
This idea that "dumb" girls are easier to get...

52 posts in this topic

I was going to respond to this on the other thread, but it's been closed, so...

In my experience, it's completely the opposite.

If you're really smart, the easiest women to bang are women right at your level of intelligence.  The reason is obvious: they are more likely to be attracted to a guy at least AT or ABOVE their level of intelligence, so they have a smaller pool to choose from.  (Not that they won't bang dumber "hot" guys, but they usually won't like it for long and complain about it.)

They are super-easy in my experience.

Less smart women do not shit test less, it's an instinctive response, not a conscious strategy involving complicated logic.  The hardest women to get are hot dumb women imo, they tend not to like "nerds" and can sniff them out a mile away.

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Who are the hardest guys to get. Where do they hang out. Where are all the smart guys who are hard to get. Where are all the guys who guard their dicks, keep it under lock and key and women have to search for them and try to manipulate them into getting sex. I guess they hang out in gay bars. But then again, they're banging each other too so I'm still waiting.......

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Dumb way to get a girl: 

By being and accepting yourself fully and authentically. 

I AM Lovin' It

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On 12/17/2023 at 10:07 AM, Yimpa said:

By being and accepting yourself fully and authentically. 

You’re right, that is a dumb way to get a girl because it doesn’t work. Only works assuming the person you are is already likable and knows how to game perfectly. If you aren’t likable then you have to change yourself, not be yourself.

You have to be calculated and precise about every little thing you do if you want women, very little room for error. 

On 12/17/2023 at 2:08 PM, Breakingthewall said:

dumb women by power.

All women are attracted by power. You’d be hard pressed to find one who genuinely isn’t. 

On 12/17/2023 at 2:08 PM, Breakingthewall said:

intelligent women feel attracted by intelligence

It’s not so much intelligence helps you get those women because they’re attracted to the intelligence itself, it’s more like being intelligent makes it easier to learn and adapt to female nature so that you can get with them. It also makes it easier to memorize and apply all the pickup techniques better and more efficiently than if you weren’t smart.

@Princess Arabia I’m not sure what you meant by that. Were you making a comparison to how men describe their journey of trying to get girlfriends?

On 12/17/2023 at 0:13 AM, SeaMonster said:

If you're really smart, the easiest women to bang are women right at your level of intelligence.  The reason is obvious: they are more likely to be attracted to a guy at least AT or ABOVE their level of intelligence, so they have a smaller pool to choose from.  (Not that they won't bang dumber "hot" guys, but they usually won't like it for long and complain about it.)

Well maybe that’s exactly why I think dumb girls are easier; because I myself am slightly below average intelligence. Even so, as a smart guy don’t you think it would be easy to see where a girl is at intellect wise after talking for a minute and meet her at that level?


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12 hours ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

You have to be calculated and precise about every little thing you do if you want women, very little room for error. 

Men who get laid are making errors that you couldn't imagine making, and more.

Meanwhile you could adjust every single aspect of your personality down to the last detail and it won't create opportunities, and it won't make women validate you the way they validate winners, and it will not make it so that you were kissed/hugged without even having to flirt with a girl, which others have had happen to them.

The entirety of the holocaust will never be 0.00000001% as dehumanizing as the belief that you are God and that you chose to put yourself into this experience in order to "experience everything."

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12 hours ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

You have to be calculated and precise about every little thing you do if you want women, very little room for error. 

No, that's a terrible mindset.  If your entire approach is to avoid errors, your unconscious mind is going to trip you up and then you will second-guess yourself and get stressed out.  You have to basically not give a shit at all and be spontaneously attractive with a solid inner game.  It should be FUN, not scary, stressful, risk-averse shit.


Well maybe that’s exactly why I think dumb girls are easier; because I myself am slightly below average intelligence. Even so, as a smart guy don’t you think it would be easy to see where a girl is at intellect wise after talking for a minute and meet her at that level?

Sure, but all these things reveal themselves simultaneously; her vibe towards you, how smart she seems to be, her personality features, etc.  It's like parallel streams of information that you're reacting to.

You don't want to overthink it though.

I think your problem is that you don't understand that unconscious mastery is much better than conscious mastery.  I can't make shots in basketball by thinking about not screwing up the stance, the elbow, the eye on the rim, the follow-through, etc.  It has to be unconscious and spontaneous.

Edited by SeaMonster

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12 hours ago, Consept said:

Sounds stressful 

Yes, very much so.

1 hour ago, numbersinarow said:


Then the question becomes, what makes a winner in their eyes?

