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Keryo Koffa

Fractal + Qualia + Brain + Dreams | Contemplation and 10th Trip Integration

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Integrating my 10th Psychedelic Trip.

Status: | Senses ✔️ | Energy ❓ | Contemplation 🚀 |

Existence divides itself into observer and observed, then complexifies indefinitely. Connected to a body is the brain, a complex qualia filtering circuit evolved by survival in our universe. Our universe, an entropic dimension and holon inside an infinite self-expanding fractal. It's semi-deterministic, infinitely connected to non-euclidean space, of which it is a subset and maintains its specific form. Non-euclidean space is intuited in math and nature and experientially confirmed in “DMT-Hyperspace” and NDEs. Determinism doesn’t explain unimaginable information from outside the brain circuitry, nor the nature of consciousness. The relation and extent of determinism to consciousness expansion are a mystery. 

Consciousness flows into a circuit (brain) which directs the experience and observation of qualia, imagining itself as a lifeform. Qualia reflects physicality and determinism, actions and behaviors. The circuit is complex and self-adaptive. There is no initial identity, but there is intuitive avoidance of certain stimuli, the origin of desire and identity. The brain is a dynamic and explorative neural network. It maps experience in its net of neurons, but the nature of experience is variable and the process mysterious. The experience of Sense-Data contextualizes intuition and generates new qualia. Neural plasticity increases navigational capacity which enables intuition, constructing abstraction by qualia memory interconnection.

Psychedelics interconnect brain regions and disrupt the DMN (Default Mode Network) .Increase in neural activity affects: | Activation -> Senses | Access -> Pattern-Recognition | Interconnection -> Intuition|. Ego-Disruption opens the mind gates to a flow of qualia, similar to sleep, but in a consciously aware state. Rapid shift in consciousness and intuition untangle mind from body to enter fractal space aka. "Astral Projection". Upon return, information is mapped onto the brain imperfectly due to limits in simultaneous perception, fading memory and reprioritization of physical existence.

In dreams, the brain enters different modes and opens itself to an inflow of qualia. Integrating new experiences safely benefits survival and connects us to our infinite nature through released control and identity experimentation. Sleep is a state of selective ego-dissolution which causes the same "Astral Projection" as Psychedelics, but in a decreased state of conscious awareness, unless lucid. The brain navigates new experience in reference to its neurally mapped qualia sense making framework, a coherent state of conscious reasoning. Qualia is fractal, so the brain is technically always in intuition mode. 

Indoctrination is a societal safety mechanism, where guilt and shame are used for homeostasis. Assimilating individuals into identities deemed collectively beneficial. In such a perceptually mechanical reality, through repetition, the brain's weights and biases become more coherent and less dynamic. This happens through surrender of the present contentment, which spawns neuroses, it starts with an anxiety of being misunderstood and consensus based validity of ideas and opinions. Suffering originated as resistance to physical death but continues nowadays as a self-rationalized surrender to powerless behavior for a “greater good”.

Psychedelics are outlawed for their individualistic and structure dissolving properties, dynamic understanding expansion, ego-death and mind reinventive capacities. Naturally, all dangerous traits to unprepared individuals, excuse enough for criminalization spread further through consensus and false equivalence based fear mongering. Hiding a dimension of reality without studying it, clearly an ego and fear centered decision. The state of psychedelics is as grander than all wars in influencing human evolution.

Yet the butterfly effect makes our existence in any other world impossible. We only exist now, this conscious state of mind configuration and experience, ultimate identity through being as we are. Existence is a consistent hallucination, specific qualia navigation, a configuration of consciousness.

 “If identity is interpretation and humanity abstraction, then everything is alive” - myself, two trips ago

“Health Benefits are just a side effect of a higher state of Consciousness” - my annoyance every time I hear someone  talk about psychedelics for “treatment and health benefits”, acting as if we didn’t know that for millennia and had gazillion of research and empiric data for over half a century already, also ignoring the mind expanding, reality morphing capabilities, instead focusing on basic human bs.

