
This idea that "dumb" girls are easier to get...

52 posts in this topic

On 12/26/2023 at 6:43 AM, Israfil said:

You should not speak sexual stuff to people that you haven't even touched yet. If you didn't know she was married, you probably didn't have the necessary intimacy to say something like that to her. In the wrong context, this could even be seen as predatorial


On 12/26/2023 at 11:04 AM, Princess Arabia said:

What's so good and fun-spirited about disrespect. "A ring don't cover a hole?" Is that what you say to somebody who says they're married. You even call it a comeback. Why do you need a comeback for when somebody says they're married. At least make it a respectable comeback like, lucky guy, or ok then, ill leave you alone or something of that nature.

Consider the following:

The general consensus on this board and other PUA communities is you should try to be filterless. You should speak openly and authentically, this means saying whatever comes to mind because it makes you seem confident in yourself and fun to be around, the realness is sexy. 

Well if that’s the case, what if me saying something of the nature of “a ring doesn’t cover a hole” to a married woman is the very thing that is authentic to me in that moment?

If I should speak openly, freely and with no filter, but I also can’t say certain things even if they’re authentic to me in the moment, that is a direct contradiction 

I know y’all are gonna get pissed again because I sound like I’m just trying to argue like a “gotcha backed into a corner” debate style. But this isn’t me trying to be like “me right, you wrong”

Its a legit conundrum we’ve run into that I’d like to have addressed.


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6 hours ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

Well if that’s the case, what if me saying something of the nature of “a ring doesn’t cover a hole” to a married woman is the very thing that is authentic to me in that moment?

One of the reasons why time exists in nature (incase you didn't know, it's an illusion) is so we have time to plant seeds that we are unconsciously growing through thoughts. The 60plus thousand thoughts that humans receive on a daily bases of which some we emotionally attach to, believe are ours and act upon result in a less chaotic life because of the grace of time. IOW, if every time you thought about killing somebody, that action would manifest instantly, same with cheating on your spouse, poisoning someone etcetc. INSTANTLY.

So kindly use that grace period wisely when interacting with people because not every thought that comes to your head has to be verbalized and repeated to another being just to show authenticity. Also, these thoughts that come to you are following a pattern, a vibratory pattern, so if you're constantly aware of thoughts that are derogatory in nature, maybe you should try to change your state of being so other kinds of thoughts can flow through you that are more in sync with what you're trying to accomplish; in this case you're trying to impress, not regress. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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1 hour ago, Princess Arabia said:

So kindly use that grace period wisely when interacting with people

That grace period needs to be longer or my brain needs to function more quickly. You notice how you and a few others on here come back with these essay replies in like 20 minutes whereas it takes me more like a good 45 to an hour to type a long one? Notice how most others have thousands of posts and I don’t even have 600 yet despite being here for 3 years?That’s because my brain is disadvantaged with below average performance speed. It takes a considerable amount of energy from me to type these messages, it’s hard work. 

I have to think about how I’m going to articulate a thought, that’s hard enough by itself. Then I’ve got word phrasing, punctuation, looking up definitions to decrease the chance of misusing a word. All in attempt to ensure my thoughts are expressed accurately. 

In real life there is no perfecting your statements before sending them. You only have a matter of seconds to work with before you lose someone. I simply don’t have the cognitive skills to articulate myself well AND determine if a particular thing I get the urge to say is appropriate or not within brief moments. This is why I’m attracted to stupid girls, because I can relate with them on a similar level. Which brings us back to the original intention of this thread.

1 hour ago, Princess Arabia said:

these thoughts that come to you are following a pattern, a vibratory pattern, so if you're constantly aware of thoughts that are derogatory in nature, maybe you should try to change your state of being so other kinds of thoughts can flow through you that are more in sync with what you're trying to accomplish;

Usually I don’t even feel like they are derogatory in nature and I do feel like they’re coming from the right place


53 minutes ago, Squeekytoy said:

Go do some volunteer work at a food bank

I just helped my mom serve at a soup kitchen a month ago. It scared the shit out of me to see all the homeless people unfortunate enough to have been dealt a bad hand in life. I couldn’t wait to get out of there because the more I looked at them the more I put myself in their shoes and realized I might just end up in that same position some day.

Edited by Emotionalmosquito

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10 hours ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

But you also said you were broke and still getting girls? So that should mark upping my financial game off the list. 

It’s not fair for me to have to go through all this work of improving my mental state to get more dating results when people with severely damaged minds get into steamy relationships all the time! Why can’t I be like one of them if it’s what I really want? If it’s purely a matter of lacking confidence, that’s a solid goal I can work towards.

