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How I Do I Stay Motivated To Study At Uni If The Potential Consequences Aren't To Be Felt For A Year Or More?

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I'm a first-year student studying mechatronics in the Netherlands and basically they decided to put me on the foundation year (or year zero) when I applied, i did enough to remain on the course for next year but given a very large number of personal circumstances (I mean I've never had to deal with so much bullshit in my life before since last summer with more to come).

I've decided to transfer to a university in my own country in the UK to study the same subject where nearly all universities I applied to said I didn't need to do this foundational year and regardless of my grades here in the Netherlands I'm still going onto the next year.

But now I'm at the end of the 3rd quarter of the course and since  getting the offers I basically focused on sorting out future loans, grants, accommodation, CV's etc etc the past month, and I hadn't studied much and now since the offers came through I've basically been slacking off, playing games and skipping some classes. (Although I haven't had an actual break since Christmas and even then I was studying through half the holiday).

Although I actually intended and still intend to remain here until the end of the course whether I pass here or not just to learn so that next year will be easier for me, opposed to just being at home playing games and watching youtube videos, or shelf stacking for £5 and hour and basically doing nothing for the next 7 months.

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Sounds like a great time to focus on your life purpose instead of slacking off.

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