Someone here

Three barriers that prevent awakening

4 posts in this topic

OK so let's dive into it right away :

1) fear . You are afraid of life .of death .of God. Of hell. of insanity etc . Drop that fear . Take your Holy book and piss on it .insult all the gods etc. Tell life to go to hell .

2)attachments. You are attached to positive experiences . Pleasure basically.  Do a dopamine fast . Stop eating delicious food and eat bread with water .stop jerking off .stop caring.

3) off-loading your sovereignty into others. any other spiritual guru who you think they know better than you.  Realize that you are 10000 times more intelligent than them .

I'm done . Just felt like sharing this .

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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@Someone here Those are three important aspect that blocks us towards awakening. Good work my friend. I would suggest you contemplate more deeply over the years how to embody those things maturely.

1. Overcoming fear has nothing to do with telling life to go to hell, nor does awakening. Fearlessness need not be reckless or "disrespectful". Overcoming fear, has more to do with the fear of truth, and the fear of love.

2. Letting go of attachments does not mean not enjoying the beautiful, senses of life. Awakening, may in fact allow you to enjoy more those things. But, developing non-attachment helps us be more sovereign, and it allows us grace in life. 

3. When it comes to reclaiming your sovereignty, realize that in truth there is a balance when it comes to leaning, and being your own source of truth. There is many paradoxes here including that others are you. There are no others.  You don't know everything, in fact we are all very incredibly ignorant. Yet, we are God which is the highest intelligence. But, we are in a finite human form which must admit not knowing, Not Knowing is paradoxically one of, if not the most important aspect to higher levels of awakening and understanding of reality.


Good work, keep it humble, continue to contemplate and rework it over the years... as I am as well and joining you in this process.

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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