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The Worst Income Inequality in America is…

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46 minutes ago, Juan said:


   Nice video about Puerto Rico's inequality. Another example, based on many developments like Spiral Dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality traits/typing, 9 stages of ego development(by Jane Loevinger), Architypes (by Carl Jung), Integral Theory's other lines of development in life and societal domains and social infrastructures(by Ken Wilbur), and ideological differences and beliefs indoctrinated and gaslighted by family upbringing, culture, and the information ecology funded by big tech companies and other big companies to leverage popular opinion and manufacture consent in the masses.

   Also good example of Neoliberalism and capitalism as ideologies and late stage capitalism, tourism and cryptocurrency and social media influencers gone too far, and how boycotting and embargo effects countries. And some ramifications of American hegemony and egalitarianism and democracy as ideologies.

   Also, did you know that the Chupacabra sightings originated in Puerto Rico?


   I recommend others to check out his channel, good content, well balanced and thoughtful in handling the Cryptid zoology topic.

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42 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

Also, did you know that the Chupacabra sightings originated in Puerto Rico?

Thanks for share but this is not relevant to the thread. 

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3 minutes ago, Juan said:

Thanks for share but this is not relevant to the thread. 

   I agree it's mostly not relevant, but it's loosely implicit with the situation faced by Puerto Rico. If you watch Bob Gymlan's video on Chupacabra, even though he prefaced that it's speculative on his part, his take plus this current political, governmental situation with Puerto Rico and the capitalism, there' a small probability that a few big companies may have private companies there, and it being privately owned in some wilderness in Puerto Rico is the type of environment for this particular cryptid, especially if you cross reference other cryptid and animal appearances with the Chupacabra it's a reasonable guess such a thing is genetically engineered, which needs lots of money and a private land to do so.

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