
Upon death one wakes up alone to the self

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From many experiences online as well as of course direct experience which is inseparable from my consciousness, I can only infer that when we die we don't wake up. The one self wakes up in either a solipsistic realization, or in a realization that it's god and it has been dreaming of being a man, a woman etc all simultaneously. Do you guys believe in any "others" when dead in the god state? What is your experience?

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Death is relative. Humans view it as existential and metaphysical because it is important to them and their survival. It says nothing about anything.

Describe a thought.

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Everyone is doing what you say, every day they are alive, step by step.

Death - Life same duality. If you want, choose this time to turn inside out of the body.

That's my experience. My understanding from mystics or spiritually developed people is that it is a choice when you die (and through life), to accept you are infinite love or not. I tried it this lifetime, but only got to glimpse the totality, and its beyond and words I can use to describe it.

Set the intent to turn your consciousness big, small, and infinite. Set the intent to get out of the body.  I found the shrinking and enlarging of my consciousness into infinity very helpful. It took me a few experiences for any fear related to completely letting go dissolve, when it has, it's a comfortable and easy transition. You don't need drugs for this, though I hear they can help, you just need routine.

Working on an ego renewal (realignment) certainly helps reduce fear. Self Inquiry. Yoga (Kundalini Yoga is the most intensive if you like that), Meditation on stillness (you), focusing on the breath also helps you leave the body. Cleansing the body of toxins. Harmonic solfeggio music and natural planetary frequencies for alignment, I found the sun the most intense at the time, try to get a recording of the sun/planets in the rawest form if you like audio. Burn white sage to clear the room, use Tibetan bells for frequency alignment of the space/mind. Remove electronics from the mediation/sleeping area. Accept everything and everyone as you and show gratitude, joy and love for it, start with the food in your hands. Crystal work, can be very small to position on the chakras at night, and moldavite to accelerate this worn around the neck. - Some of this is designed for rapid self-development, to realign your energy patterns to their natural state.

Are you ready to let go of your mortal pattern? Not death (that would be a mortal pattern), the total embrace of everything and everyone. Infinite love is that. The Death-Life Duality is splitting the stillness of your eternal being into two. Your pattern is not going to be magically different when you die, you get a choice to be, like you do right now.

Edited by BlueOak

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There is nothing but THIS here, including humans.

13 hours ago, Bulgarianspirit said:

Do you guys believe in any "others" when dead in the god state? What is your experience?

Of course. What is or could preventing GOD from imagining anything and nothing? GOD!

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We don't know what will happen. You might die and wake up 40 years later after you've already lived 40 years unconsciously again having no memory of this life. We don't know if you die you are in heaven or you die and become a rock. 

Edited by Hojo

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55 minutes ago, Hojo said:

We don't know what will happen. You might die and wake up 40 years later after you've already lived 40 years unconsciously again having no memory of this life. We don't know if you die you are in heaven or you die and become a rock. 

Or a 40-year-old virgin



Edited by Yimpa

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There is no such thing as god. God is a story humans created out of fear. It's like a needing mommy/daddy comlex. Or they just blindly follow religion/spirituality assuming it must be correct since so many others are doing it.

Basically humans are running around stuck in whatever line of thinking/conditioning/assumptions that sounded good for the illusion of self/ego at that period.

The body will surely die, but there never was a YOU inside of it, so nothing actually dies because it was never real from the start.

This is already death.

Truth as we know it, ends up being the disillusionment of all these silly human stories and beliefs...... Sure some of them sound good to the ego...... Doesn't make it true in anyway unfortunately 🤣 



“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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42 minutes ago, VeganAwake said:

There is no such thing as god. God is a story humans created out of fear. It's like a needing mommy/daddy comlex. Or they just blindly follow religion/spirituality assuming it must be correct since so many others are doing it.

Basically humans are running around stuck in whatever line of thinking/conditioning/assumptions that sounded good for the illusion of self/ego at that period.

The body will surely die, but there never was a YOU inside of it, so nothing actually dies because it was never real from the start.

This is already death.

