
Attachment: How attached are you to your family?

22 posts in this topic

I barely have any relationship with my family, it's the greatest thing I ever did, it's like being reborn it really is, no chains, no way of failing anyone's manipulative expectations, I feel like an eagle flying above the clouds with nothing to lose.

I barely even think about them anymore, so resentment doesn't even come up. I've moved on. When I was a child I just hated my home life, control and manipulation, greed, envy, jealousy, materialism, people viewed as objects, no love.

I saw my mom once or twice this year, don't think I saw anyone else, I get the guilt trip but she knows I will just distance more from it.

Wish I did it sooner and possibly moved to another country.

I'd say what would make it easy is to either have a great friend group which I didn't have, or what I found as a surprisingly possibly better alternative is finding physical activities you love and eating super well, I don't require any socializing if I'm physically active and eating well, I actually perform better at life short-term wise that way, Long-term for me though is finding great friends and woman just because that's what I want in life though.

Edited by Devin

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Thank you all for your answers, perspectives and insights.

I deeply appreciate them.

Despite a few very psychologically dense individuals and despite all the fighting and arguing on this forum, you guys along with this community is like a family to me 🤍

Connect with me on Instagram: instagram.com/miguetran

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