
Why I am afraid of my answers ? -- Can someone direct me to specific ways to find ou

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Hello there guys , i hope you are doing well . 

Why I don't give myself permission or at least sit and answer and follow the answer ? -- 

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16 hours ago, Past-Philosopher-562 said:

Hello there guys , i hope you are doing well . 

Why I don't give myself permission or at least sit and answer and follow the answer ? -- 

Maybe you need to ask a question first.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Alright outside this , I would ask you few questions . I am generally in a bad timeline where I am stuck down the hierarchy , my safety needs are the place where I am stuck the most at and I live in a third country . Either way this is not some victim story but keep this in mind and here is a few questions if you would like to answer :

  1. I am trying to write articles for myself as I explain a problem and how to fix it in my journey for self actualization . Like how to leverage brain and body cues to optimize sleep and awake cycle . Do you think it's an effective way of aiming for self actualization ? - or I am complicating this .
  2. How can I built trust in my way and ideas rather than outsourcing the validation for others ? -

I would appreciate if you answerde this . 

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To take these in reverse:

2, Get around people who are who you want to be. We naturally are inclined to live in a way, supported by the expectations of our peer group. People reinforce each other.

Others are you. You validate yourself. They will say something, you will give it meaning, and then respond to yourself. This effect is multiplied by others with similar aspirations to you, its also easier among minds wanting the same thing.

1, Writing can be part of the process. In 2009 - 2010, I had an awakening from writing about duality, during long stories on science fiction.
If you can self-reflect in or from your writing that will help. You can also sell them online for some passive income. I tend to find the honest breakthroughs I make from my own experience, interest people enough to read them. It's a resource inside yourself where others can find value, assistance, comfort, or validation in etc.

Learning to be concise, engaging and honest in your writing will help.

Edited by BlueOak

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12 hours ago, Past-Philosopher-562 said:

Alright outside this , I would ask you few questions . I am generally in a bad timeline where I am stuck down the hierarchy , my safety needs are the place where I am stuck the most at and I live in a third country . Either way this is not some victim story but keep this in mind and here is a few questions if you would like to answer :

  1. I am trying to write articles for myself as I explain a problem and how to fix it in my journey for self actualization . Like how to leverage brain and body cues to optimize sleep and awake cycle . Do you think it's an effective way of aiming for self actualization ? - or I am complicating this .
  2. How can I built trust in my way and ideas rather than outsourcing the validation for others ? -

I would appreciate if you answerde this . 

You build confidence in yourself by trying and testing your ideas. The writing articles sounds good to me but don't stick to it dogmatically, if you feel you want to try not doing them then try that as well.


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On 12/23/2023 at 6:31 AM, Past-Philosopher-562 said:

How can I built trust in my way and ideas rather than outsourcing the validation for others ? -

Expand your mind and be flexible with your thinking.

Is your way and ideas adaptable; are you open to seeing things in new  perspectives?


I AM Lovin' It

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