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The difference between "Self" and "self" (Wilber)

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Here is an overview of the difference between Self, big S, and self, little s, in Ken Wilber's teachings:


- Self (capital "S") refers to ultimate nondual awareness - pure consciousness prior to identification with any concept of self. 


- Self is formless, boundary-less, and irreducible. It is the ground of all existence and experience. Self has no specific qualities, contents, or limitations.


- In contrast, self (lower case "s") refers to our ego-identity and personality. The self is our narrative sense of "I" - I am a person named ________ with particular traits, roles, preferences, etc. 


- The self is made up of thoughts, beliefs, images, sensations that create a contracted sense of being an individual separate from the rest of life.


- While essential, self also creates duality and prevents a direct realization of Self. Self is just a temporary expression of Self, not an absolute truth.


- Self remains undivided, unchanging and ever-present behind the changing experiences of self. Realizing one's true nature as Self rather than self brings liberation.


- Self-realization involves unpacking, questioning and releasing rigid attachment to identification with the limited self. This unblocks Self, the ground of being always already present.


- Awakening comes from shifting identity from the contracted self to the open capacity of Self. This allows freedom from clinging to mental concepts about who/what we are.


In summary, Self represents our boundless true nature, while self is identification with personal narrative and form.

Discovering Self requires loosening the grip of self through inquiry and presence.

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