Tesla Robot Optimus - Gen 2

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Just 3 years developing a robot and look at that.

Imagine what we will have around 2030.

Edited by CARDOZZO

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Very cool. This machine might make Elon Musk more money than everything else he's done.

This is his best idea so far.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Elon: We must stop all AI progress after GPT4

Also Elon: Develops the highest tech AI robot by miles

Me: stops fighting and just eats popcorn watching this all unfold

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Im trying to think of the use case though, if someone is to get one: 

id prob just get one for cooking, cleaning, but what else is there?

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1 hour ago, Jayson G said:

what else is there?

All the tedious factory work.

This is not for personal use, this is for business.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura yeah I figured, it will also be expensive for most consumers, but i do like to dream big, envision the future and automate as much in my life thats sort of SOP .. I do think one day they will be pretty common in households too, b2c, maybe within 6 to 10 years, bezos and musk are always looking to create cheaper consumer items

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6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Very cool. This machine might make Elon Musk more money than everything else he's done.

This is his best idea so far.

I think it will sell more than cars.

They will conquer repetitive/boring work.

That's why I have a big bet on 

People will NEED to evolve and develop themselves as humans.

Those who teach self-help, spirituality, creativity will be required.

The most wanted skill in the future: BE MORE HUMAN THAN YOU ARE, ON ALL LEVELS AT ALL TIMES.

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If we use Neuralink, we will be able to control robots to do some work.

Neuralink will be like a video-game controller.

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I don't see how humanoids fit into global economy in the next 50 years. All new technology relies on the bet that we will somehow expand our energy sources, mine more materials and not collapse on civilization complexity from climate change and environment pollution. Whether the robots are good or bad idea depends on their reliability. And Tesla has very mediocre reliability.

It's a finicky bet.

I bet we will go back to simpler means of production in all sectors of economy in the next century. That means no popularization of fancy robots.

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@Girzo Here you can see a interview by a CEO of a company called Figure that is competing with Tesla: 

Checkout their masterplan.

It is a great vision.

Machines should be doing repetitive, boring, mechanical work.

Creativity is the new hype.

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@CARDOZZO Citing this guy's master plan:


We face high risk and extremely low chances of success.



If we want continued growth, we need more productivity — and this means more automation.

Continuing growth is unsustainable, if you start with this assumption, you are already dead at the start.

Doesn't address what I have said at all, apart from these comments.

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@Girzo If you are aware of the Meta-crisis, I agree that robots will worse the situation.

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@CARDOZZO Not at all, but it's important to asses what is possible during our lifetimes and what is a dream for the next centuries.

Otherwise you are burning investor's money. Thus, wasting humanity's potential.

Edited by Girzo

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I'm really hoping to see some breakthroughs in material science that cause more innovation in this field.

P.s Those last few seconds were a lousy attempt at Boston dynamics

The Dynamic Duo


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@MarkKol What Figure/Tesla is doing is solid because they want to put robots to work on jobs that could be automated.

Boston Dynamics is great but they focus to much on parkour shit.

Spot is the only cool robot that can bring value to the table when talking about BD.

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