
What Does Hamas Want?

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Title: What Does Hamas ACTUALLY Want?


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"Hamas is a nationalist movement" lol.

Hamas is a Sunni Islamic terrorist organization affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood in Palestine.

They portray themselves as a nationalist resistance movement, but in reality, they are anti-nationalist Muslims.

When Hamas commits atrocities under the guise of nationalism, it aims to make their actions more tolerable to the Western world. Because the western world can tolerate killing Israelies if it's under the definition of "nationalistic movement" rather than the anti-nationalist radical Muslims they actually are.

Hamas never ceased to be antisemitic, only because they changed their initial highly antisemitic charter to something more tolerable for the western world, doesn't mean they actually changed. They never changed for good, only became more radical and religious over the years.

AJ is considered a direct propaganda tool for Hamas, so relying solely on it for information about Hamas automatically leads you to misinformation and undereducation.

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hamas want to wipe Israel from the face of the earth, that is what they actually want now they are seen as radical by a lots of people in the middle east 

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It doesn't matter if their creation stemmed from authentic feelings and a desire to do good for the palestinians (maybe) but that they have devolved along the way into a self destructive disorder fueled fundamentaly by hate not only to Israel but also to itself.

Edited by Nivsch

🌻 Thinking independently about the spiral stages themselves is important for going through them in an organic, efficient way. If you stick to an external idea about how a stage should be you lose touch with its real self customized process trying to happen inside you.

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Hamas in Gaza and the West Bank, Hezbollah in Lebanon, and the Houthis in Yemen are part of Iran's terror network in the Middle East.

There is a cold war between Iran and Saudi Arabia over who would be the ruler of the Middle East.

Saudi Arabia has full diplomatic relations with the US, which has always been intimidating for Iran, as it sees the US (and everything related to the US, like Israel) as its enemy.

No wonder the Hamas attack happened when Israel and Saudi Arabia started to negotiate normalization with the US as a mediator.

Iran knew that if Hamas, financially funded by Iran, attacked Israel, Israel would retaliate, affecting the normalization negotiation attempts between Israel and Saudi Arabia.


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1 hour ago, Nabd said:

Wrong question.

Should be: What does Iran and Israel want?

I am amazed at how people take Hamas seriously and start analyzing what they want and how they operate. It's children conversating and people who are not serious or like to be lied to.

   I agree, it's analogous to asking what group x wants, and they say "hamburgers" and describe themselves as "burger lovers" and other outside groups bicker whether they really love meat patty burgers or they're fronting and like fish burgers instead. Zooming and reducing and small picture thinking here. We should zoom out, go meta and ask "what does Burger King, fast food industry, meat businesses and fishing industry want as capitalistic ideologies trying to indoctrinate consumers?". We should go meta and consider the many developmental factors and be perspectival of this situation via Spiral Dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, 9 stages of ego development, Integral Theory's other lines of development in personal life to societal domains, and other ideological beliefs indoctrinated by culture, family structure, and information ecology via marketing and advertising, books, news, radio, video, TV, social media and algorithms hyper tailored to hook and in attention and curate content to user biases at the cost of brain rotting their attention spans and making them more narcissistic and self entitled.. However, due to polarization and propaganda, most will just be at tier 1 cognition, and have deep us versus them bias, and lose the bigger picture.

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Hamas wants Israel to die. It wants all jews in what is now Israel to die. 

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We havent heard anything from them directly very much like how Osama Bin Liden voice was censored in his open letter that social media banned.  

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What Does Hamas Want?

Love and understanding, like anyone else.

As with any identity, deeper aspects of Love can be discovered; that requires being beyond a narrow identity. The stronger the identification is to one biased aspect of reality, the more difficult it will be to be beyond.

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Picture yourself as a teenager or younger. All the mistakes and learning you had to do, before you became who you are.

Now picture you have little but violence to learn from. Nothing but hate or death as a teacher.
Anger, grief, and pain. A young, stupid, impressionable mind filled with hate.

That's most of Hamas.

A few live to become angry men who recruit them, but not many.

If you mean the leadership. All this is doing is giving them recruits.

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I have seen some videos of Mosab Hassan Yousef, also known as the 'green prince' and a son of the founding leaders of Hamas. He is anti-hamas for its terrorist stand and inclined to liberalism, rationalism and democracy in the middle east.

His explanation and analysis of the crisis in the Middle East is incisively logical and crystal clear . He appears to be a well-educated and intelligent man who had utilised the learning resources available to him in his travels around the world, which enabled him to think outside the box and figure out the bigger picture.

Similalry other Palestinian youngsters should similarly educate themselves, think critically and be self-aware, so that they will not end as unconscious puppets of the dysfunctional and regressive Hamas leadership.

Self-awareness is yoga. - Nisargadatta

Awareness is the great non-conceptual perfection. - Dzogchen

Evil is an extreme manifestation of human unconsciousness. - Eckhart Tole

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Posted (edited)

3 hours ago, Ajay0 said:

I have seen some videos of Mosab Hassan Yousef, also known as the 'green prince' and a son of the founding leaders of Hamas. He is anti-hamas for its terrorist stand and inclined to liberalism, rationalism and democracy in the middle east.

His explanation and analysis of the crisis in the Middle East is incisively logical and crystal clear . He appears to be a well-educated and intelligent man who had utilised the learning resources available to him in his travels around the world, which enabled him to think outside the box and figure out the bigger picture.

Similalry other Palestinian youngsters should similarly educate themselves, think critically and be self-aware, so that they will not end as unconscious puppets of the dysfunctional and regressive Hamas leadership.

I read his book, and it describes the amazing process he went through, from a Muslim Palestinian child, a son of one of Hamas founders (a Sheikh) who grew up in the West Bank in an environment hateful towards Israel, where nobody questioned it, wanting to kill Israelis (as described in his book) due to all the brainwashing he underwent from birth.

He evolved into a man who started questioning everything, including his religion and what he had been told about his enemies. He realized that his true enemies weren't the Israelis or Jews but Islamic radicals, like Hamas.

When he joined Israeli intelligence, he, for the first time, realized how horribly Hamas treated each other and Palestinians.

He rejected those values because he had a reference point to compare to, the Israeli intelligence, which treated him and themselves much more humanely, with better values and motives.

I find his testimonies highly reliable and credible because he fully experienced both sides. He experienced the true character of Hamas and the Palestinian reality as well as the Israeli side and reality for 10 years and he has a lot of valuable insights.

He evolved from a potential Hamas terrorist to a man who attends meditation retreats in East Asia. 

This is a beautiful story about the human potential, about courage, critical thinking, personal and spiritual development and about truth.

Here at the UN, he's talking about the fate of the Palestinian children and why they have to be saved from Hamas:


Edited by Lila9

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