1 hour ago, SeaMonster said:

No, that's a terrible mindset.  If your entire approach is to avoid errors, your unconscious mind is going to trip you up and then you will second-guess yourself and get stressed out.  You have to basically not give a shit at all and be spontaneously attractive with a solid inner game.

The reason I say that is because you’re a lot better off learning the techniques of pickup inside and out rather than relying on simply being “authentically yourself” to pull. That’s called blind firing. Occasionally you’ll hit a target but usually not. Being yourself has to fit somewhere into that I realize, but its rarely good enough unless you have the method down first, if that makes sense. If I truly didn’t give a single shit and always acted a hundred percent my unfiltered self, I would already be banned from every single pickup hotspot within a hundred mile radius.

1 hour ago, SeaMonster said:

You have to basically not give a shit at all and be spontaneously attractive with a solid inner game.


1 hour ago, SeaMonster said:

spontaneously attractive

Key word here is attractive. Spontaneity works well as long as it’s attractive. It has the opposite result if it’s unattractive, it even gets people kicked out of places for scaring the girls. That's what inner game is. It’s the ability to quickly determine whether or not the next thing that your spontaneity is about to make you say or do is going to have a positive or negative effect on the girl, and adjusting accordingly. It’s that and the ability to intuit the right things to say and do in general with good timing. That’s why it’s so impossibly difficult to improve at. Surely you don’t think just mindlessly blurting our every single thing that enters your noggin is a good idea? 

1 hour ago, SeaMonster said:

but all these things reveal themselves simultaneously; her vibe towards you, how smart she seems to be, her personality features, etc.  It's like parallel streams of information that you're reacting to.

Then why not first ask specific questions that will help you determine what kind of girl she is while not showing much of your own personality and then build based on her answers? (This would be easier on a dumb girl because a smartie would see right through what you’re doing.) Should be easy enough if you’re the type of guy who can vibe with lots of different personality types. We can’t afford to be limited to only certain “types” of girls when there already isn’t nearly enough of them in the first place.

1 hour ago, SeaMonster said:

I think your problem is that you don't understand that unconscious mastery is much better than conscious mastery.  I can't make shots in basketball by thinking about not screwing up the stance, the elbow, the eye on the rim, the follow-through, etc.  It has to be unconscious and spontaneous.

That’s an reasonable way of looking at it. 

Though it’s a darn shame women are infinitely more complex than basketball and mistakes with them carry much heavier penalties 


Edited by Emotionalmosquito

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On an unrelated note, it frustrates me that I always have to make such lengthy replies. There’s just too much to say to fit it all into single paragraphs. Must make it tiresome for those trying to assist me.

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28 minutes ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

The reason I say that is because you’re a lot better off learning the techniques of pickup inside and out rather than relying on simply being “authentically yourself” to pull. That’s called blind firing. Occasionally you’ll hit a target but usually not. Being yourself has to fit somewhere into that I realize, but its rarely good enough unless you have the method down first, if that makes sense. If I truly didn’t give a single shit and always acted a hundred percent my unfiltered self, I would already be banned from every single pickup hotspot within a hundred mile radius.

No, because you have to have solid inner game, like I said.  If you're getting kicked out, you're probably acting like a fucking moron which is not what a person with solid inner game acts like. 


31 minutes ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

It’s the ability to quickly determine whether or not the next thing that your spontaneity is about to make you say or do is going to have a positive or negative effect on the girl, and adjusting accordingly. It’s that and the ability to intuit the right things to say and do in general with good timing. That’s why it’s so impossibly difficult to improve at. Surely you don’t think just mindlessly blurting our every single thing that enters your noggin is a good idea? 

It's not difficult to improve at all. Like I said it's about solid inner game, which means you're relaxed and confident and naturally attractive and you're not in your head, which would distract you from observing the girl's subtle reactions and reacting appropriately.  

I'm saying 99% of the battle is won before you step to the girl.  It's WHO YOU ARE stepping to the girl.

39 minutes ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

Then why not first ask specific questions that will help you determine what kind of girl she is while not showing much of your own personality and then build based on her answers? (This would be easier on a dumb girl because a smartie would see right through what you’re doing.) 

Because you're wrong, even a dumb girl would sense the weirdness of that approach.  It would bore her or creep her out.

41 minutes ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

Though it’s a darn shame women are infinitely more complex than basketball and mistakes with them carry much heavier penalties 

You've internalized a lot of doomerism from online fuckups, but maybe you simply don't trust yourself and feel like if you don't control every aspect of the process you will say/do something really stupid.

