Keryo Koffa

Why aren't we naturally psychedelic?

26 posts in this topic

Two things: modern society and the materialistic worldview.

Once you're hooked up to modern society, you get exposed to both hyper-salient stimuli (e.g. cakes, junk food, social media, porn) and hypo-salient stimuli (grey urban environments, office walls, lack of direct sunlight, physical inactivity) defined relative to what our minds and bodies are evolutionarily adapted to. These things erode your general sensitivity to life, because sensitivity comes from a high level of calibration of your body/mind systems, and that requires giving your body/mind exactly what it needs at any given time (neither "hyper" nor "hypo", but just right), and modern society (or the default version of it) largely fails to do that.

The materialistic worldview contains within it certain assumptions about what is likely and what is not likely to experience. For example, hearing voices, seeing spirits and experiencing psychic abilities are seen as metaphysically incompatible with "reality", and to the degree you do experience these things, you will be labeled as delusional and/or slapped with a mental disorder diagnosis. Now, to the degree that you inhabit these assumptions, it will actually dictate how likely you are to experience these things. For example, the times you're walking in the dark and have an intrusive thought about some ghost being in your presence, you'll be less likely to brush it off as an irrational fear and maybe actually open yourself up to what that experience might entail when fully investigated.

There is naturally some fear associated with opening yourself up to "the spiritual world", especially when you hear about stories such as entity possession, and also just the general cultural framing of it as something pathological. Also, I personally think it can possibly open you up to an endless source of actually delusional and neurotic mental behavior (e.g. "I feel kind of bad -> it must be a spirit"), a kind of spiritual hypochondriasis, especially when it's tied to narratives about the causes to these problems (e.g. "some people carry bad energies, so I must avoid them"). When we're dealing with subtle phenomena like "bad energies", which is surrounded by so much doubt and uncertainty ("is it actually there or am I projecting something"?), it can easily lead you down an actual pathological path of excess suspicion and eventually full-fledged paranoia.

The only remedy to the aforementioned problems is some rational inquiry: firstly, spiritual phenomena need not be dangerous, detrimental or persecutory. The starting assumption should be that the spiritual world is neutral to whatever your human existence is, just like everyday reality. Secondly, be skeptical of narratives related to the spiritual world, especially theories about things like entity possession that have a persecutory note to them. Unless you're walking down the street minding your own business and you suddenly become 100% certain that an entity hopped into your spiritual body, you should be highly skeptical of such theories that even feed the slightest suspicion of such phenomena having an impact on your life. The skepticism towards narratives should also apply to the cultural narratives labeling them as pathological, as these will also color how you will approach this issue if you don't become consciously aware of them ("what is happening is bad"). In summary, be aware of your narrative lenses and let experience be the guide.

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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11 hours ago, BlessedLion said:

Wow. So compassionate and understanding. 

“you don’t see reality like I do so I’m cutting you out of my life”



That is one way of looking at it. However, it’s also wise not to stay in an environment that is against your own values, especially when your values are more holistic and less selfish. 


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1 hour ago, Yimpa said:

That is one way of looking at it. However, it’s also wise not to stay in an environment that is against your own values, especially when your values are more holistic and less selfish. 

One can attempt to balance relationships.

Realizing the reason behind incompatibility leads to growth, understanding and love.

But fueling resistence often creates division and resentment when done without composure.

It's important to prioritize oneself and the truth first.

We are all one, but if you seek to help others, you need to understand exactly what divides you two and how to overcome it gracefully. Sometimes you'll realize time and space is necessary, leaving one to learn and ponder until they come your way.

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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40 minutes ago, Keryo Koffa said:

We are all one, but if you seek to help others, you need to understand exactly what divides you two and how to overcome it gracefully. Sometimes you'll realize time and space is necessary, leaving one to learn and ponder until they come your way.

Precisely. Time and space are necessary for the universe to even exist!


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1 hour ago, Yimpa said:

Precisely. Time and space are necessary for the universe to even exist!

I often ponder, everything exists for a reason but how much should we indulge in it?

Ego exists to be explored but also overcome. Seperation exists to be appreciated but also united.

If god only wanted to communicate to himself, he wouldn't need space and time, only to be it.

We have control and the ability to let go, both at once. Present time and change both exist.

Everything is a balance. Everything is and changes. We are the vessel of experience and existence.

Both limited control over reality and unlimited over imagination, control over our mode of being, it's amazing.

Edited by Keryo Koffa

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤      Synergy     Your Fractal 💗 Heart     Hyper-Space !  𓂙 𓃦 𓂀

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4 minutes ago, Keryo Koffa said:

I often ponder, everything exists for a reason but how much should we indulge in it?

Hi! Eternally.


Ego exists to be explored but also overcome. Seperation exists to be appreciated but also united.

Yep, God’s imagination can will that.


If god only wanted to communicate to himself, he wouldn't need space and time, only to be it.

God also wants to communicate with herself. And a trillion other things. God is beyond space.


We have control and the ability to let go, both at once. Present time and change both exist.

You said it. Two people interacting with each other like that is Consciousness at work.




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