I have no motivation to improve jack shit in my life except for the ability to be a charmer, particularly for the sexual activity it would bring. It’s the only damn thing I want anymore, it’s my only interest and everything I’m passionate about. I don’t give the least amount of fuck about anything that isn’t fucking semi attractive or attractive women.

I don’t know how I’m supposed to magically start caring about other stuff when I don’t care about other stuff at all. And if I do start caring about other stuff, it’s only going to be fake caring as a means to help me get what I really care about.

Is this where “fake it til ya make it” comes into play?

I've told you a million times. You will only have success in being social, and consequently landing dates, when you are in a more integrated state of mind. I was broke because I lost a job due to depression, but the entirety of 7 years of inner work didn't go away. That's why I'm no longer broke, and depressed, and managed even in a bad spot of my life to have positive social interactions. I was broke and depressed, but It wasn't the first time, and I knew how to bounce back. 

You have to carve that path to be socially apt, my friend. If you haven't got anything else besides blue balls to show to a girl, your margin of success will tend to zero in a googol of universes. As I said, you will not be in a position to meet anyone if you haven't met yourself. You know nothing about your potential, you are not engaging in any hobbies, you don't talk about working or doing some sport. You are simply bland. You have to have experience to have conversations and tell good stories that will make people to talking to you. 

Yesterday I went to a karaoke, for example. There was this beautiful girl who was jamming to every song I sang. She wasn't jamming because of me, I'm not a worldwide rockstar. She was jamming because she enjoyed Indie Rock, as I do. So it was mindless to talk to her knowing I had something in common with her. I literally just said "You were dancing to every song I sang. Do you like Indie too?" and that was the beginning of the conversation. I found out she's a DJ and we talked about organizing an Indie event at the venue. She has a boyfriend, and I saw her with him, so I wasn't flirting with her. The point here is showing to you how much relatable you can be when you have an interest people can relate to. 

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4 hours ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

Notice how most others have thousands of posts and I don’t even have 600 yet despite being here for 3 years?That’s because my brain is disadvantaged with below average performance speed. It takes a considerable amount of energy from me to type these messages, it’s hard work. 

Do you realize that every action here is considered a post. I have two mega threads that I've started, actually now three. Powerful, powerful short clips and healthy foods and recipes. Each video I post is considered a post, not to mention the edits which I think also are considered separate posts, not sure. Plus, I'm all over. I comment on a variety of sub-topics. 

You, on the other hand, I see mostly in the dating section. That counts for less amount of counted posts, also. You have to consider factors when observing figures like post counts not just the figures.

Just like how you've created a story as to why your post count is low, it's the same way you (and the majority of people, including myself) operate in our daily lives. It's all fucking stories. Not true. Based on memories, conditioning, programming, belief systems, paradigms, patterns, group think, societal norms.....the list goes on. Then we believe these stories and construct our lives based on these beliefs. I've seen through this shit. I've seen the patterns, in myself and others. It's fucking deep, real deep. So deep we have sunk. Drowning in our own bullshit. Then we complain and point the finger at others blaming them for our own constructed egoic patterns and cry and come up with excuses as to why we are the way we are. 

I'm not referring to autism, ocd, mental disorders etc, just our normal way of living and how we navigate Reality, live our lives and interactions with people. It's really clever and nuanced how the brain works and how the mind uses us and how we use the mind. It's so clever that it doesn't realize it's own shit.



What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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On 12/28/2023 at 11:02 AM, Israfil said:

I've said this to him in the last two weeks and he just makes excuses on why this wouldn't work or how he wants something that doesn't take too much time. The doomer mentality is very stubborn.

Something that doesn't work takes forever, so there's that. :P

It's not a choice between "something that takes a long time" and "something that takes a short time."  It's a choice between "something that may take some indeterminate but reasonable amount of time" vs. "something that takes forever."

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7 minutes ago, SeaMonster said:

Something that doesn't work takes forever, so there's that. :P

It's not a choice between "something that takes a long time" and "something that takes a short time."  It's a choice between "something that may take some indeterminate but reasonable amount of time" vs. "something that takes forever."


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6 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

Do you realize that every action here is considered a post. I have two mega threads that I've started, actually now three. Powerful, powerful short clips and healthy foods and recipes. Each video I post is considered a post, not to mention the edits which I think also are considered separate posts, not sure. Plus, I'm all over. I comment on a variety of sub-topics. 