This is why, as I keep repeating, inner game first, inner game last, inner game always.

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2 hours ago, SeaMonster said:

If you're getting kicked out, you're probably acting like a fucking moron which is not what a person with solid inner game acts like.

“”probably”” So you admit, sometimes people get kicked out wrongfully. I’ve experienced it, @something_else has experienced it and there’s even a thread about a guy telling about how he got kicked out of a mall recently. As far as the info he provided suggests, it was only for the crime of practicing pickup. Which, by the way things are going, pickup is soon to be legally considered harassment. Maybe a fucking moron isn’t what a person with solid inner game acts like, but it very well can be what someone being authentically themself may act like. But if being your true self is required to get women, yet it can also include acting like a fucking moron, yet moronic behavior is not what strong inner game is, haven’t we run into a problem?

2 hours ago, SeaMonster said:

It's not difficult to improve at all

If that was true why would 63% of young men today be single and sexless? 63 fucking percent man. That’s outlandish. It’s obviously not that easy or the number wouldn’t be so astronomically high. 

2 hours ago, SeaMonster said:

which means you're relaxed and confident and naturally attractive and you're not in your head, which would distract you from observing the girl's subtle reactions and reacting appropriately.  

This looks like a damned if you do; damned if you don’t situation. If you’re confidently relaxed and not in your head, that may make your vibe more fun but it also puts you at significantly greater risk of saying something tragically stupid, or even a just a little inappropriate. Because not being in your head means you aren’t using the critical thinking needed to properly judge what comes out of your mouth before it’s too late. On the other hand, if you’re too stuck in your head, at least you’ll be safe from saying or doing the wrong thing but your vibe will be a buzz kill.

You have to remember, women are vastly different creatures than we are. One manifestation of this is they get either creeped out or the ick or offended very very very very very very easily. That’s why critical thinking and memorizing all the PUA techniques is just as important as inner game.

2 hours ago, SeaMonster said:

Because you're wrong, even a dumb girl would sense the weirdness of that approach.  It would bore her or creep her out.

Could be but I really don’t think so. Are you familiar with the red pill term “chameleon”? It’s a woman who spends enough time with a man to gain an understanding of the type of guy he is then she uses that information to adapt her persona in a way that he’s most likely to fall wildly in love with. It’s a strategy commonly used by women to marry wealthy men with the end goal of sucking them of everything they’re worth in court. 

If they can do it, why can’t we? Unless, maybe they really are measurably smarter than us on average so we can’t use the same trick on them! :o

3 hours ago, SeaMonster said:

You've internalized a lot of doomerism from online fuckups

Part of it comes from that. Part of it comes from directly experiencing how true it all is when I go out and play the game.

3 hours ago, SeaMonster said:

but maybe you simply don't trust yourself and feel like if you don't control every aspect of the process you will say/do something really stupid.

It’s not about controlling the situation. I trust myself just fine, it’s others I don’t trust because they continuously give me reason not to. Like bitching at me for being myself or being all hostile and butt hurt because a guy they don’t know dared to approach and talk to them like it’s no big deal or kicking me out because I said a harmless naughty joke to the wrong NPC.

3 hours ago, SeaMonster said:

I'm saying 99% of the battle is won before you step to the girl.  It's WHO YOU ARE stepping to the girl.

Most important of all is this right here. If there’s a way to beat 99% of the battle of getting laid I need to know how to do it right fucking NOW! I can’t go on any longer without having up close and personal female contact. So can you please expand on what you mean by “step to the girl”?

I’d rather her step on me tbh.

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5 hours ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

Most important of all is this right here. If there’s a way to beat 99% of the battle of getting laid I need to know how to do it right fucking NOW! I can’t go on any longer without having up close and personal female contact. So can you please expand on what you mean by “step to the girl”?

I’d rather her step on me tbh.

It's funny because things like this are just like seeking 'enlightenment' in that if you realise you are already all you need to be, you don't need to seek it. 

Meaning if you can just relax and not be outcome dependent and actually just enjoy the process of talking to someone and getting to know them, you will do 100x better than obsessing about every little thing you say. 

There is no activity I can think of where being in your head and unrelated helps your performance, whereas if youre loose and in the moment your performance will be the best in can be. Because you strongly want an outcome this makes you unable to be in the moment because in your mind too much is at stake, women can sniff this on you from the get go, so that is what you need to let go of before stepping to a woman. 

Edited by Consept

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1 minute ago, Consept said:

It's funny because things like this are just like seeking 'enlightenment' in that if you realise you are already all you need to be, you don't need to seek it. 

