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The Destiny mega thread..

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@Thought Art

16 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

I know Leo wants you to limit your Destiny posts, or not post them at all here on this forum.

Perhaps, keep them to this section of the forum for now. Perhaps that can work.


   I know, I'll keep them in this section of the forum now. After this one I'll take a break and post other things not drama:


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I actually agree with him on some political issues (e.g. he's not an insane commie -- maybe it's the Cuban background, idk.)  But man, is he one self-destructive SOB with the marriage thing, plus his online cult is something else (kinda puts this place to shame, haha.)

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1 hour ago, SeaMonster said:

I actually agree with him on some political issues (e.g. he's not an insane commie -- maybe it's the Cuban background, idk.)  But man, is he one self-destructive SOB with the marriage thing, plus his online cult is something else (kinda puts this place to shame, haha.)

   Yes, exactly the case. His online cult is leagues beyond this place, the doxing and dog piles and cyber bullying/harassments is on another level, especially against good faith critiques of Destiny. They really can't take criticism well.🤣 

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   IMO a decent coverage of why people hate streamers, and in the list is Destiny:


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   A great insight into how a person, and a man, processes a divorce:

   Be open minded and willing to learn from this perspective, no dogma or close mindedness. It's fascinating to see in almost real time how a person with Destiny's developmental factors, values, cognition, morality, personality types/traits, dark triads of sociopathy and some narcissism, ego development, other lines of development, and ideological beliefs and world view deals with a divorce. Also this is not his first but roughly a total of 5 separations so far. This is the worldview of a polyamorous person.

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   Another example of Destiny's skill sets on arguing and debating:


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   A decent showing of debate skills here:

   A clash between stage orange and stage green worldviews.

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   This is his latest video on this situation:

   Observe his body language.

   Skip to the last 7 minutes, that's relevant to the Destiny divorce situation:

   If he's right, and blackmail is illegal, then Destiny is in serious trouble, which does correlate to my body language analysis I did of him. Although emotional blackmail is difficult to prove, and the court has to factor in and class online behaviors and actions from some online spaces as legal/illegal, AKA drug sourcing is an obvious illegal to the courts but emotional manipulation and grooming online isn't, if this goes to court Melina might be able to sue for blackmail. I'm not sure if it's 

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On 2023-12-26 at 3:18 PM, kenway said:

   I have watched it once and posted my body language analysis here if you're still interested:

   I may come back again to re-watch and add more analysis. First impressions in terms of body language, Mike Sartain is decent body language communication, good verbals and eye contact, lots of illustrators, hand gestures. Critiques from me would be too much finger pointing and wagging, big no no for me if intent is to build rapport, trust, and persuasion, unless it's displays of dominance. Destiny is as usual as I covered him, but he does get animated when Ryan Dawson points out he's reliance of 'googling' and 'fact checking' with his phone, IMO a reasonable point out because it parallels to a chess game when a chess player cheats via A.I chess engine and the other doesn't, so IMO disrespectful to a live face to face debate towards Ryan Dawson. Now I know quite a bit as I was an ex fan of Destiny, and some what know of Mike Sartain, but this is a first watch of Ryan Dawson. In Ryan Dawson's case, verbally and non-verbally very subdued, passive, low energy and low vibe, according to him from jet lag, similar energy like Lex Fridman. Due to this, and my lack of prior contexts of Ryan it was difficult to get a good read, but he does have moments of high energy, and defensiveness towards Sartain's passive aggressiveness when he made points about 9/11 and about the Israel/Palestine conflict, and indirect points of A.IPAC, an Israel lobby within America that influences policies in Israel's hegemony and interests, which Ryan eludes to being the major source for why George Bush invaded Iraq, and other things about missing Anthrax, and a few points of conflict and remarks about military personnel lying which did make Mike Sartain do posture shifts by going up and down the chair(🤣) a few times, and that one time he actually tuts at Ryan which is also a verbal strong disagreement/disapproval, which is funny to me. Not much to breakdown Destiny, I do recognize certain facials of tension and micro expressions of disgust or intellectual superiority, and pointy fingers. 

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Thanks. I appreciate you taking the time to provide this analysis as well as your thoughts written on the other thread. Body language is always very interesting.

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On 2023-12-30 at 10:46 PM, kenway said:


Thanks. I appreciate you taking the time to provide this analysis as well as your thoughts written on the other thread. Body language is always very interesting.

   You're welcome! Anyone interesting that you think is deceptive or is strangely defensive, and you want my interpretations via body language analysis let me know.

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   Such a hilarious coverage of Destiny!🤣


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   This is an interesting debate, good to observe the maturity/immaturity of the speakers. Note how Destiny deflects and weaponizes rephrases:


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