Keryo Koffa

Consciousness is Fractal

21 posts in this topic

Understanding is as limitless as the infinite and infinitely divisible fractal of consciousness that spawns it.

Everything is it, infinitely connected, infinitely contained, infinitely expressed. In all directions, forever and the human brain is one receptor and processor of experience, the qualia and state of mind acquired don't disappear, just become less accessible to the human who relies on their reality to maintain it. The simulation on the lowest level of qualia processing is all a grid of experience to form egos out of, but the broad net has the quality of complete remembrance.

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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It makes sense. Your awareness is always there, you can try to sharpen your senses, you can look past patterns, look inward, satisfy your theorizing, harmonize your emotions, consciously presently breath and take access through cold exposure, especially near the central nervous system, to both physically and mentally intuit the string behind your gaze, that which manifests itself through the body, that without form that all form wraps to distinguish. You can experience the resonance field of when you were still stardust, now a grander, self-organizing, part within infinite consciousness. And the physical form is the experience of that localized fractal that was always infinitely interconnected past the body, past the world, with everything else, and the more aware you become, the clearer your vision will be. Psychedelics take us past all the resistance straight to the root of the fractal. The brain, really just a pattern within it, outside and inside reality mimicking but different, one does not forget, but one does change and the focus is lessened and decontextualized. The network to unite all of experience is more dynamic where the brain interconnects, that's why psychedelics do such a great job. To let all those disparate areas light up that were always there collecting dust. There is only awareness and the continuous change of its form.

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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If more connections lit up, you'd see more things, if more neural connections became viable, you'd experience all experience, you'd lose yourself.

The brain is a filtering machine that starts with new identity forming patterns on each rebirth, one is recognized as everything and seeks to explore oneself, if one caused suffering, one seeks to unite with it and harmonize everything into a closed experienced omni-perspectival loop.

But awareness transcends that.

If the neural net becomes decentralized and all lights up all at the same time, these physical mechanisms of encoding fractal qualia in limited form to create a self-organism out of will become tangible and real.

Just like pure white light carrying united wavelengths, the conscious experiences and infinite and infinitely arbitrary depending on their origin.

The more this "physical world's" "neural activities" become apparent and understood the intuition of what makes them, the more we will collectively understand "psychedelic" experiences.

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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The Intersection, the Inflection point between unconscious and too conscious, really is just the lens focus in the fractal

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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@Keryo Koffa
Could I ask you to represent or detail the act of physical sleeping and dreaming within this model of reality?

Edited by BlueOak

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@BlueOak Essentially, your brain maps extra-dimensional qualia into its circuitry. It can open and close the inflow. Sleep evolved for survival purposes, in order to anticipate changes in a state where the physical body is safe but one can imagine dangers, or desires and explore reality. I have way more information to share, but I'll make a separate post about it.

Edited by Keryo Koffa
too much info, separate post for that

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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23 hours ago, BlueOak said:

@Keryo Koffa
Could I ask you to represent or detail the act of physical sleeping and dreaming within this model of reality?

Once you are awakened then you no longer lose 'control' or even change in your dreams.  You are always aware of what you are and dreams become a place to experience and even 'work' on another cosmic level that is just as real as your waking world.

My own thought is that your awareness is like a cellular bubble within your spine, and it moves up and down your Nadi on some sort of pattern.  When that awareness is riding the pingala 'solar' Nadi - you are awake and experiencing "reality".  When it is riding the Ida 'Lunar' nadi, then you are sleeping and your reality experience blooms from illusion.  Yet it is the same bubble of awareness in each!

A person who is fully awakened no longer has an "unconscious" mind and so there's no part of it to get confused or forget itself.  When I sleep I am the same boring old Goddess I always am, just doing cosmic chores in dream land and I rarely even remember, they just feel like 'work'.  Honestly feels like a lot of meetings, like we're receiving instructions that I do not yet comprehend or remember.  I'm not worried in my dreams at least.  Everything makes sense, there.

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On 12/23/2023 at 1:43 AM, Keryo Koffa said:

Understanding is as limitless as the infinite and infinitely divisible fractal of consciousness that spawns it.

