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Research shows that mindfulness help one age better

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Research suggests that being more mindful in our everyday lives can protect our health as we age—and even help us live longer. It also suggests that mindfulness meditation could be good for the mental health of ageing or elderly people.



In one study, older adults with mild to moderate levels of depression were randomly assigned to either an eight-week health education program coupled with physical exercise or a mindfulness-based therapy program. Before and after, the seniors reported on their depressive symptoms and how much they ruminated, and were tested on how well they could recall specifics from past memories (which someone with depression has trouble doing).

While both groups had fewer depressive symptoms after the program, only the mindfulness group reported significantly less rumination and better memory specificity, suggesting that mindfulness can help reduce symptoms associated with depression in older adults.

In a 2021 analysis of several studies (a meta-analysis), researchers found that mindfulness meditation significantly decreased depression in older adults, with guided meditations being even more effective than unguided meditations.

Similarly, another meta-analysis found that mindfulness programs reduced both depression and anxiety in older adults. Put together, these studies suggest that mindfulness meditation could be good for the mental health of elderly people.


Self-awareness is yoga. - Nisargadatta

Awareness is the great non-conceptual perfection. - Dzogchen

Evil is an extreme manifestation of human unconsciousness. - Eckhart Tole

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