
Annihilating the Spiritual Ego

27 posts in this topic

7 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

good post, anyone who goes around telling their friends, people, that this is a dream, that he is awake and all that, should be extremely ashamed, few things are more ridiculous and pretentious.

There is no one else to tell but you.

I AM Lovin' It

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3 hours ago, Ishanga said:

They say the ones that know do not talk about it, that ones that don't know do talk about it, it many ways this is Truth, but in this day and age, with Intellect ruling, technology and expression forever on the rise, someone in the "know" has to talk about it otherwise the world will have no chance, but these ppl that talk about know they are the stupid ones, they admit it and then still talk about it and then share methods to get to the point where most ppl are in the know and don't talk about it. The "talking about" it is circus, we can't actually talk about enlightenement, we can only talk around it, Spirituality is about non physicality, knowing what You are and are not, in basic form we are not our bodies, minds, thinking patterns, ideologies, ego and so forth, body is here for us to have an experience of individuality, mind/intellect is here so we can stay alive another day and not get eaten by predators with superior physicality. What we are is before all of this, when in experience of that or touching of it, then life transforms...


preach the gospel but only use words where necessary ~st francis


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16 hours ago, Someone here said:


How do you got those sharp jawbones? 

Low body fat and genetics I guess.


I obviously designed it that way because I like it. Infinite will and such.

12 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

It takes time to realize conceptual knowledge of spirituality is practically meaningless if is not an embodiment.

You could put it that way, yes.

8 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

anyone who goes around telling their friends, people, that this is a dream, that he is awake and all that, should be extremely ashamed, few things are more ridiculous and pretentious.

Yes, I sense you are also fighting your spiritual ego, as I am fighting mine lol. Hence all the nasty feelings about it.

It's cool. It's understandable. But it's not where you wanna stay at either. It's a sign that we are not cool with things just yet. We have a battle going on. Ideally, spiritual hippy dippy folks would not annoy the fuck out of us. We would recognize and accept the stage they're at, effortlessly. There would be no tension.

10 hours ago, Ishanga said:

They say the ones that know do not talk about it, that ones that don't know do talk about it, it many ways this is Truth, but in this day and age, with Intellect ruling, technology and expression forever on the rise, someone in the "know" has to talk about it otherwise the world will have no chance, but these ppl that talk about know they are the stupid ones, they admit it and then still talk about it and then share methods to get to the point where most ppl are in the know and don't talk about it. The "talking about" it is circus, we can't actually talk about enlightenement, we can only talk around it, Spirituality is about non physicality, knowing what You are and are not, in basic form we are not our bodies, minds, thinking patterns, ideologies, ego and so forth, body is here for us to have an experience of individuality, mind/intellect is here so we can stay alive another day and not get eaten by predators with superior physicality. What we are is before all of this, when in experience of that or touching of it, then life transforms...

Not much to add to this other than that I like it. 

Thank you.

Edited by ivankiss

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16 hours ago, SeaMonster said:

"Enlightenment" is basically a state

I would not say it's a state. It is exactly the absence of any kind of a state.

It is the unthinkable. The untouchable. The unseen. The undone.

Absolute, infinite consciousness. Now.


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Ime.....The ego whether it's called spiritual or not is really just the false identification as the doer and the thinker of thoughts. It's the credit taker. The one collecting spiritual badges for the next big consciousness debate.

Whether it calls itself god, consciousness or the human organism, it's all about perpetuating the identification as that! It needs constant reassurance like a control freak with low self esteem

Its a real bugger because its not actually real 🙃 


“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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23 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

anyone who goes around telling their friends, people, that this is a dream, that he is awake and all that, should be extremely ashamed, few things are more ridiculous and pretentious.

15 hours ago, ivankiss said:

Yes, I sense you are also fighting your spiritual ego, as I am fighting mine lol. Hence all the nasty feelings about it.

It's cool. It's understandable. But it's not where you wanna stay at either. It's a sign that we are not cool with things just yet. We have a battle going on. Ideally, spiritual hippy dippy folks would not annoy the fuck out of us. We would recognize and accept the stage they're at, effortlessly. There would be no tension.

I’d say it’s actually a crucial litmus test, especially in relationships that you’re really attached to. If you’re deeply at peace with yourself and trying to communicate it with the one you’re attached to, they’ll seem very confused and rejecting of your love, out of fear. That is a very clear sign that the attachment to that relationship needs to end.

Also, keep in mind that you can literally be preaching the same hymn of “all is Love, Love is God, etc” to one who is less selfish and full of fear; in that case it will not be seen as ridiculous or pretentious. Well, it could be, but it wouldn’t matter!

I AM Lovin' It

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When stomach is empty, don't talk spirtuality, talk getting more food into the mouths that need it. Food is not short of supply today, other things are though Awarness,  Concsiouness, Happiness, Healthy Culture and Economic systems...

Edited by Ishanga

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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