
Annihilating the Spiritual Ego

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You caught a few glimpses, had a realization or two, did some psychedelics, some meditation... and now you're awake, right?

Now you're going around telling people how it's all One and they're all stuck in their ego, right? 

If that's you, great. I'm here to let you know just how deluded and far away from being awake you are.

You only traded your old, materialistic ego for a new, sparkling spiritual ego, in an attempt to reach enlightenment. Innocent but wrong.

If you're doing the work correctly, this is unavoidable. You will most certainly develop a spiritual ego at some point. And if you're intelligent enough, you will soon realize that it's just as flawed, limited and nasty, as any other ego, if not more. You will realize that it must be annihilated. If you want to truly awaken, that is.

If you're wearing baggy hippy clothes, have crystals all over your apartment, dream catchers and sacred geometry on your walls... it might be too late for you. You created an identity too strong around this whole spiritual biz, and it's going to be extremely difficult for you to see past that and transcend it.

It might seem to you as if you're being tricked back into your materialistic ego. As if you're falling from grace. Losing your enlightenment lol. You most certainly will resist the process. But it must be done. 

If you want to awaken, spiritual ego is in your way, to say the least. It is also, in my opinion, incredibly annoying and goofy too.

To know a lot of things about enlightenment and create an identity around it is not what being awake is. A truly awakened being could give you no signs at all. They would not speak your everyday spiritual language. Nothing about them would seem spiritual at all. Yet they would be as awake as it gets. 

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Becoming a different person is one way of changing what might not have been working in the first place. To become someone else instead of transcending the someone. Perhaps it could be seen as a phase? Maybe multiple times of changing your ‘person’ is a way to know how ego works and how to pin point it. 

some people are happy with their new person and stay there believing they are ‘done’. 

it might not be truth but it might be perfect for the experience they want to have.

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2 hours ago, ivankiss said:

To know a lot of things about enlightenment and create an identity around it is not what being awake is. A truly awakened being could give you no signs at all. They would not speak your everyday spiritual language. Nothing about them would seem spiritual at all. Yet they would be as awake as it gets. 

Thank you for a sensible post I don't need to roll my eyes at.

The more awakened you become, the less interested you become in the trappings of spirituality.  You simply realize it was all just bullshit mental constructs, mental masturbation.  You don't need answers to the BIG! METAPHYSICAL! QUESTIONS! because enlightenment is the freedom from such bullshit.

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I agree with you, but there also is the feeling that when you yourself wake up, you see that everyone but you has always been awake, ahaha, if you know what i mean. 

I mean, i confess that i'm not awakened at all, not at all. Probably i might even be more awake than most people who claim they are totally awake etc, but come on, this is not like a frickin contest. 

I mean, who cares if i'm the least awake being on earth, or whatever, who cares really, i mean, what matters is reaching for the next level of awakening always, so to speak, if we call it that. 


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Let’s be real (lol), if you say you’re not Consciousness it ain’t gonna matter to Consciousness at all. Matter is Consciousness, heh.

I AM Godzilla

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3 hours ago, ivankiss said:


You caught a few glimpses, had a realization or two, did some psychedelics, some meditation... and now you're awake, right?

Now you're going around telling people how it's all One and they're all stuck in their ego, right? 


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2 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:


I award you with… NOTHINGNESS!!!










I AM Godzilla

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I just tried sharing about my Awakenings with my sister, but she’s asleep right now. I didn’t want to disturb her; so she went back to sleep.

I AM Godzilla

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People can't be "awake". Being "awake" is the dissolving of the dream. Nobody is awake and there will never be someone that is "awake". 

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It's really the same mechanism. A coping mechanism.

Both the materialistic ego and the spiritual ego are working extremely hard to preserve themselves. They are both, essentially, disconnected from reality. From actuality.

They both live in lalaland. It's just that one likes money, cars and hookers and the other one likes crystals, dream catchers and sacred geometry. 

Roughly put, but you get the point.

So what would be a healthy ego? What would be a healthy individual? A healthy persona? A healthy being? 

