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Pickup paradox

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Here's me going: I should do an approach today. Walk around town for ages, couldn't even find an attractive woman. 

So I'm like "fuck this shit, I'm going home, I got stuff to do". Then all of a sudden there's cute girls everywhere trying to get my attention. 

It always goes like that. It's almost like God has created women to encourage me to do my LP and that's it. When they become an objective nothing happens. 

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Interesting. God annoys me by always putting my target in a group of people, sometimes they're friends, sometimes they're random people on a train...

I think he's trying to make us more courageous based on our respective insecurities, lol.

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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Just now, Rafael Thundercat said:

God is playing tricks on you.

He is God, and as he asks for a girlfriend the universe comes together to offer it to him, but he must overcome the obstacles that prevent him from doing so.
Btw, if there is a pov where Schizophonia writes this message, it is because he is starting to seriously believe it, so he comes across a "Butters" which invokes this kind of mechanics and vice versa.


full (1).png

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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"Here's me going: I should do an approach today. Walk around town for ages, couldn't even find an attractive woman. "

Didn't you know that moving to an area with opportunities, despite costing an incredible amount of money, effort etc. (keep in mind countless people are just struggling to get by) is completely in your control, incel?

Yeah just move to an area with opportunities bro!

Don't forget this is just God testing you bro!


The entirety of the holocaust will never be 0.00000001% as dehumanizing as the belief that you are God and that you chose to put yourself into this experience in order to "experience everything."

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5 hours ago, numbersinarow said:

Didn't you know that moving to an area with opportunities, despite costing an incredible amount of money, effort etc. (keep in mind countless people are just struggling to get by) is completely in your control, incel?

If you can’t afford to live anywhere remotely close to a city, you have bigger problems than getting laid

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On 12/17/2023 at 1:00 PM, Schizophonia said:

I think he's trying to make us more courageous based on our respective insecurities, lol.

He clearly has no idea wtf he’s doing if he thinks teaching us this way is helping many of us. He’s like self proclaimed therapist who got his certification from watching one single YouTube video and now thinks exposure therapy is the magic cure for inceldom.

On 12/17/2023 at 0:59 PM, Rafael Thundercat said:

God is playing tricks on you.

Nahh guys it’s far more sinister than that. What kind of a sick bastard of a god would get off on tormenting us with the very thing we want more than anything while telling us we aren’t trying hard enough or we must not want it bad enough? He might as well start taunting starving kids with delicious, nutrient packed burritos then making us watch from behind bars as he feeds it to the people we hate instead of us who NEED it the most! That’s messed up

On 12/17/2023 at 0:51 PM, Butters said:

So I'm like "fuck this shit, I'm going home, I got stuff to do". Then all of a sudden there's cute girls everywhere trying to get my attention. 

Whatever universe you’re in, tell me how u got there. People always say girls show interest when you ignore them, that and “be yourself” are the stupidest things I’ve ever heard in my life. 

-Walk into town

-See girl 

-Ignore her

Now what? Who is telling people the next thing that happens is she comes over to you like “Wow, you really ignored me so well! I’m impressed! Here’s my number.” Sounds like a tale straight out of lala land. 

This trying to have sex thing has pushed me all the way into my Professor Chaos arc. 


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11 hours ago, something_else said:

If you can’t afford to live anywhere remotely close to a city, you have bigger problems than getting laid

No sorry it's my mistake to assume leftists wouldn't extend just-world-fallacy to the literal economic system if it helps them keep their idea of why the sexual revolution was a positive.

The entirety of the holocaust will never be 0.00000001% as dehumanizing as the belief that you are God and that you chose to put yourself into this experience in order to "experience everything."

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17 minutes ago, numbersinarow said:

No sorry it's my mistake to assume leftists wouldn't extend just-world-fallacy to the literal economic system

I'm not saying it's a just world, in fact I was saying the opposite. If it was a just world you would be owed sex just by doing nothing but sitting in a cheap town in the middle of nowhere. But it's not a just world, so you have to do work to get laid, perhaps more than others.

And my point was that step 1 of that work is moving to a city that has an abundance of women. If you can't afford to do that, then your effort should be spent on building up a career that allows you to before focusing specifically on getting laid. 

You're clearly an intelligent dude, you could definitely find a career path that paid well enough for you to live in a big city.


if it helps them keep their idea of why the sexual revolution was a positive.

It's not like before the sexual revolution you just got women handed to you on a plate. You still had to be a well-rounded guy with a decent career, some social skills, and an ability to talk to women without creeping them out.


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13 hours ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

He might as well start taunting starving kids with delicious, nutrient packed burritos then making them watch from behind bars as he feeds the people they hate instead of the ones who NEED to eat the most! That’s messed up

Fixed it

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