
How Do I Learn Video Editing?

5 posts in this topic

I'm looking for some advice from experienced video editors. I've completed a beginner's course on Premiere Pro via LinkedIn, but it only went over the basics.

Can you recommend any resources for learning video editing from scratch?

I'd love to hear about good practices that can help improve my editing skills.

Also, do you have any favorite YouTube channels, courses, or blogs that you find helpful and can suggest?

By the way, how do you know if an edit is good? What are the things you look for?

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I would start searching YouTube and create a catalogue of channels you like. 

I would do a small project at least once a week for practical experience and skill development. 

I would find a local group and attend it for networking and inspiration

id check out platforms like skillshare, and mastermind. 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Ultimately, your passion will drive you. You are seeking perfection. Meanwhile, every beginner step is perfection onto itself.


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I would say start editing and posting videos today and learn as you go. Learning video editing for the sake of it is useless; what are you looking to achieve from it? Using video editing to constantly make good content and tie either your own or someone else's product or service to it and developing an income from it is one example of a goal around video editing. My advice toward that goal would be to start with shorts since you can make a 30 second video instead of a 10 min one and go from there, you could make 20 before you need to learn more video editing than a 10-minute cap cut  youtube tutorial would teach you. 

Owner of creatives community all around Canada as well as a business mastermind 

Follow me on Instagram @Kylegfall <3


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I made this video when I was 12 years old for my biggest role model at the time, James Rolfe. He created Cinemassacre and AVGN. 

I actually shared my video to him via email back in the day, and he personally emailed me back! He said that he thoroughly enjoyed it and even complimented the ending (which was inspired by the movie Rocky V; we both love the Rocky movie series).

If you really love something, you’ll create all the connections you need. How it gets done will be an organic process. It has to come from the heart.



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