Truth as we know it, ends up being the disillusionment of all these silly human stories and beliefs...... Sure some of them sound good to the ego...... Doesn't make it true in anyway unfortunately 🤣 



👁️this moth***er is A*W*A*K*E 👁️

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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It create directely a world for itsefl, all levels, all in itself of itself, game and player at same time. 


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Reality seems

8 hours ago, VeganAwake said:

The body will surely die, but there never was a YOU inside of it, so nothing actually dies because it was never real from the start.

Existence here and now exist. There is no doubt about that. What will happen when the body dies? That's the question 

Reality seems cyclical and everything has meaning and is interconnected. Reality is evolution, when this cycle comes to an end, another will begin, i guess that each time a little higher, until reaching a total level. and then I suppose that all reality will disaggregate completely again, in its most elemental, and start again, eternally. That seems a bit tiring, with no escape, but maybe it works different, who knows 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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9 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

There is no doubt about that. What will happen when the body dies?

You realize you’re imagining everything, including your body and physical death and infinite more stuffs.

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54 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

You realize you’re imagining everything, including your body and physical death and infinite more stuffs.

This, you don't witness your own dieng body or death, it's an illussion. You just switch your consciousness to the lonely self in nothingness.  How you see the world with your own eyes, is how you will view the nothingness or god self.


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On 12/26/2023 at 4:01 PM, Breakingthewall said:

Existence here and now exist. There is no doubt about that.

What will happen when the body dies? That's the question 

Reality seems cyclical and everything has meaning and is interconnected. Reality is evolution, when this cycle comes to an end, another will begin, i guess that each time a little higher, until reaching a total level. and then I suppose that all reality will disaggregate completely again, in its most elemental, and start again, eternally. That seems a bit tiring, with no escape, but maybe it works different, who knows 


Yes, I agree existence as we know it seems to be occurring.

I like pointing out all the concepts and beliefs that humans place overtop of existence/reality.

We create endless stories about who, what, when, where, why...


There must be a creator.

There must be a reason the creator created.

There must be a very important purpose to all of reality.

Maybe I'm the creator and forgot I created.

Maybe our spirits go to a heaven or hell realm.

If I seek and read enough human stories, I will one day have all the answers to the cosmos.

Maybe existence was created by intelligent aliens light years ago.

Maybe everything reincarnates and we never die.

Jesus died for our sins. 

......see my point.......

The stories and concepts are endless.... interesting of course, but when you "get down to the brass tacks" none of these beliefs really seem to make any logical sense. which is why the seeking usually continues.

See reality doesn't need a story.....it doesn't require the human desire for meaning, purpose  and value!!!!

Reality doesn't care whether or not humans approve of its functionality.

Only humans need the answer of why.

Can the human mind shatter its own conditioning to let go of these ridiculous belief systems?

...I think it's possible but very rare...


“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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8 hours ago, VeganAwake said:

See reality doesn't need a story.....it doesn't require the human desire for meaning, purpose  and value!!!!

Reality doesn't care whether or not humans approve of its functionality.

On 26/12/2023 at 11:13 PM, Yimpa said:


On 26/12/2023 at 11:13 PM, Yimpa said:


If you want, but reality is, and it happens. If your perception has some depth, you will quickly realize that absolutely everything is deliberate. Every little detail of this is a perfect flow. This is not an idea taken from a book or a logical deduction, it is something you see by observing reality, but to do so you must be able to observe reality without structure. penetrate into it and merge into it, be the reality. then you start to intuit. None of this is stories, it is direct vision. Límited to a certain point, but real. The interesting thing is to try to see deeper, but first you have to learn to see beyond the mind


Edited by Breakingthewall

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1 hour ago, Breakingthewall said:

If your perception has some depth, you will quickly realize that absolutely everything is deliberate. Every little detail of this is a perfect flow.

Gotcha yeah, & in that sense, you could say everything is in perfect flow since the planet is just the perfect distance from the sun to sustain life as we know it.... the heart is beating and pumping blood through the body.....☀️ summer spring winter fall and whatnot. Rabbits are out humping.

I'm not sure about deliberate as a description..... Here it seems random kind of like a runaway train without its conductor.

Someone could also describe it as complete chaos and anarchy 👹

I kind of like how jim newman describes it.