Meaning if you can just relax and not be outcome dependent and actually just enjoy the process of talking to someone and getting to know them, you will do 100x better than obsessing about every little thing you say. 

There is no activity I can think of where being on your head and unrelated helps your performance, whereas if your loose and in the moment your performance will be the best in can be. Because you strongly won't an outcome this makes you unable to be in the moment because in your mind too much is at stake, women can sniff this on you from the get go, so that is what you need to let go of before stepping to a woman. 

He won't understand this. He keeps fighting everyone that tells him this with a bunch of excuses and poetry. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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2 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

He keeps fighting everyone that tells him this with a bunch of excuses and poetry. 

What you call fighting I call trying to work through a very stubborn problem preventing me sexcess. When I argue with people, that doesn’t mean I’m dismissing everything they say as nonsense. I’m hearing lots of people say lots of things and I’m storing it all. 

For example, you talk a lot about LoA, manifestation, intention, God, that stuff. I used to be heavily into all that and it worked really well to get me into the love frequency, I felt incredible and my heart was as big as the universe (not being sarcastic, I’m serious) But that’s all it did. I wasn’t able to manifest anything but happiness and ecstatic spiritual orgasms of love and good will. I really really should have just kept going with that but instead I had to make a complete dumbass decision by trying to get a girlfriend and have physical sex. Once I saw how insanely difficult it was and how shitty real people are it slowly but surely depressed me all the way down to this miserable state. 

Maybe if you could experience being kicked out of a club for saying a dirty joke to the wrong person knowing women get away scot free with that exact behavior and worse all the time, you’d understand 

2 hours ago, Consept said:

There is no activity I can think of where being in your head and unrelated helps your performance,

Maybe working as an attorney?


I see your point. There probably is some way to get into a flow state that makes panties drop. Question is how do you attain that state. Like what exactly do you DO? 

2 hours ago, Consept said:

just relax and not be outcome dependent and actually just enjoy the process of talking to someone and getting to know them

How can this even be done knowing I’ll have to suppress my personality or (self)? Because being myself is the very thing that seems to be causing problems. Maybe that’s why they say fake it till ya make it

When you say one tiny little thing wrong or make a wrong move, it’s very difficult to recover from that because the girl instantly becomes unattracted. That’s why the outer game technique is so crucial because you need to know logically what you can and can’t say, which varies drastically depending on the person. 

I’m starting to feel like calibration is a word of oppression thats used to alienate and shame us social outcasts into hiding. Calibration shouldn’t be necessary if you’re just trying to have a good time, let loose and be yourself. It’s the ultimate buzz kill. It’s literally the practice of restricting yourself to only expressing in ways others feel comfortable with. Which unfortunately is almost every bit of your full self for some of us

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15 minutes ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

I see your point. There probably is some way to get into a flow state that makes panties drop. Question is how do you attain that state. Like what exactly do you DO? 

Let me give you an example, if you think of kids say around 5 years old, they very often will just go up to each other and just ask 'do you want to play?'. Their intention is solely having fun and they know that it can be a lot more fun playing with someone else.

Now imagine there was a kid who was constantly worried about what to say to the other kids so that they would like him, he might try saying weird stuff or try and be funny or be overly serious or anything that wasn't actually authentic to him. The other kids can feel this on some kind of level and don't want to play with him. It's not cos this kid is bad it's just they can feel the inauthenticity, it's like he's trying to hide something, even if they don't know what it is and his uncomfortableness, energetically passes onto them making them feel uncomfortable. If the kid was honest and said I'm nervous but I want to play for example the other kids would feel that congruity and would be sympathetic. 

Hopefully you can see how this may relate to you, you have a strong outcome dependence with women, even in the quote you say you want to get into a flow state to make panties drop, which is almost a paradox as a flow state doesn't require an outcome it just is. 

Also you're not being yourself, stop lying to yourself, there are probably people you can be yourself around, friends and family etc if you contrast how you are with them against how you are with women my guess is it would be night and day. 

So the practice is just talk to people with no ulterior motive at all and being brave enough to truly be yourself, the more you do it the easier it will be. Forget all this endless pontificating about how the world is against uncalibrated people, this is just an excuse for the fear of truly being yourself. 

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6 hours ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

When you say one tiny little thing wrong or make a wrong move, it’s very difficult to recover from that because the girl instantly becomes unattracted. That’s why the outer game technique is so crucial because you need to know logically what you can and can’t say, which varies drastically depending on the person. 


