
Is awakening the end?

16 posts in this topic

Everyone I've seen take 5 MeO DMT and awaken, or just awaken in some way, has come back, including Leo.
But what tells me that by being in denial of God, I prefer to imagine that ultimately “it’s just a drug?” and that Leo finally (obviously) came back from his trip and "as if by chance" refused to fall into the singularity he was talking about in one of his videos ?

Same for certain people who threw themselves out of their windows thinking they could fly and crashed, perhaps such a pov exists but other povs including mine prefer to imagine that they crashed on the ground "after having been affected by a psychotic attack following the consumption of psychedelics., because obviously we can't fly""

But if I awaken, then what will turn me away from mahasamadhi?

Btw, I seem to have seen recent posts from Léo Alant along these lines.

Edited by Schizophonia

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After Awakening you still need to shit, pee and eat healty food and all the normal things. Is not the end is the ongoing.

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Reality is endless. 

There are endless awakenings.

And you get to cycle back and forth between them for eternity. 


Edited by Someone here

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Forcing an experience of opening to the infinite with drugs is not the same as aligning your life and your mind like a clock , perhaps after thousands of lives, and being a person open to the infinite, who flows completely freely, with zero resistance, outside of the human, in complete connection with the divine. These people barely exist, if they really exist. that's being awake

Edited by Breakingthewall

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first you awaken in the dream, you see if someone slaps you, it is nothing and you don;t interfere with one little thing

then you awaken from the dream when you have been doing the above for long enough and it is automatic and all your karma can't touch you

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Don't worry about "Awakening", everyone has a different meaning to labels and words, just get happier everyday, more accepting, less judgemental, more Aware everyday, feel more connected to all things going on around you and within you most importantly,  drop labels and more defined good/bad, right/wrong discernments, more of that gets you further away from Truth..

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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On 12/17/2023 at 1:12 PM, Rafael Thundercat said:

After Awakening you still need to shit, pee and eat healty food and all the normal things. Is not the end is the ongoing.

That’s sounds very limited. I want to do those things in unique ways!


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Its chapter 1, the fun is in living 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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18 minutes ago, LfcCharlie4 said:

Its chapter 1, the fun is in living 

Or it can be like those Goosebumps novels that let you bounce between different sections of the book and choose a gracious path depending on what you’re in the mood for.

Edited by Yimpa


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On 17.12.2023 at 8:12 PM, Rafael Thundercat said:

After Awakening you still need to shit,

Except - without feeling bad - you can shit your pants now.

I'm speaking for a friend.

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I think you can awaken and have no idea what is happening or happened. Consciousness needs no logic.

A deer gets raped in the woods later something is coming out of it. It has no idea what is happening to it the two events are not related.

You still need to figure out what is happening. All awakening is is oh shit i see god what is happening to me.

You still can figure out how god works.


Edited by Hojo

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1 hour ago, Hojo said:

I think you can awaken and have no idea what is happening or happened. Consciousness needs no logic.

A deer gets raped in the woods later something is coming out of it. It has no idea what is happening to it the two events are not related.

You still need to figure out what is happening. All awakening is is oh shit i see god what is happening to me.

You still can figure out how god works.


Exactly, very good explanation. awakening is opening yourself to the source, the flow of living existence. It's what you are, beauty and wonder, but that doesn't mean you understand a lot.  you can have insights, and a general clarity, but you can open yourself to the source of living existence at times, and at other times be closed off ruminating on depressing shit, that depressing shit is still in you, although sometimes it is erased by real pure existence. There is a pulse between the human and the divine. Your will makes you orient yourself towards one side or the other. The human if it is not aligned with the divine is always negative. falsehood, competition, rage, greed.

You can also be awake to your true nature at times and at other times fall into fear. You have to have the courage to truly look death and illness in the face. That is, assume what life can send to you, and to your partner or people close you. Karma does not end, you are not awake and suddenly you are Buddha, not even close. You don't have temperance and detachment. For that you have to go through a lot and nowadays it is difficult, we live encapsulated, we never really open ourselves to life, everything is organized, secured.

In short, you can have many moments of wonderful awakening, but life will still be a mess. But I think that if you have real awakening moments, your live is going to move in the right direction.

Edited by Breakingthewall

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On 12/17/2023 at 0:39 PM, Schizophonia said:

Everyone I've seen take 5 MeO DMT and awaken, or just awaken in some way, has come back, including Leo.
But what tells me that by being in denial of God, I prefer to imagine that ultimately “it’s just a drug?” and that Leo finally (obviously) came back from his trip and "as if by chance" refused to fall into the singularity he was talking about in one of his videos ?

Same for certain people who threw themselves out of their windows thinking they could fly and crashed, perhaps such a pov exists but other povs including mine prefer to imagine that they crashed on the ground "after having been affected by a psychotic attack following the consumption of psychedelics., because obviously we can't fly""

But if I awaken, then what will turn me away from mahasamadhi?

Btw, I seem to have seen recent posts from Léo Alant along these lines.

Awakening is God Realization.  Its not goodbye to your current form.  You do die but you return. Mahasamadhi is permanent awakening.  It's like the elves departing middle earth.  It's goodbye.  Two completely different things.  


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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It's the beginning!

You can then start questioning powerfully things such as space, time, emotions, perception, etc.

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At one point I collapsed the beginning and the end into Now. But, realized theres more to the story because infinity.

I mean, I think your ideas about it are wrong. Something to actually experience.

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Ime...It's not the end of the physical body, it's the end of the personal identification as the body and thinker!

It's like an internal recognition upon introspection that this needy ME character isn't actually there. 

There can sometimes seem to be an energetic release and or shift away from upholding this ME structure. But that's typically when it's illusory nature has been clearly seen through.


Edited by VeganAwake

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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