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Pedro M

Ask me questions about calisthenics

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And i can give advices if you have some doubts about this type of training. 


I am intermediate on calisthenics, i have some moves like: front lever, handstand, handstand push up, 90 degree push up, muscle up, and another moves. 

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2 hours ago, Rafael Thundercat said:

Any link or book with all the concise info to do it?

Overcoming gravity is a good book about calisthenics. 


The best youtube channel in my opinion is frinksmovement.


In few words, if you want to learn some movement but you aren't strong enough, you can train with a movement that mimics the end goal movement. If you want to learn a pull up but it's too hard, you can do australian pull ups. 

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Do you also do yoga? How would you differentiate between yoga and calisthenics?


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On 01/01/2024 at 8:55 PM, Yimpa said:

Do you also do yoga? How would you differentiate between yoga and calisthenics?

I train some movements that have a similar pattern of some movements of yoga. Yoga have lot of movements that requires a good amount of flexibility, and can help you to learn moves like handstand, v-sit and anothers moves. 


But i would say that the biggest difference between these two is that yoga have a lot of focus on your breathe and flexibility, and calisthenics is more focused on strenght and Hypertrophy.


It's a cool combination. 


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On 1/4/2024 at 4:24 PM, Pedro M said:

It's a cool combination. 

Nice! Yoga and Calisthenics should consider goin’ on a date with each other, they sound very much compatible.


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front lever is haaaaard. Did calisthenics for 2 years and wasn´t able to do it :( 

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3 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

front lever is haaaaard. Did calisthenics for 2 years and wasn´t able to do it :( 

Embrace the resistance with openness and curiosity. 


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On 07/01/2024 at 7:43 PM, Javfly33 said:

front lever is haaaaard. Did calisthenics for 2 years and wasn´t able to do it :( 

Yes. There are easier moves that can build muscle and strength before you begin the true train for learning the front lever. Before i began the training for the front lever i already could do like 5 pull ups touching the waist on the bar and hold the dragon flag(known as bruce lee abdominal) for a more than 10s.

On calisthenics if your foundation is amazing, you will learn skills faster instead of jump straight to progressions of the skill. There are some things that can help you on that journey:

-Get good at high pull ups (touch the waist on the bar).

-Training less legs(or not training legs at all). I know that can let you with a strange body, but strong lats and chicken legs will give you a very faster progress. And after learning the movement it's easier to maintain and return to leg training.

-Negatives can help too. You can hang on the bar and slowly lower your legs to the front lever position on a progression that you can hold (tuck, advanced tuck, one leg or straddle). That is a hard exercise, but you will gain a lot of strength.

I would say that most people will progress faster if they put a little bit more of effort on hypertrophy.

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On 07/01/2024 at 1:17 PM, Yimpa said:

Nice! Yoga and Calisthenics should consider goin’ on a date with each other, they sound very much compatible.

It's a marriage that can last a long time :)

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