It is, in my view, an individual that is connected to reality. Connected to their true nature. They know their place. They do not try to metaphysically outfuck themselves or others all the time. They are ok with being what they are, where they are, when they are. And if they are not... that's ok too. It's allowed. It's accepted. It's welcome.

A healthy individual is aware of their own limitation. They know where they begin and where they end. They understand that extremely clearly.

They have nothing to prove. No one needs to know they're awake, no one needs to know about their spiritual journey. But also, no one needs to be awaken. No one needs their assistance to awaken. 

They understand their role and they are 100% committed to it. They simply let themselves and everything else be.

And all of that is not coming from a place of ignorance, of course. It's coming directly from Source. From infinite intelligence. It's also coming from years and years of experiences, insights, realizations, purifications, shadow work, inner child work, dark nights and what have you. All of that is real and valid at some point. And if properly realized, all of that is perfectly integrated. It's all there. It's all doing its magic. It's just that it's not desperately trying to impress anybody, scream for attention, beg for affection, recognition or anything similar. It is quite literally barely noticable. Transparent. It is a form of intelligence that is simply not percievable by most. It takes one to see one. Many... cannot see, comprehend or understand (the) one.

What I'm saying is... that there are folks out there who are enlightened AF, and you could never guess. And there are also fools dressed up as saints, sitting in perfect lotus position, using all the perfect spiritual words... and you know they're full of shit. They are nowhere near being awake. It's obvious, if it is.



Edited by ivankiss

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8 minutes ago, strangelooper said:

People can't be "awake". Being "awake" is the dissolving of the dream. Nobody is awake and there will never be someone that is "awake". 


But for the sake of this collective dream, this hallucination... it is important to know your relativity too. 

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Here's a fun one:

There are no enlightened or awakened people... but there are people who truly know enlightenment and awakening.

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Sometimes we just like the aestethics of it. The narrative.

The meditation app. The meditation mat. The incense. The bineural beat. The forums. The quote on the bio. The excuse for our inactivity. The nodding whenever our favourite guru remarks that we are all one. Dropping the knowledge bomb at the parties. Being able to say you're on "the path". The feeling of being different. The feeling of being better.

The feeling of relief when you see them laugh and have a good time while you're in a crisis, because you think they're still missing somenthing.

And most of all, the idea that spotting in you all of the above makes you any closer to the goal.

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6 hours ago, ivankiss said:

Here's a fun one:

There are no enlightened or awakened people... but there are people who truly know enlightenment and awakening.

"Enlightenment" is basically a state where one is free from compulsive reification (which is concretizing the abstract.)  Since "enlightenment" is itself a reification, of course you run into a paradox trying to describe that state. xD

There isn't "enlightenment" in a sense that you get a picture in your mind of some fixed state which is different from another state which is not it.  You can choose to reify if you want to in that state, so you'd be doing the same thing as a person who is not "enlightened".  You're just not going to do it blindly or with some mistaken perception that the reification is real and true, as opposed to just mind play.

Edited by SeaMonster

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@ivankiss I could care less about the topic at hand (lol jk)...but I have a question..

How do you got those sharp jawbones? 

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spiritual ego is how often you think act as say ... i am awake

and you think act as say that they are not

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Good post. It takes time to realize conceptual knowledge of spirituality is practically meaningless if is not an embodiment.

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They say the ones that know do not talk about it, that ones that don't know do talk about it, it many ways this is Truth, but in this day and age, with Intellect ruling, technology and expression forever on the rise, someone in the "know" has to talk about it otherwise the world will have no chance, but these ppl that talk about know they are the stupid ones, they admit it and then still talk about it and then share methods to get to the point where most ppl are in the know and don't talk about it. The "talking about" it is circus, we can't actually talk about enlightenement, we can only talk around it, Spirituality is about non physicality, knowing what You are and are not, in basic form we are not our bodies, minds, thinking patterns, ideologies, ego and so forth, body is here for us to have an experience of individuality, mind/intellect is here so we can stay alive another day and not get eaten by predators with superior physicality. What we are is before all of this, when in experience of that or touching of it, then life transforms...

Edited by Ishanga

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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good post, anyone who goes around telling their friends, people, that this is a dream, that he is awake and all that, should be extremely ashamed, few things are more ridiculous and pretentious.

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