
What to do with ones life?

8 posts in this topic

I am a young man looking for guidance about life. I don't really have a direction for life or a larger goal, vision nor purpose to strive towards.  I'm struggling with finding what I shouls do or strive towards. Everything feels very meaningless and bland and anything I propose to myself in my mind feels arbitrary and ultimately unfulfilling. I want to do something great and create something phenomenal, but nothing in particular really exites me. A standard career from uni or any subject in uni doesn't feel just right. I don't even really know what I like. Looking for guidance and help in what I should focus efforts in. And I know there isn't reallymany shoulds, but I'm looking for some direction in life.

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An important thing that helped me was instead of searching for "the one life purpose", just start looking for the little things that give you purpose in your day to day life and build up on them.

Also try out a lot of new things that interest you or maybe that interested you as a child? There is no way around going out there and trying things, especially if you say nothing really excites you. 

How does your current daily life look like?

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The only real life purpose is to survive. Anything beyond survival is just a bonus. Back in the day, 99% of people didn't have any "life purpose" and they still lived happy and fulfilling lives. Do whatever you feel is good for you right now and stop caring about "life purpose"

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17 hours ago, Treewatcher said:

I want to do something great and create something phenomenal

There's your answer. 

Sit with what you've sayed consciously. Let the vision really sink in. Surrender all expectations of what that "something great and phenomenal" should look like. And just feel the feeling of creating Greatness. It should lead to something positive. Maybe some imagines will begin to arise of what that something is. 

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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Leo's Life Purpose Course

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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