Parallax Mind

A question of others

26 posts in this topic

Do other consciousnesses exist like other rooms in a house? They exist and not exist at the same time? 

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Don’t start threads if your gonna come here and act like a child.

Take a deep breath, and next time report people who are derailing threads. Don’t sink below others, and end up pulling the forum down as well.

Edited by Thought Art

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@Someone here Don’t derail people’s threads. 


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3 hours ago, Parallax Mind said:

Do other consciousnesses exist like other rooms in a house? They exist and not exist at the same time? 

They exist within your imagination. Now what is the difference between imagination and reality?  Nothing 

So do they exist? Well- no - there is only Consciousness.   Consciousness then slices up itself into differences. Like other consciousnessnsss.  It slices it up via imagination.   It can make differences infinitely.  Like the difference between the shoe laces on your shoe.  Or the quarks inside of a towel.

Edited by Inliytened1


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@Inliytened1 I locked this because of his cursing out of other members. 

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12 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

@Inliytened1 I locked this because of his cursing out of other members. 

Because they immediately dismiss solipsism.  Im unlocking it because he didn't deserve to be attacked.


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OK..sorry for trolling. 

For OP..the answer is NO.

You are helding the entire universe inside your consciousness. 

If consciousness is fundamental to reality (which it is ) then there is no escaping the solipsistic implications of that. 

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An immediate bias against solipsism- which @Someone here though he knows solipsism is ultimately true, is clearly apparent.  This guy was asking honestly with no preconceived notions - yet rather than getting a clear answer he was immediately dismissed.  Notice the deep bias here against Aloneness.  Even in those who know it is ultimately true. 

Edited by Inliytened1


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11 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

@Inliytened1 Attacked? 

There’s no excuse regardless for acting like that.

You can’t just start cursing other forum members out because they didn’t respond to the thread how you wanted. Conflict is fine… but I thought it was a bit much.

Than give him a warning but don't lock the thread.

Edited by Inliytened1


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@Inliytened1 Nothing can exist outside of consciousness. I agree . just like a dream at night has no existence outside of my mind . I know that solipsism is true but it's literally ruining My goddam life whenever I think about it . I know its true but I can't come to peace with it. Like what Rupert Spira said its madness .

Any advice? 

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1 minute ago, Someone here said:

@Inliytened1 Nothing can exist outside of consciousness. I agree . just like a dream at night has no existence outside of my mind . I know that solipsism is true but it's literally ruining My goddam life whenever I think about it . I know its true but I can't come to peace with it. Like what Rupert Spira said its madness .

Any advice? 

Imagination.   How do you think God escapes his sovereignty? It's through his imagination.   In that - you forget.   

I know you cherish your memories - but now think about how truly liberating forgetting is.


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2 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

Imagination.   How do you think God escapes his sovereignty? It's through his imagination.   In that - you forget.   

But I'm aware that I'm imagining you . If I close my eyes disappear  . If I go to sleep..the whole  universe disappear. 

Its soooo obvious when you think about it . .but I'm oscillating between realising that intellectually and pretending that I've never accepted this line of reasoning before. 

6 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

I know you cherish your memories - but now think about how truly liberating forgetting is.

How can I forget?  Leo has fucked my brain in the ass in his solipsism video xDjk.

I feel like I'm in the middle of grandiose cosmic conspiracy 🤔. 

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You want to be given an answer but it doesn't work like that. So who knows? 

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25 minutes ago, Someone here said:

But I'm aware that I'm imagining you . If I close my eyes disappear  . If I go to sleep..the whole  universe disappear. 

Its soooo obvious when you think about it . .but I'm oscillating between realising that intellectually and pretending that I've never accepted this line of reasoning before. 

How can I forget?  Leo has fucked my brain in the ass in his solipsism video xDjk.

I feel like I'm in the middle of grandiose cosmic conspiracy 🤔. 

If leo fucked your mind than you haven't actually awakened. Leo IS your mind. 


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Talking to others to see if solipsism is true… that makes sense

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45 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

Talking to others to see if solipsism is true… that makes sense

You talk to yourself to think through things. It could be similar when talking to "others".

Thanks @Inliytened1for opening the post!

Edited by Parallax Mind

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@Someone here learn to lucid dream.   You're doing it now you're just not fully lucid.

Edited by Inliytened1


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All of this would not be possible if not for Consciousness. That includes all dualities, sufferings, confusions, disagreements, paradoxes, conflicts, separations, humans, etc. etc. etc.

If you were dead, all of what I just said (and every other) would be seen as Consciousness itself, not something separate from Consciousness itself. 


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