
The ice has broken. Awakening.

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             The ice has broken! Piles of snow and blocks of old frost that covered up the “inner knowing” have started to slowly melt and move forward, carried away by the current of the ever-present awareness.

This thick, crude perception of identity, like an iceberg has crumbled into small pieces. I am not that thick, solid glacier of ice anymore; this “I” feels more like scattered broken chips of everything: feelings, emotions, sensations. But “I” am not there. And here comes this desirable anticipated bliss, euphoria. Mind is still.

             Self-love is the most fundamental principle of Reality. Time and space are not, but Self-love is! It is not your egoic little self-love, it is Love toward the whole Being/Self. Sometimes, we do not notice it, but we are always in love with Being, even when suffering. You love your life no matter what because it is yours, and you wouldn’t want to be someone else, even if you had a chance to be. It is rather a subtle feeling. You must remove all other “noises” to notice it. The big barrier is your mind. It is always busy constructing things. But really, everything happens on its own, without a doer. And your mind is just a lost CEO who thinks it owns a very big corporation. It wants to think about its importance and power.

              During your life course people and circumstances will trigger you. It will require superhuman effort and will power to start practicing and morph your life to reach Realization. You must train your mind to stay aware during the whole entire day.

             But at the end, when you see that others are You, tricking you, then triggering you into the game, the big rock falls from your shoulders. You don’t react anymore. And this state of acceptance is where you want to be. It is your inner peace. Things happen, but you are peaceful, without any effort. But to get to this place, you must go through some turmoil. Years of practice, self-awareness, meditations, journaling, you name it. But it’s worth it. And by far, this knowledge is the most valuable thing you could ever ask for…



Edited by Galyna

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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Thank you. I was having an intrusive thought about dry ice earlier, and this post perfectly recontexualized my apparent fear of the ice monster.


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@Yimpa you are so welcome. Glad my post could help! 🙏😊

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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3 hours ago, Galyna said:

we do not notice it, but we are always in love with Being, even when suffering

Explain how .

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5 hours ago, Jowblob said:



"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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5 hours ago, Someone here said:

Explain how .

Oh look who is here in my thread! My old friend, Sommie! Hello, hello…😊

you actually love suffering as well. Train your attention and become directly aware of it. You love your identity, your ego, everything you call “yourself “. You love how you think , how you see the world with this filter through your own personal experience. This attachment to the idea of “I” creates suffering as well, when something doesn’t align with your needs and desires. You pity yourself. All of us do. And you actually feel subtle pleasure in this process. Think about this: if you don’t like something in your life, you go and change it. Right? What is preventing you from happiness? Fear, right. So here comes this vicious cycle. You are unhappy but afraid of uncertainty that change might bring into your life. You pity yourself and suffer, becoming a victim of life circumstances. But do you understand that you can absolutely achieve anything you want. It depends  directly on your faith. As soon as you have faith that you can achieve something and desire for it, everything is possible. So suffering is not real either. If we are truly honest: we are staying in a crappy life situation because we have hidden benefits in it. 


Edited by Galyna

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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Very interesting explanation 👍

You could be the forum in-house psychologist!!


“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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13 hours ago, VeganAwake said:

Very interesting explanation 👍

You could be the forum in-house psychologist!!


Thank you!!!

Nah :)....

Psychology is not my path.

Edited by Galyna

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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15 hours ago, Galyna said:

Oh look who is here in my thread! My old friend, Sommie! Hello, hello…😊

you actually love suffering as well. Train your attention and become directly aware of it. You love your identity, your ego, everything you call “yourself “. You love how you think , how you see the world with this filter through your own personal experience. This attachment to the idea of “I” creates suffering as well, when something doesn’t align with your needs and desires. You pity yourself. All of us do. And you actually feel subtle pleasure in this process. Think about this: if you don’t like something in your life, you go and change it. Right? What is preventing you from happiness? Fear, right. So here comes this vicious cycle. You are unhappy but afraid of uncertainty that change might bring into your life. You pity yourself and suffer, becoming a victim of life circumstances. But do you understand that you can absolutely achieve anything you want. It depends  directly on your faith. As soon as you have faith that you can achieve something and desire for it, everything is possible. So suffering is not real either. If we are truly honest: we are staying in a crappy life situation because we have hidden benefits in it. 


I'm still not convinced.  I respect your opinion but I have a few points...

Would you be happy if you tested positive cancer? Or if your children die in a car accident? Or if you become blind ? And I mean the list can go on and on ..

The point is ..if you really look objectively at the world you will immediately realize that it's a big pile of horseshit . Our life swings between boredom and pain as Arthur Schopenhauer said. 

If  I'm burning or in deep can I be in love with Being? 

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@Someone here you seek to understand what suffering is, not to be controlled by it.