Everything is it, infinitely connected, infinitely contained, infinitely expressed. In all directions, forever and the human brain is one receptor and processor of experience, the qualia and state of mind acquired don't disappear, just become less accessible to the human who relies on their reality to maintain it. The simulation on the lowest level of qualia processing is all a grid of experience to form egos out of, but the broad net has the quality of complete remembrance.

You are really on it as well, though I'd like to help you push even further - consider there's a two part system of reality, that which is and that which is not.  That which is, is witnessed by consciousness - that which is not, is not, and instead it provides the divine spark of life for that moment of consciousness to bloom into a reality to experience.

All consciousness is inherently masculine, as it is the job of the masculine to provide FORM to creation.  God acts as a witness to their own creation, order to instantiate it into decohered matter.  

I agree that consciousness is fractal in nature, and this is because it originates from the light of the Sun.  The Sun is Divine Consciousness, though most human beings only experience Lunar Consciousness, which is a watered down non-divine "unauthorized" version.  Both are 'masculine' no matter who experiences them as all consciousness is masculine, yet only one of them - the Sun - is divine.

Pondering Gottfried Leibniz's Monadology may have value.  As beings, we are each a fractal.  There is a 'first emanation' - a single individual upon whom the Divine Consciousness touches first, before it splits and touches others.  A being will automatically recognize the words of their level, and lower.  Words from higher emanations often feel "sickening" or "frightening", and many will run away from them which is to flee enlightenment - the amygdala will frighten people away from higher emanations, because the amygdala wants you all stuck within illusion.

Yet it is complicated as I believe there is a first emanation from Darkness, yet also a first emanation from Light, almost like two different dimensions.  They are both of God and they should not fight or compete, yet I do believe at this time many of the world's problems are because these two forces of energy are resisting union.  One side - light - has gotten used to privilege in the illusion and is trying to resist God.

I'm from Team Darkness.  I enjoyed your post.

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10 minutes ago, Ariel the Lion Face said:

Honestly feels like a lot of meetings, like we're receiving instructions that I do not yet comprehend or remember.  I'm not worried in my dreams at least.  Everything makes sense, there.

I had a dream last night that I was President Biden, about to go on stage to present a speech in front of a large audience.

You’d be amazed how even the most powerful people in society still deal with doubt, fear, and confusion. They mask it very well.

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Just now, Yimpa said:

I had a dream last night that I was President Biden, about to go on stage to present a speech in front of a large audience.

You’d be amazed how even the most powerful people in society still deal with doubt, fear, and confusion. They mask it very well.

Oh, but he should!  He's hiding a lot and he's not being authentic.

Anyone who is not authentic should be terrified.  Biden has been thunderously inauthentic, his entire life - most politicians have.

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2 minutes ago, Ariel the Lion Face said:

Oh, but he should!  He's hiding a lot and he's not being authentic.

Anyone who is not authentic should be terrified.  Biden has been thunderously inauthentic, his entire life - most politicians have.

Authenticity is not a binary, it is a spectrum. Like different sized dens for canaries.

To be or not to be, that depends on a multitude of factors.

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1 hour ago, Yimpa said:

Authenticity is not a binary, it is a spectrum. Like different sized dens for canaries.

To be or not to be, that depends on a multitude of factors.

No it's not binary - which is why his presentation is inauthentic.  He is binary.  Fake.

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2 hours ago, Keryo Koffa said:

@BlueOak Essentially, your brain maps extra-dimensional qualia into its circuitry. It can open and close the inflow. Sleep evolved for survival purposes, in order to anticipate changes in a state where the physical body is safe but one can imagine dangers, or desires and explore reality. I have way more information to share, but I'll make a separate post about it.

Thanks for the Qualia mention, not seen that before. Makes sense. At the moment I understand when we sleep we re-intergrate with our infinite awareness.  So I was interested to see how you worded that in the way you were modeling reality. The disconnect is, I understand I am always the wider awareness deciding to be limited, yet I've experienced awareness shrinking and growing to be small or infinitely so big dimension no longer exists. 

Fractal is more defining than saying cyclic, like the golden mean re-creating itself eternally, or the perpetuation of physical existance: ex: Seed to Planet to Seed, done in a fractal form. It also makes sense how breaks in a pattern are magnified until a new one emerges. I think this way of looking at it will help.


