
So My Friend Wants To Find Jesus

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a good friend of mine just asked me to accompany him on a hike to get more in touch with God. funny enough we'll be hiking in an area where i myself have seen the Colorado River Toad. :D but no we're not gonna disturb them. i was actually just gonna ask you guys what i should do to help guide him on his journey? he's not super into spirituality although he told me he does pray every night. where could i point him to help him have a powerful experience? keep in mind it should fit within' a vaguely catholic/christian belief structure. or should i just stay quiet and let him find his way on his own? i just think this could end up being very interesting. like what if he had an enlightenment experience? i know it sounds crazy but he doesn't need to deal with any of the inconvenient preconceived notions of enlightenment that we all struggle with. he has no understanding of non-duality thus freeing him of the concepts surrounding it and that could end up turning out very well for him.    

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You could also read a few things in the Bible and discuss with him what certain things mean to him and mean to you. I wouldn't throw advanced christian mystics at him like Meister Eckhart or Bernadette Roberts as they are overwhelming even for people on the path.

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@Prabhaker he's not much of a reader but i'll suggest them. i was mostly just wondering what maybe i could say to him that could get him to experience something. but thanks for the book recs i'll check those out even if he doesn't. 

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Links to audio discourses on Jesus (free download)

Come Follow Yourself

I Say Unto You


Excerpts from Osho's book 'I Say Unto You, Vol 1')

No other book starts that way, no other book can start that way. The Bible is 'the book of the books': that is the exact meaning of the word 'Bible' -- the Book. It is the most precious document that humanity has. That's why it is called 'The Testament', because Jesus has witnessed to God in it: Jesus has become the witness to God, a testament. It is the only proof possible. God cannot be argued, but only a man like Jesus can become a proof for him.

The Gospel carries all that is beautiful in Jesus' flowering, the Beatitudes. Those statements are the most beautiful ever made. Not even Buddha, not even Lao Tzu, have spoken that way. Buddha is very philosophic, very refined; Jesus is very plain, simple. Jesus speaks like a villager, a farmer, a fisherman. But because he speaks the way common people speak, his words have a solidity, a concreteness, a reality. Buddha's words are abstract; they are very very high words, philosophical. Jesus' words are down-to-earth, very earthly. They have that fragrance of the earth that you come across when the rains have started and the earth is soaking up the rains and a great fragrance arises -- the fragrance of the wet earth, the fragrance that you find on a sea beach, the fragrance of the ocean, the trees. Jesus' words are very very earthbound, rooted in the earth. He is an earthly man, and that is his beauty. Nobody else can be compared with that beauty. The sky is good, but abstract, far away, distant. So I say to you, no other book starts the way the Gospel starts; no other book talks the way the Gospel talks.

The word 'gospel' comes originally from a word GODSPEL. God has spoken through Jesus. Jesus is just a hollow bamboo. The song is of God, and Jesus' metaphors are very true to life. He is not spinning concepts, he is simply indicating the truth as it is.

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The only way to get in touch with God is through prayer. At least I found it that way.

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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49 minutes ago, Loreena said:

The only way to get in touch with God is through prayer. At least I found it that way.

You are God pretending to be you.

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Tell him to go there

@Martin123 I am a good doge, good doge learn from every kind masters :3


Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Everybody comes to this stuff in their own way, let Spirit guide them. I follow the golden rule: if you don't ask, I don't push.

Of course, he may not know what to ask for. In which case I'd just offer some suggestions. Meditation or yoga is an easy place to start getting into this kind of stuff.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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