
Understanding the nazi mind

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49 minutes ago, OBEler said:

Because Russia planned to invade Germany. Germany had little time window. When they attack first, they had the first mover advantage.

There are many more reasons why Germany had to invade first.

By the way, starting war with USA was also not a choice. Some weeks later USA would claim war on Germany anyway. 

That is false, if Russia had tried to invade Germany, the Germans on the defensive would have destroyed the Russian army. Germany invaded Russia and started a war against the civilian population. They sought genocide to appropriate lands. 

His attempt was impossible because the Russians retreat until the invader is hungry and frozen and then they attack, no one who was not stupid would have tried that while they are at war with England and with the USA about to declare war on them. 

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42 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

That is false, if Russia had tried to invade Germany, the Germans on the defensive would have destroyed the Russian army. Germany invaded Russia and started a war against the civilian population. They sought genocide to appropriate lands. 

His attempt was impossible because the Russians retreat until the invader is hungry and frozen and then they attack, no one who was not stupid would have tried that while they are at war with England and with the USA about to declare war on them. 


The Blockade of Germany (1939–1945), also known as the Economic War, was carried out during World War II by the United Kingdom and France in order to restrict the supplies of minerals, metals, food and textiles needed by Nazi Germany – and later Fascist Italy – in order to sustain their war efforts.

Despite Germany's industrial gains, food was another matter. Even in peace, Europe was unable to feed itself, and although Germany now held two-fifths of the green fields of Europe, Germans found that despite decrees forcing farmers to sell their produce and livestock and outright requisition, in terms of food the occupied lands represented a net drain on their resources that could not be made good.

As 1940 drew to a close, the situation for many of Europe's 525 million people was dire. With the food supply reduced by 15% by the blockade and another 15% by poor harvests, starvation and diseases such as influenza, pneumonia, tuberculosis, typhus and cholera were a threat. Germany was forced to send 40 freight cars of emergency supplies into occupied Belgium and France, and American charities such as the Red Cross, the Aldrich Committee, and the American Friends Service Committee began gathering funds to send aid. Former president Herbert Hoover, who had done much to alleviate the hunger of European children during World War I, wrote:[33]

The food situation in the present war is already more desperate than at the same stage in the [First] World War. ... If this war is long continued, there is but one implacable end... the greatest famine in history.


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4 hours ago, Nivsch said:

Number of books doesn't mean good education.

4 hours ago, Nivsch said:

IQ is a technical ability, not at all an indication to a real intelligence.

True. Exposure to information isn't learning - like sitting in front of food but not eating it, and if eating it not digesting it properly.

Education in the original sense of the word and its root means to educe - to draw out and bring out the humanity and best in us. Going by what the Nazi's did that isn't the best of humanity but the worst of it.

Excess rationality, logic and intellect has a way of rationing us away from life, atomising our existence and mechanising us to be efficient - but it has no inner light, morality or vision which guides them.

Rationality, logic and intellect are tools that the Germans mastered, but they didn't master themselves - the wielders of those tools. They missed their internal essence that they share with humanity and of which those tools would be used in the service of.

Edited by zazen

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1 hour ago, zazen said:

Rationality, logic and intellect are tools that the Germans mastered, but they didn't master themselves - the wielders of those tools. They missed their internal essence that they share with humanity and of which those tools would be used in the service of.

They did not only mastered it,they saw the limitations and transcended rationality, logic and intellect and also cultural learned morality to a higher force (the instinct, unconsciousness, evolution force, the raw natural power). Hitler wanted the Nazis to be lead by this force, which is far more powerful than the intellect. Which makes them some kind of not human anymore. Nietzsche would call them super humans.


Edited by OBEler

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3 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

That is false, if Russia had tried to invade Germany, the Germans on the defensive would have destroyed the Russian army. 

Not at all. If Russian had tried to invade Germany they would have enough resources already so that germany had no chance. At the end of war Russia had produced 3 times the amount of tanks Germany produced. How will you stop an invasion with 77.000 tanks?No chance.

Also they would wait to invade Germany at the right chance. In the middle of the war Germany would constantly need to prepare for this invasion, which would hinder them on other front because they would need constantly save resources for this invasion. In a war there are good times and bad times. Russian would take the first chance for invasion if Germany was in a bad state. And time was against Germany so the chance for a good invasion from Russia raises with every passed month.

With every month Russia became stronger and stronger because they produced massively tanks for the invasion.if Hitler would wait just 6 month later he would have no chance.



Edited by OBEler

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@Parallax Mind

On 14/12/2023 at 11:55 AM, Parallax Mind said:

Yes good thought exercise. Let me I suggest that, depending on who you ask, you are already a Nazi. Radical Muslims, Putin, and Kim Jong Un demonize Westerns as much as you demonize Hitler. These people argue that Western greed and arrogance has killed millions of people (especially if you include the colonial times). Colonialism slaughtered more natives than Hitler could imagine. And we are direct beneficiaries of that devilry. 

I would say Westerners today are not as bad as the Nazis but they definitely share some characteristics. While you may be a few degrees better than a Nazi you really aren't that different. I would argue that the average person could be led to do atrocious things if their situation was dire enough.

   European colonialism isn't all that evil, in fact some good came out of it. For example the Spaniards that discovered South America put a stop to the Aztecs Empire's ritual of human sacrifices of live warriors, and enslavement of other tribes women and children because in their catholic worldview those practices were immoral. 