2 hours ago, Ariel the Lion Face said:

Once you are awakened then you no longer lose 'control' or even change in your dreams.  You are always aware of what you are and dreams become a place to experience and even 'work' on another cosmic level that is just as real as your waking world.

My own thought is that your awareness is like a cellular bubble within your spine, and it moves up and down your Nadi on some sort of pattern.  When that awareness is riding the pingala 'solar' Nadi - you are awake and experiencing "reality".  When it is riding the Ida 'Lunar' nadi, then you are sleeping and your reality experience blooms from illusion.  Yet it is the same bubble of awareness in each!

A person who is fully awakened no longer has an "unconscious" mind and so there's no part of it to get confused or forget itself.  When I sleep I am the same boring old Goddess I always am, just doing cosmic chores in dream land and I rarely even remember, they just feel like 'work'.  Honestly feels like a lot of meetings, like we're receiving instructions that I do not yet comprehend or remember.  I'm not worried in my dreams at least.  Everything makes sense, there.

A while ago I asked if I could get back more to spiritual focus, thanks for coming when you did. I've felt Kundalini Energy as an example, but wouldn't the spine also just be observed in that process? And so be inside the awareness? At least if we've developed any energetic or body awareness, or allowed our awareness to encompass the body by default. -  The universe around us would also be doing the movement along the spine in some form on a macro level.

We can still do similar things dreaming unconsciously. Just like we can do tasks unconsciously while awake to a certain degree, following through the motions. Just setting intent before we sleep is usually enough, unless my greater universal mind wants to show me or do something else, or it doesn't serve life to do what I intended.

Awakening is not a singular event, it happens over and over and over forever if we allow it. You can also close off parts of your being and reopen them, often by design to give you glimpses of more. You have to do this for example if your upper energy centers are drained or out of alignment, they no longer function as they did. ex: Becoming increasingly selfless, raises the amount of energy you have available in your upper centers for them to begin to function. Whereas being more selfish, means you are allocating more energy/focus/time/motion to your own desires. A more simple example, is just being shattered after a long day at work, and you want to switch off entirely (go largely unconscious). The reason many of us don't dream is that we are mentally engaged all day every day or stressed out, its not a lack of development or universal will for awareness to connect in that way, its a lack of retained energy.

All of us get signals from our senses all day every day, we just don't notice them or even know they are relevant, sometimes by design too. 

Edited by BlueOak

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@BlueOak I've done quite some contemplation, focusing on my insights and their nature following this trip.

It's a handful, but it goes over my current understanding of fractal locality, consciousness brain mapping, psychedelic functioning, dream mechanics, neurotic ego etc. Check it out! 


    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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Consciousness is consciousness and fractal is fractal, i give you that much 

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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@Dodo I'm noticing that more and more. A sword is a sword, it can be metal, wood, rubber, as long as it fulfills it's function, but a scythe is not a sword, but what about a scythe sword, one can create everything in-between. There was never a sword but a sword is and only ever was itself, a projection onto reality based on specific qualia experience. But a sword isn't material, it's just stuff that shapes around the form of sword and it's not qualia, that also wraps around the notion of a sword. The sword is not conscious but it is consciously observed, or is it? It's not observed, it is imagined, but it isn't imagined, it is intuited. But what is intuition? The sword isn't fractal, a fractal is just an idea, or pointer to an experience, but a sword is just a sword. Does a sword exist? Yes, no, maybe?? Is sword in time and space? Yes, no, maybe? Is a sword outside of existence? Ehhhhh.... Is the sword god? No, what's a sword? A sword is made of sword

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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1 minute ago, Keryo Koffa said:

but a scythe is not a sword, but what about a scythe sword, one can create everything in-between.


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@Yimpa I love you

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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7 minutes ago, Keryo Koffa said:

@Yimpa I love you

That’s lovely, but please don’t don’t suck on my



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@Yimpa God is such a weirdo. Am I me or am I him? If I am you and you are I for there is no you and I, then what's issing?

The only way to understand that guy is to become that guy. Who's even doing the sucking at that point? Me, myself and I?

Is this plane made for self delusion or is it a game to transcend it or is it just a side effect? Who am I supposed to suck?


    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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