
Is awakening desirable?

23 posts in this topic

On 14/12/2023 at 9:08 AM, Schizophonia said:


I haven't reached it directly yet. But between two total insomnia I already manage to touch the illusory nature of the whole experience.

Sexual orgasm, reactions to orgasm (rolling eyes, moaning...) to torture and reactions to torture (screaming, struggling) through food, laughter, crying, All that you want.
It's just comedy, a story.

What is the point of living when we are aware that there is nothing tangible in the absolute?
It's like the show was ruined.

What is the point in abiding in a blissful nothing? In an empty bliss wave?

No point. But sure as hell feels fine. In fact probably is the last step before total non-existence or Mukti (mahasamadhi).

Is easy to want liberation when want is stuck in body and mind suffering cycles. But what if you have tuned into a certain energy attunement of Blissfulness? Is difficult to want to abandon that.

As a side note, I remember a phrase of my father, now rest in peace. 'When there was good stuff going around (he was talking about Heroin), I would smoke it and just go look at the wall for hours, completely satisfied'.

So if you want an answer to your question, the point of raising your awareness and inner well vibrancy is to enjoy looking at a wall for 3 hours straight. 

But do not take this as drug-encouragement. Bliss from drugs is just a simple falsification which doesn´t come close to inner Blissfulness. 

The point is, there is no point when inner well being is at is maximum. You will not want to abandon that. It doesn´t matter if the outside world makes sense or not. 

But my suspicion is, there is something beyond Bliss (and ecstasy): complete non-existence. Mahasamadhi. Conscious death. For ever. Then you'll have your show "ruined", as you wanted. 


Edited by Javfly33

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@Javfly33 People are so conditioned to think that "the point" has to be something extrinsic to the thing itself (extrinsic value, "purpose") that they forget that the point can be intrinsic to the thing itself (intrinsic value). In fact, intrinsic value is the only point that truly exists, because some thing's extrinsic value always depends on some other thing's intrinsic value, or else there are no things, only an infinite regression of promised things.

In other words, if you can't enjoy something for what it is and always keep looking for an extrinsic value (always placing the value one step outside of what currently exists), then you're not just ontologically confused, but you're setting yourself up for endless suffering.

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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There is no destination at the end of Awakening. No self for there to have begun and ended a journey.

Imagine how open You are to exploring Consciousness. You go about Reality not needing to All Ways Being a certain way.

God’s Way!


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