
STOP Allowing your Attention to be HIJACKED - Fix your Technology 📱 Mega-THREAD

44 posts in this topic

I want to start a thread that recompiles all the good resources, tips, tricks , software, do's and don'ts about optimizing technology for Personal Development purposes.

Recently I've been putting more and more attention on how insidious modern technology is for our attention span, focus, productivity, dopamine and motivation system, etc.


The sad thing is that it's an absolutely miraculous tool with a potential beyond your imagination, but if it's not CAREFULLY designed for your advantage , it literally CRIPPLES your potential. 

Doing Personal Development with technology actively working against your interests ? Forget about it.






I have a long list that I will slowly share. Feel free to contribute if your idea has not been mentioned yet and you think it deserves to be on here.

Do's and Don'ts. Tips ands tricks. What to block / eliminate. What to invest in what to install.

Let's do it .

Edited by mmKay

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Android CEO taking a step in the right direction as company. Many don't even know you have this setting on your smartphone.


Edited by mmKay

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If you have stuff to do the next day and you're not at least loosely planning your next day before going to sleep, the f*ck are you doing? Get real bro



Edited by mmKay

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Healthy non intrusive notifications for the actual important  stuff. You can actually set it up so that they play your voice note whenever programed for.



Edited by mmKay

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Cold Turkey: Must need.

Stop burning willpower resisting temptations and distractions.   Get it on all your devices.

Is рØЯИ destroying your life by your own diagnosis? Some people can enjoy a moderate use. If that is not you, you need technology ON YOUR SIDE, not working against you 


Are you checking this forum OR WORSE compulsively throughout the day? ( Don't side stare me Leo)



Set rules for entertainment and social media. " No YouTube/Instagram/Forums between 2 Am and 10 PM" for example . 

Use technology to impose this if needed.

Edited by mmKay

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Voice typing has REALLY evolved. Do you want to finally practice speaking more? Do you have a lot of thoughts that you want to document but your fat fingers don't allow you to efficiency use your smartphone?

Put two and two together.

Smart Journaling. Contemplate out loud.



You can use this in any smartphone note taking app by clicking on the microphone button that displays on the top right ( in my case ) of your key board. It's better than you think. Check the settings . It allows for multiple language recognition  ( if you don't switch mid sentence)

Edited by mmKay

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Audible and audiobooks are great.

You know what's better? Your own audiobook.

Build it over time. Read it out loud,  Record it,  Listen to it to program your subconscious mind with what you've decided deserves to be in there.


Or you can use AI to clone your voice and create text to speech that actually resonates with you. Kinda uncanny sometimes. Give it a free test :


Expose yourself to new information, yes. But put effort to internalize what you know is GOLD.


It may be individual " mantra phrases" as well depending on your case 

Listen to it on loop as you drive, walk, run. Listen to it to muffle your toxic family's political  discussions 


I've only found "Loop player" on Play store for now. Lemme know if you can do better.

Edited by mmKay

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Mind mapping.

Flow charts.

SUPERCHARGE your journaling, contemplation, note taking and UNDERSTANDING by interconecting ideas in a non - linear fashion.

Specially useful to see a big picture of your life If your mind sucks so much you're not capable of holding multiple ideas at once in your mind ( no offense, may be genetic or because of heavy metals )


Also works for contemplation of complex concepts like the human condition or simpler concepts like your non existant s*x life 

Edited by mmKay

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Please fix your title of the thread so it's not so spammy

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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1 hour ago, Thought Art said:

Please fix your title of the thread so it's not so spammy

Haha that's ironic. Attention commanding title to stop your attention being taken advantage of. Cool paradox

Edited by mmKay

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4 hours ago, mmKay said:

I want to start a thread that recompiles all the good resources, tips, tricks , software, do's and don'ts about optimizing technology for Personal Development purposes.

Recently I've been putting more and more attention on how insidious modern technology is for our attention span, focus, productivity, dopamine and motivation system, etc.


The sad thing is that it's an absolutely miraculous tool with a potential beyond your imagination, but if it's not CAREFULLY designed for your advantage , it literally CRIPPLES your potential. 

Doing Personal Development with technology actively working against your interests is like consistently going to a buffee before doing cardio. Forget about it.






I have a long list that I will slowly share. Feel free to contribute if your idea has not been mentioned yet and you think it deserves to be on here.

Do's and Don'ts. Tips ands tricks. What to block / eliminate. What to invest in what to install.

Let's do it .

   I agree based on many developmental factors like Spiral Dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, 9 stages of ego development, Architypes by Carl Jung, Integral Theory's other lines of development in an individual's life to societal domains, and ideological beliefs indoctrinated by culture and family structure, and information ecology like social media, news, radio, video, TV programs and many more that are leveraged by big companies who are capitalist and neoliberal in ideology to manufacture consent in the population for conspicuous consumption. I definitely agree that technology as a developmental field is like a force multiplier for regressive and sometimes progressive trends in development. I made the following threads here about it:


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wow, thank you very nice tools. I just tried unhook and is a great extension. I always felt YouTube design was way too bloated

I´m going to try the other ones

Edited by Javfly33

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@mmKay stop being a hypocrite and change your profile pic :P

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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3 hours ago, Thought Art said:

Please fix your title of the thread so it's not so spammy

2 hours ago, mmKay said:

Haha that's ironic. Attention commanding title to stop your attention being taken advantage of. Cool paradox

And mods are commanders

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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@mmKay gotta be cruel to be kind 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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11 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

@mmKay gotta be cruel to be kind 

Chris… I’m going to this place called Kind Clinic soon. Thanks for ruining my excitement :/


Rise up from the dead and transcend ^_^

Edited by Yimpa
Removed the “t” since I’m getting “e”

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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