Edited by Yimpa


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3 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

you seek to understand what suffering is, not to be controlled by it

What does that mean? 

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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

I'm still not convinced.  I respect your opinion but I have a few points...

Would you be happy if you tested positive cancer? Or if your children die in a car accident? Or if you become blind ? And I mean the list can go on and on ..

The point is ..if you really look objectively at the world you will immediately realize that it's a big pile of horseshit . Our life swings between boredom and pain as Arthur Schopenhauer said. 

If  I'm burning or in deep can I be in love with Being? 

I was referring to something different under suffering, but you want to go extreme, as usual xD.

All right, I will address this question. It is very interesting question, I appreciate it.:)

“Would you be happy if you tested positive cancer? Or if your children die in a car accident? Or if you become blind? And I mean the list can go on and on.” – actually, you would. You would be surprised how much a human being can take, survive, and adapt to the change.

I do not want to sound cynical but a lot of people who went through these situations at some points of their lives have accepted and surrendered to these horrible incidents. I know such people. Some of them are members of my family who had cancers, not even one. My own grandmother lost her son when he was little. It is scary how human being can rebound and move on in life.

Let’s put it this way: there are two different types of situations in life. In one situation we can not do anything and must accept the outcome and change/adapt, we do not have a choice: death, illness, disability. You go through all the stage of grief and coping mechanisms. (Denial and isolation, anger, bargaining, depression and finally acceptance.) A lot of people who have terminal illness come in peace right before their death. A lot of people escape death and recover. Notice, there is no suffering in it at the end. It is just a gradual process that begins and continues with suffering and morphs into something else.  

In another situation we can do something but choosing not to, and staying in the victim mode, pleasuring from suffering, even though might not realize it. It is not in your nature to suffer, fundamentally. That is exactly what I meant when I wrote that you even love your suffering. Everyday suffering, long-term. One that can be escaped or transcended but for some reasons is there and tiring you. 

Do you see now how different suffering can be?

Why do you think you have this insatiable desire to know “yourself”? Because deep down you know that you’ve tricked yourself into thinking you are a limited human being, and now you want to break free from it. Because you also know that suffering is alien to your nature. Let’s be honest. If you get blind one day, what would you do after the 5th stage of grief? You would probably go inward and develop in that direction, listening to audiobooks, meditating a lot on nature. You would use this as an opportunity to realize that you are not just your solid body. You would adapt. You would develop other senses better, might start composing your own music or play on the handpan. Unless you have a mental disorder, then you could kill yourself, but if you are pretty healthy, you would find a coping mechanisms. 

when you do not want to find coping mechanism nor transcend suffering, you might start enjoying it as well. 

1 hour ago, Someone here said:

The point is ..if you really look objectively at the world you will immediately realize that it's a big pile of horseshit .

I would be careful and avoid such negative statements, you realize that you will be shown exactly what you believe in? there is no compromise in it. 

When one realizes "he" is infinite in all aspects, man....these all mundane things become irrelevant. That is exactly what we are doing here. 

Still not convinced? xD

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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@Galyna You are only convincing yourself.

Once you let go of your masculine thinking and observations that you think your “cracking” some Ice, that’s when you are convinced, prior to the need to convince others. 

“Life is just a break from an Infinite Orgasm. Prolong your break for as long as you want. Ride that wave. But don’t forget where you're headed.”

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6 minutes ago, Vincent S said:

masculine thinking

Hey Vincent,  I hope your life is great, have not heard from you for so long time.

Can you please elaborate on masculine thinking? :D


"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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3 minutes ago, Galyna said:

Can you please elaborate on masculine thinking? :D

Observe your post, read it as if you are reading it from a feminine perspective (receptive.)

Best be it an observation from your part. And not an explanation from me, yet more masculine thinking.

I'm doing good, thanks for asking.
Hope you are doing good yourself. 

“Life is just a break from an Infinite Orgasm. Prolong your break for as long as you want. Ride that wave. But don’t forget where you're headed.”

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25 minutes ago, Vincent S said:

Observe your post, read it as if you are reading it from a feminine perspective (receptive.)

Best be it an observation from your part. And not an explanation from me, yet more masculine thinking.

I'm doing good, thanks for asking.
Hope you are doing good yourself. 

In all honestly, when I wrote this post I just wanted my reader to feel how I feel inside. At that particular time I felt a shift, I described it as an iceberg breaking apart, personality is crushing because it is a collection of the phenomenon. But we had this conversation last fall, I remember your words. I understand what you mean now. Thanks. 

Edited by Galyna

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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16 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

Gender is imaginary. 

I agree 100%, but we need the labels to name things and construct them, bind them together to create illusion and enjoy it. 


Edited by Galyna

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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