
Kriya fundamental practices?

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Somebody told me to read the main thread to find out the fundamental practices to Kriya yoga but there so much fluff. I couldn’t make any from it. So what are the must do exercises every day? Pranayama spinal breathing and fire breath?

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Read Santatagamana's books in order:

  1. Kriya Yoga Exposed
  2. The secret Power of Kriya Yoga
  3. Kundalini Yoga exposed
  4. The yoga of non-dual consciousness 

First one, shows you the basic practice for when you start, the fundamentals
The second one is more details into correct practice and more advanced practices for when you have been practicing the first one for long
The third book will show you how kundalini works and how to lessen its side-effects, along with a routine plan that you can stick to, it explains kundalini yoga and tells you the practice routine to do and also demonstrates the alternative practice routines for kriya yoga (that's what you are supposed to follow)
The fourth book, how to bring the practice to daily life. 

Leo incorporates Gamana's techniques with J.C stevens, whose book is called "Kriya secrets revealed"

Personally, I would say just read Gamana's book and practice according to that, and read the megathread slowly
At some point afterwards, you can read either J.C stevens book, or Ennio Nimis book (free online), which will fill you up on the details and other things, since Gamana's books are pretty short, you can finish each one in 2 or 3 days, hell, you can even finish each one in a day, so I would say use them for practice and the other books for theory.

Gamana's approach is to basically: use only the most fundamental and potent kriya awakening techniques to calm the mind and raise kundalini, once you calm the mind, now you are in something called the "post practice state", now you melt in this state of no mind, purification and bliss, and abide in your true nature for as long as you want.

The traditional approach: keep learning more complicated and time consuming techniques, getting lost in techniques.

You can find all the books free online with a bit of piracy ;)

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I reccomend to Learn yoga from a teacher, chances are you are not going to learn yoga from amazon books, is probably not going to work. 

(The teacher obviously must be Awake. Do not go learn from a westernised yoga teacher of your town obviously, unless you just want to do gymnastics)

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I agree, don't learn from Books, anything to do with Kundalini is dangerous at times, like playing russian roulette, find a True Guru (Sadhguru is mine, Sri M is good too for Kryia practices...) go thru their programs. With Sadhguru is it first learning Isha Kryia, which is a basic 12 min practice to get you in the swing of things and onto a regular consistent practice, then go on to his Inner Engineering program, it works great and the practice of Shambhavi Mahamudra is very effective. Kriya is a long practice form imo, don't look for immediate or even short term (1yr into it) results, just notice changes in your system and keep at it consistently:)

Edited by Ishanga

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