
Different mental illnesses as different realities

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mental illness is a social construct, there's only states of consciousness. Reflecting back now that i'm recovering from ocd, it's like ocd was making me living in a different reality. In a video leo said, there's no such thing as reality, there's a muslim reality, a jewish reality, a budhhist reality, an atheist reality... We can apply this same model to mental illnesses: there's an ocd reality, an autistic reality, a schizophrenic reality, a depressed reality, a boderline personality disordered reality, a biopolar disordered reality... 

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47 minutes ago, Majed said:

mental illness is a social construct, there's only states of consciousness. Reflecting back now that i'm recovering from ocd, it's like ocd was making me living in a different reality. In a video leo said, there's no such thing as reality, there's a muslim reality, a jewish reality, a budhhist reality, an atheist reality... We can apply this same model to mental illnesses: there's an ocd reality, an autistic reality, a schizophrenic reality, a depressed reality, a boderline personality disordered reality, a biopolar disordered reality... 

OCD is a grasping of certainty- which cannot be grasped without omniscience.   Without awakening.  Awakening is the cure for OCD.  OCD puts the emphasis on your finitude, exposing it.   Schizophonia is another beast- this is where as a finite being you can still manifest anything imaginary into actuality in the dream.  You have the power of God but still inside a finite form.  It's honestly terrifying 

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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15 hours ago, Inliytened1 said:

OCD is a grasping of certainty- which cannot be grasped without omniscience.   Without awakening.  Awakening is the cure for OCD.  OCD puts the emphasis on your finitude, exposing it.   Schizophonia is another beast- this is where as a finite being you can still manifest anything imaginary into actuality in the dream.  You have the power of God but still inside a finite form.  It's honestly terrifying 

Sorry, can you please clarify what you mean with your writing about schizophrenia? 

Thank you, also thx for starting this topic Majed ❤️

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@Majed Eat healthy - one reality, eat shit - different reality. Everything, to even the hormonal levels, changes your perception. Even a bad night sleep can give you different perception of reality. I even wrote down a phrase when I had this insight during my meditation, and it goes something like "To be a saint you have to walk a very slippery road and not slip even once" It doesn't translate that good from my native language though. But you might get the point. When you are deep in this work 5years+ you start to understand how fragile your state of consciousness is! I myself always notice my consciousness going dark as soon as I eat something that's not good for my body. And after I go to the toilet to shit out what I ate the day before, the bathroom sort of lights up in front of my eyes LOL, and that changes the state of consciousness.


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15 hours ago, Inliytened1 said:

You have the power of God but still inside a finite form.  It's honestly terrifying 

Terrifyingly magnificent.

Over time, you learn to embrace this power, rather than to suppress or deny it. 

I AM Godzilla

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