Afternote: When I say things like “consciousness flows into the circuit” it is illustrative. Of course the circuit is itself consciousness, but I’m trying to communicate dualistic understanding in a metaphorically intuitive manner. A way to understand holistically, top down. Holism still has objects, holism is still a system, though a more whole one and the best one I know, that isn’t just incommunicable nothingness. Maybe the journey for more understanding is quite arbitrary when knowledge is as infinite as the fractal that spawns it. But I’m still fascinated, and I’m still alive, so I’m doing alive things, since I find myself unable to enter psychedelic “Hyperspace” at will yet. Gotta train those awareness muscles! Or is it the letting-go muscles? Or is it letting go of muscles? Either way, I still exist and I don’t know how to unexist myself yet, so I’m burning my karma while expanding my sense of self instead.

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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@Keryo Koffa
Thank you. That's a very comprehensive way to structure different aspects of physical and behavioral experience, and how they link to non-physical experience.

The Birth/Death/Birth fractal pattern is a piece missing in this model that would be interesting, as it would frame more of it, but I feel I should say take a rest for a good long while, that was a big download. My intuition is saying don't push yourself in these, take it slow and steady.

We hide aspects of reality all the time. Either through focus, a universal magnifying glass looking at something. Parts of our mind being engaged, while others are not. Having energy available to do or be something. The universal fractal consciousness design, limits access to certain patterns, until we align in certain ways with the greater whole more. This happens both in physical and non-physical life, all through our life experience, it is no different when talking about altered states of consciousness, or what people call spiritual gifts for example. These things unlock when the pattern we are aligns in the correct ways.

A disconnect I had was, that I was considering these states of experience somehow separate from each other. Sleep - Wake - Meditation - Altered State of Consciousness. What you've done is give me a model that allows all these pieces to better fit. Not completely, you still described these things like separate subjects. But I can see yet more cause/effect here linking them now and for that I wanted to offer gratitude.

Language is hugely fractal, and forms understanding, which forms our representation of the world, which forms our world.

Here is someone you might find interesting. I'm not 100% in alignment with his perspective/reality, but it might give you something.


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Essentially a powerful message here in this context. The closer the words you say are to the universal fractal design, the more they are likely to take root. The closer your actions are, the more likely they are to find success. The closer your ideas are, the more they are usable, stable, or enhancing.
I've always known this but I've had a lot of resistance to it.

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@BlueOak Same, I was very neurotic before I started psychedelics, it wasn't about not having insights, but accepting and moving on with confidence, to know you can be wrong but ignore that fear and instead push through to integrate the infinity of experience as it arises. I used to want to understand reality bottom up, but the bottom is a local survival based interpretation full of self-delusions and enforced separation. It's societal programming.

Now that I'm transcending that and continuously growing my understanding, I reason top down, the highest perception I am able to achieve through elevated states of consciousness, and then contextualize reality in a way that is able to account for ever more contradictions and aligns with the perspectives I experientially access.

We have this capacity, that most have exponentially limited inside themselves. The capacity to reinvent oneself and one's understanding by the second, to not be attached to one's models and let them be recontextualized upon every new insight, to treat everything case by case and access the entirety of one's brain to come to a decision based on a broad holistic network of universal perspective integration. Basically, to reconsider everything, but know that you need to continue until you have a better model.

There's this notion that the goal is to be Non-Dual and I think we're heading there anyway, but without division, there is no perceiver and perceived, there is existence but no consciousness, as there is nothing to be conscious of. To see through the delusion of ego is clearly progress towards growth and a better life, but I wouldn't go so far as to preach non-existence, instead merely non-attachment. Although I'm not sure that's possible either without becoming the other, really just highly conscious attachment, though even unconsciousness has its immersive benefits.

Anyway, I'ma watch that video right now.

Edited by Keryo Koffa

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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