"There's only what seems to be happening" ‐  Jim Newman


“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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13 hours ago, VeganAwake said:

Gotcha yeah, & in that sense, you could say everything is in perfect flow since the planet is just the perfect distance from the sun to sustain life as we know it.... the heart is beating and pumping blood through the body.....☀️ summer spring winter fall and whatnot. Rabbits are out humping.

I'm not sure about deliberate as a description..... Here it seems random kind of like a runaway train without its conductor.

Someone could also describe it as complete chaos and anarchy 👹

I kind of like how jim newman describes it.

"There's only what seems to be happening" ‐  Jim Newman


I am not talking about a logical deduction resulting from the observation of the cosmos. Logically you can also think the opposite, I'm talking about being able to go beyond the mind, immerse yourself in the current moment, in reality, in yourself if you prefer, and feel and realize the flow of existence. This is spirituality and it can go very deep. Later logical constructions are inevitable, but you should not get attached to them, they are superficial, like everything mental.

The fun is when you can break the surface at will and immerse yourself in the flow of reality without interpreting and without evading. Most people live in evasion, some feel the need to stop and see if they normally live in interpretation, and others can leave that behind and live in the flow, but there are degrees here too. The thing is to increase the depth, get used to true life without a filter, leave behind any need for evasion, interpretation, rumination, any fear, and delve as far as possible into the mysticism of the now. That's where the beauty is. There is also beauty in love and work, but without depth in the end everything becomes unreal and twisted.

Edited by Breakingthewall

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On 26-12-2023 at 11:01 PM, Breakingthewall said:

Reality seems

Existence here and now exist. There is no doubt about that. What will happen when the body dies? That's the question 

Reality seems cyclical and everything has meaning and is interconnected. Reality is evolution, when this cycle comes to an end, another will begin, i guess that each time a little higher, until reaching a total level. and then I suppose that all reality will disaggregate completely again, in its most elemental, and start again, eternally. That seems a bit tiring, with no escape, but maybe it works different, who knows 

Evolution is an illussion, it seems like reality always evolves and changes. But the goal is never reached, the goal is gods understanding how it came to be, this is the limit of everything that is that i have witnessed many times @Breakingthewall


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On 12/29/2023 at 6:05 AM, Breakingthewall said:

I am not talking about a logical deduction resulting from the observation of the cosmos. Logically you can also think the opposite, I'm talking about being able to go beyond the mind, immerse yourself in the current moment, in reality, in yourself if you prefer, and feel and realize the flow of existence. This is spirituality and it can go very deep. Later logical constructions are inevitable, but you should not get attached to them, they are superficial, like everything mental.

The fun is when you can break the surface at will and immerse yourself in the flow of reality without interpreting and without evading. Most people live in evasion, some feel the need to stop and see if they normally live in interpretation, and others can leave that behind and live in the flow, but there are degrees here too. The thing is to increase the depth, get used to true life without a filter, leave behind any need for evasion, interpretation, rumination, any fear, and delve as far as possible into the mysticism of the now. That's where the beauty is. There is also beauty in love and work, but without depth in the end everything becomes unreal and twisted.


Yes enlightenment is completely inclusive... It does not exclude or evade what seems to be happening.

But This is already everything. It doesn't get any better.

There are not any degrees to reality though. That is a human made concept which is exactly the kinds of stories that go bye-bye upon real awakening.

Enlightenment has nothing to do with finding a better experience in the future.

It's the end of the self illusion that runs around thinking that it needs to be found.... It's the end of the seeker and it's conceptual filtration of apparent reality.

It's freedom from the very thing that simply cannot grasp, that freedom is all there ever was.


“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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11 hours ago, Yimpa said:

@VeganAwake damn right! 

Do you still consider yourself vegan? 

Hey there,

My whole family went vegan for about 4 years from 2017-2020. My middle son is the only one left eating fully vegan now, but we mostly all eat organic vegetarian....my Wife loves her shrimp though haha!

We haven't purchased any dairy milk for probably the last 10 years or so. We do almond, coconut or soy milks instead with cereal and whatnot.

I kept the user name veganawake anyways because that extreme diet change sorta kicked off the start of the spiritual journey here!


“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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