was mistaken, although the intent was genuine.  You can know you are god and that's fine, but there's a reason the sages, mystics, gurus and such keep it to them self and its not because of ego.

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The statement "I am God" has the same meaning as "I am one with everything". Ego comes when God is thought to be an omnipotent "person".

Btw, have you noticed this? If you add two letters to "God" and change three, you will get "Barna". Coincidence? I don't think so... 

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17 minutes ago, Barna said:

The statement "I am God" has the same meaning as "I am one with everything

God is on my doorstep. Should I let him in? He's out there saying "Hello!"


Edited by cetus56

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17 hours ago, John Flores said:

@cetus56 God is cool. But Yahweh is cooler ;) lol 

Don't call it like that, it's disrespectful, you have to call it YHWH


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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6 minutes ago, John Flores said:


The Great Sanhedrin in Jerusalem hates Jesus's way of expalaibunf the purpose of the Sanhedrin and how it was not to enact MORE laws and create systems of control and so they refused to accept him as a primary authority. This is why he said "I have not come to nullify the Torah, on the contrary, I'm here to UPHOLD it"

That's true. You know that I always think about that concept that the Hebrews had about the names of God. They say God has infinite names, etc... And it comes to my mind that they didn't name him, not because of respect alone, but because it can't be named!!!

But a lot of people now doesn't understand it, so sad... but I suppose that this is the way it has to be.


Edited by abrakamowse

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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@John Flores, isn't Enki's power and weapon hate? And isn't God's power and weapon love? 

If you hate Enki, doesn't it mean that he already has you on his side? :) 

You cannot win this war with hate, now you see it, don't you? :D 

I think the only reason you've chosen hate is because no one taught you how powerful love is and how to use it. 

Let me show you how powerful love is against hate:
Love all your hate within you. Love the hate in you so much that you fully penetrate it. Get inside hate, feel it from the inside, feel it fully. Fully become hate itself. And love this feeling! Do it now!

As soon as you do it, hate disappears. This is how powerful love is. This is the way to fight Enki. Love it to death. Love won't intensify it's negative pole. Love will make it disappear. 

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20 hours ago, Barna said:


20 hours ago, cetus56 said:

God is on my doorstep. Should I let him in? He's out there saying "Hello!"


you are tripping, aren't you? :)) 

Yea. kind of. haha What is God is simply everything that is.  Every sensation, emotion, sight, taste, smell, sound. This is it! To think that God could be anything "other" is the separation of self from all that exists. But so many people don't understand this. They believe that God is something other that has to be acquired or found when in fact they're seeing right past God. God is always right here, saying "Hello". All that needs to be done is to open the door and let him in. This is what I was thinking last night when I left that reply. Also I was contemplating how accepting that all is God is not as easy as it sounds. It means total acceptance of all things bar none. I think this is the hardest part for most to do including myself. To truly open that door and let God in can be overwhelming for the ego that would rather hide behind it's walls of security.

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Be still, and know that you are god

Take a night walk, and LOOK !


Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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29 minutes ago, cetus56 said:

Yea. kind of. haha What is God is simply everything that is.  Every sensation, emotion, sight, taste, smell, sound. This is it! To think that God could be anything "other" is the separation of self from all that exists. But so many people don't understand this. They believe that God is something other that has to be acquired or found when in fact they're seeing right past God. God is always right here, saying "Hello". All that needs to be done is to open the door and let him in. This is what I was thinking last night when I left that reply. Also I was contemplating how accepting that all is God is not as easy as it sounds. It means total acceptance of all things bar none. I think this is the hardest part for most to do including myself. To truly open that door and let God in can be overwhelming for the ego that would rather hide behind it's walls of security.

I understood all this intellectually. But I cannot feel it on a physical level. All my cells should explode in ecstasy by every single experience of the present moment. But they don't. Nasty little cells...! :D So I started listening to Matt Kahn talks. And I started to read his free book. And now I feel better than ever before. :) 

Edited by Barna

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@John Flores you are lost in beliefs and paradigms. 

Thank you for being here. You will learn a lot if you pay attention. :) 

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@Shin, sorry for hijacking your thread. I tried the impossible and I failed. :D 
Btw, thank you for the sound you shared, I listened to that two days ago and it really helped me to reach a deep meditative state. :) 

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