Explain to me why your input has any validity if in every post you are constantly complaining about your inability to get into a relationship, while many people don't seem to have any problems with women at all.

Have you considered that the way you're framing women and yourself is precisely what's holding you back?

You don't realize how much the doomerism black pill content hurt you, man. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. You are constantly dehumanizing women. In one of your posts, you wrote "women are completely different creatures".  You also seem to only think of women as some kind of living sex toy. Your only concern seems to be sex. You have no consideration for what other people might feel, and victimize yourself for being rightfully removed from space after "being expelled after saying a harmless naughty joke to the wrong NPC". 

Do you realize how much you alienate yourself from other people and unconsciously hurt them for subscribing to this way of socializing with them? Then, it doesn't work, because you listen to the advice of people who haven't spoken to a woman in five years, and when that happens it confirms your bias about "modern women".

You'll only go down in that spiral if you don't stop consuming this content and investigating the nature of your failures by your lenses, instead of a pickup guru or some dude in their grandma's basement.

I've said to another person in this forum and I say to you:

You don't know yourself. You're not in a position to know anybody else.

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12 minutes ago, Israfil said:

Explain to me why your input has any validity if in every post you are constantly complaining about your inability to get into a relationship, while many people don't seem to have any problems with women at all.

Have you considered that the way you're framing women and yourself is precisely what's holding you back?

You don't realize how much the doomerism black pill content hurt you, man. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. You are constantly dehumanizing women. In one of your posts, you wrote "women are completely different creatures".  You also seem to only think of women as some kind of living sex toy. Your only concern seems to be sex. You have no consideration for what other people might feel, and victimize yourself for being rightfully removed from space after "being expelled after saying a harmless naughty joke to the wrong NPC". 

Do you realize how much you alienate yourself from other people and unconsciously hurt them for subscribing to this way of socializing with them? Then, it doesn't work, because you listen to the advice of people who haven't spoken to a woman in five years, and when that happens it confirms your bias about "modern women".

You'll only go down in that spiral if you don't stop consuming this content and investigating the nature of your failures by your lenses, instead of a pickup guru or some dude in their grandma's basement.

I've said to another person in this forum and I say to you:

You don't know yourself. You're not in a position to know anybody else.

Here comes the continuous stories, excuses, assumptions and reasons why what you said isn't so. He will dissect your every sentence and put it through the court of law and explain to you, why he's the victim. The jury will find him not guilty by reason of sexless insanity and he will ask for a plea bargain because he didn't realize he was being set free.


What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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8 hours ago, Israfil said:

You have no consideration for what other people might feel, and victimize yourself for being rightfully removed from space after "being expelled after saying a harmless naughty joke to the wrong NPC". 

Nor do they have any consideration for how I feel so that should make us even.

The fact some of you think it’s rightful to to remove me for very small offenses is everything wrong with the modern night life scene. Understand this: A guy on this forum got kicked from a club for whispering something in a girl’s ear. Just that. Another guy got kicked from a mall for nothing beyond running his pickup practice. I’ve also experienced it a few times for few reasons. 

Do you guys not realize or ignore the fact that women commit very similar offenses and worse with impunity because of their gender? If a woman whispered something in a guy’s ear at the club, would he be taken seriously if he called the bouncer over to deal with her in a similar fashion? Would she be thrown out or would the guy be laughed at? I seriously want an answer here. The same role reversal applies for most other so called violations. If a woman is sexually obsessed with a man in a club and won’t leave him alone, does he have the luxury of having the staff kick her out the same way she would in that position?

You can’t use the “women are weaker and thus have to be more cautious” thing here. You can use that card when a guy approaches in an empty parking garage or alone on the street, but not in a club or mall packed with cameras, security, cops on speed dial and dozens of other men ready and willing to jump in to rescue a damsel in distress. In this scenario it is the man who has much more at stake by mistakenly giving a woman the creeps than the woman by being assaulted. Correct me if I’m wrong here and explain how.

8 hours ago, Israfil said:

“being expelled after saying a harmless naughty joke to the wrong NPC". 

If nothing else just tell me why you say that as if I’m using that statement to downplay the actual severity of my actions as minor grievances. Even grievance is too strong of a word for what’s getting me in trouble. If a girl tells me she’s married and I respond with “A ring don’t cover a hole, girl!” That’s a good, fun-spirited comeback yet it’s exactly the type of thing that normies despise deep down even if they laugh it off in the moment. Girls crack jokes like that and worse all the time. Nobody cares, at least not enough to get them told to leave. WHY?



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