Yes. I have plenty of single sentence/single video replies. And I dabble in other subs, though not as much as other members. My posts are long and I spend most of my time here because I usually have a lot to say and complain about because this is my most pressing issue by a landslide 

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8 hours ago, Israfil said:

You have to carve that path to be socially apt, my friend. If you haven't got anything else besides blue balls to show to a girl, your margin of success will tend to zero in a googol of universes. As I said, you will not be in a position to meet anyone if you haven't met yourself. You know nothing about your potential, you are not engaging in any hobbies, you don't talk about working or doing some sport. You are simply bland. You have to have experience to have conversations and tell good stories that will make people to talking to you. 

I just thought of the perfect, most logical, genius solution. You say me being so sex obsessed at the cost of other interests is my cause of failure?

So what if... I become...

A sexologist!

I’ll just make that my thing. I’m already practically half way there knowing so much about it and being so passionate about it.

I’d be transforming my supposed unattractive obsession into an actual socially accepted profession people have! 

It’s so wondrously perfect it’s almost too good to be true 


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1 minute ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

Yes. I have plenty of single sentence/single video replies. And I dabble in other subs, though not as much as other members. My posts are long and I spend most of my time here because I usually have a lot to say and complain about because this is my most pressing issue by a landslide 

If I told you that's why you're having a hard time with it, because its your most pressing issue, you would come back with a long list of reasons why that ain't so. Since I have nothing else to do at the moment, I'll lay it on you. Take it as you wish.

When we fight life, life fights us back. It's a mirror. When we smile at life it smiles back. When we sulk, it sulks back. Etc etc. This has to be understood in the proper context, though, as it needs a bit of understanding what this means and how the Universe works.

You are Awareness, Reality is Infinite. That means everything exists. Creation is finished. It is you. Your true nature. Pretend you are a movie projector shining your light on the movie screen. Whatever is coming from the projector is within the projector and wherever the projector shines it's light is where whatever is within the projector goes. You are that projector. 

If within you are complaints then all you will see are things to complain about. If within you are fears all you will see are things to be fearful about. Etc.etc. If you focus on lack you will experience more lack. The Universe is abundant. There is no lack in the Universe. So what you are projecting from your projector unto the screen of space is an abundance of lack. Lack of sex jn this case. What you focus on you get more of because that is where you're shining your light saying you want to experience. The Universe doesn't differentiate between anything. Everything is the same. A cow is the same as a dog or a plane. But what it does understand is energy, frequency and vibration. All these different things which carries a certain energy, vibrate at different frequencies. Lack carries a particular frequency so it reads that and gives you more lack because it thinks that's what you want. How? By your constant complaining. 

It doesn't know you're complaining all it knows is you like this because that's where your focus is. Your attention is your most prized asset and it can make or break you. If you are constantly complaining about the lack of sex in your life you will continue to experience the lack of sex.

If you say, no, I'm trying to get it, you will also keep experiencing "trying to get it". That's the nature of Awareness. Which you are. You have to not focus and complain about it. Let it go. See yourself there. Imagine it. Focus on what you want to experience not what you're pissed off about.

The mind wants to keep you safe, so if you're venturing out into territories it's not used to, it will come up with all sorts of stories and excuses as to why you shouldn't venture out of your comfort zone. In your case, you are entertaining thoughts that will tell you why this girl is the way she is, why she doesn't like you, why what this guy says is true, why you should believe this video, why you're lacking sex, why you should be this way and not that way etcetc all to keep you locked in that "guy who doesn't get sex identity", and because you're not in control of your thoughts which leads to certain beliefs, which leads to cerain actions, now you have woven an identity that needs to stay alive and will look for things to confirm this. Whew! I'm tired. Figure the rest out






What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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17 hours ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

I just thought of the perfect, most logical, genius solution. You say me being so sex obsessed at the cost of other interests is my cause of failure?

So what if... I become...

A sexologist!

I’ll just make that my thing. I’m already practically half way there knowing so much about it and being so passionate about it.

I’d be transforming my supposed unattractive obsession into an actual socially accepted profession people have! 

It’s so wondrously perfect it’s almost too good to be true 


If you become a sexologist, and sincerely go through your studies, not only you'll be able to have a fulfilling sexual life, but you'll learn how much bullshit the incel theory is immersed in.

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16 hours ago, Israfil said:

If you become a sexologist, and sincerely go through your studies, not only you'll be able to have a fulfilling sexual life, but you'll learn how much bullshit the incel theory is immersed in.

I’m glad you agree. 

But you know I gotta add, it’s so weird how just having a certified title to your name makes that much difference. It’s like now that instead of being a total sex crazed maniac talking about it all the time, you’re still crazy about it only now you’re also well studied in it, which suddenly makes people more willing to hear you out on your passion about it, even though the passion itself never changed.

It wouldn’t be that way with any other interest you could have, like medicine or business. So what’s with this big mental hang-up people have over sex related discussions?

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