
women and enlightenment

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How many women you know, truly got enlightened in history?

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I’m not sure, but Byron Katie has achieved incredible things in her own right, perhaps the woman who wrote Collision with the Infinite. 

I really don’t know but regardless it’s a rare thing.

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2 hours ago, Naizis said:

@Princess Arabia I'm a woman 😅

Nice to know. I need some help around here. Joking, but it didn't matter

because women can be sexist too against other women. It's called Internalized Sexism. 

Anyway, I've realized that it's not so no need to harp on that. 

I don't know the answer to your question, though, as I'm not a big fan of enlightenment as it is usually portrayed and understood to be.

 by most.

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Jeffery Martin did a study of enlightenment and said he estimates 40% of people reporting enlightenment are women 

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I think this woman seems to be, at least she appears to have high consciousness, she has a lovely channel:



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Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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What does enlightenment have to do with gender and identity? Nothingness at all!

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Historically, only men's opinion were regarded as important and worth sharing, so accounts of enlightened women might not have been shared. Women were discouraged and prohibited from doing and saying many things. If they shared their own case, it'd have likely been covered by religious dogma and overly metaphorical terms for them to be socially acceptable. Circumstances are secondary to becoming conscious, anyone can pursue and achieve results.

Edited by UnbornTao

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32 minutes ago, Tboy said:

I think this woman seems to be, at least she appears to have high consciousness, she has a lovely channel:



You're sharing her and saying she seems to be enlightened when she doesn't even consider herself enlightened. As far as she's concerned, we're all already Awake. She's just there to point us to what's already there.

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2 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

As far as she's concerned, we're all already Awake.

We’re all experiencing insomnia cus of her. Someone call her a sleep doctor!

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2 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

We’re all experiencing insomnia cus of her. Someone call her a sleep doctor!

You better leave my girl alone before I put you to sleep.😜

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What do Anna Brown and Teal Swan have in common?

They’re both artful (and awwful) teachers! 

Now that I have your attention, here’s a brown teal.

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2 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

What do Anna Brown and Teal Swan have in common?

They’re both artful (and awwful) teachers! 

Now that I have your attention, here’s a brown teal.

Now this is starting to sound sexist. It's you though yimpa so no worries, you're both genders. Lol

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1 hour ago, Princess Arabia said:

You're sharing her and saying she seems to be enlightened when she doesn't even consider herself enlightened. As far as she's concerned, we're all already Awake. She's just there to point us to what's already there.

okay, I don't know her work that well so if she said that then fair enough but I was just trying to share women that appear me to be higher consciousness

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7 minutes ago, Tboy said:

okay, I don't know her work that well so if she said that then fair enough but I was just trying to share women that appear me to be higher consciousness

She is. Is just this enlightenment term is over used and misrepresented in terms of what it actually means.

Know thyself....

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Not sure about enlightenment but they are definitely more spiritual so it could be higher than men. I beleive they have to be more submissive so they are easy to surrender but they also relinquish their authority to do so. Women are more open minded and emotional mostly, men tend to focus on physicality and ignore spiritual stuff. Maybe it will change

Edited by Hojo

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