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Germany was nearly thirty years ahead in technological advances than the rest of the world. They even had stealth technology and I am not talking about the Horten Ho 229, which is probably where the USA got the idea for the Northrop YB-35 and YB-49, which later became the stealth bomber B21. The Germans also paved the way for more efficient tanks and submarines U-480 which was one of the first uses of stealth and launched the first jet plane in 1939 and much, much more. When the war ended both Russia and America picked from the cream of the crop the best German scientists and gave them a free pardon for their involvement in the war and a new life in the USA and Russia. How do you think you got to the moon so fast? Wernher von Braun helped design and co-developed the V-2 rocket actually the Germans were the first in space in 1944. And no I am not talking about Sputnick or the first animal or human like the Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, Soviet Union's Vostok program on 12 April 1961 at the beginning of the Space Race. On 5 May 1961, Alan Shepard became the first American in space, as part of Project Mercury. Lesser Known was a Russian Female Soviet cosmonaut, Valentina Tereshkova. On 16 June 1963, Tereshkova was launched on a solo mission aboard the spacecraft Vostok 6 and became the first woman in space. They don't make them like that anymore, unfortunately. A woman after my own heart.

What else is never talked about is what the Russians and other allies did to the German people at the end of the war. and how the generations after the war are in a way still paying for it. If look into history you find that the Empire has more Blood on its hands than any other country. The British have Invaded 90 Percent of the Countries on Earth. Where is your precious empire now? Just like the Mongols were the second to use Biological warfare in  1346.  Anyway, Wernher von Braun led NASA's development of the Saturn V rocket that took Apollo 11 to the Moon. His Nazi record was not widely known until after his death. How convenient for him and Nasa. The Mars Project was the first technical study on the feasibility of a human mission to Mars and has been regarded as "the most influential book" on planning such missions Mark Wade wrote in Encyclopedia Astronautica,

"What is astonishing is that von Braun's scenario is still valid today. Somehow Musk you were not the first. What have we humans learned from the 2nd world war or any other war? Interesting that Germany invaded Russia I have always wondered if they had become allies with Russia and how that would have played out as well as knowing that Germany was the first to discover Nuclear fission at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Chemistry in December 1938. The Kaiser Wilhelm Society for the Advancement of Science was a German scientific institution established in the German Empire in 1911.

How would the world be now if Germany had been the first to develop the atomic bomb? Because they had the means and the delivery system to deploy it. I am sure there is a reality where this exists. Or where there never was a continental drift and it never occurred and the world was one big land mass. How would humans get along then? Or if the earth was bigger and the new world was not discovered until the 1900s hundreds. I am sure the indigenous peoples would have survived just fine without us meddling and pushing unwanted beliefs upon them.

Ironically, Wernher von Braun had been arrested by the Gestapo for “defeatism” in March 1944 and was imprisoned for two weeks until Hitler released him to continue producing V-2s. As Nazi Germany collapsed in the spring of 1945, von Braun was ordered to destroy all documents relating to the rocketry program. He disobeyed, hiding the papers in an abandoned mine in the Harz Mountains, where he later retrieved them. Terrified by tales of what the Soviet Red Army did to German prisoners, von Braun and his staff fled westward to the advancing American army. The Nazi SS pursued the German scientists and engineers with orders to kill them and destroy their records. On May 2, 1945, von Braun was able to surrender his entire group to the U.S. Army.

The United States government was very interested in German rocket technology, and in June 1945, sent von Braun and most of his rocket team to Fort Bliss, Texas, along with 150 captured V-2 rockets in “Operation Paperclip” (the files of those Germans selected to go to America were marked with paperclips). Von Braun and his team taught rocketry to the U.S. Army and were soon moved to White Sands Proving Grounds (now White Sands Missile Range), New Mexico to conduct live firings. On January 16, 1946, V-2 flight tests began there; despite some targeting problems (one V-2 landed south of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico), launches continued until 1949, when all usable rockets had been fired.

Funny how it always comes back to New Mexico what happened there again in the summer of 1947? I guess we will never know or will we😂

In 1950, Wernher von Braun’s team was transferred to the Army’s Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama. In addition to directing the construction of new rockets there, he also used his skills in public relations to raise the interest of the American people in space exploration. He helped organize the First Symposium on Space Flight on October 12, 1951, in New York City, which was attended by many distinguished scientists and writers. Papers from the conference were published in 1952 by Collier’s magazine under the title “Man Will Conquer Space Soon.” Von Braun further expanded the public’s awareness of the promise of space exploration by appearing on three Walt Disney television shows on the subject in the mid-1950s.

On July 1, 1960, Dr. von Braun’s Army team was transferred to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), as the core of the new Marshall Space Center in Huntsville. As the center’s first director, von Braun continued to oversee the development of ever-larger rockets for the Apollo program, America’s mission to land a man on the moon. Beginning in 1961, his team built the Saturn I, the largest rocket ever built at the time, in 1966, the Saturn IB, the rocket that launched the Apollo spacecraft into earth orbit, and finally, the massive Saturn V, the rocket that in 1969 landed Apollo 11 on the Moon.

On March 13, 1970, Wernher von Braun became NASA’s Deputy Associate Administrator for Planning. In June 1972, after NASA’s budget had been greatly reduced, he retired to become president of Fairchild Industries. In 1975 he helped establish the National Space Institute. The author of two popular books, Conquest of the Moon (1953), and Space Frontier (1967), Dr. Wernher von Braun died of cancer in Alexandria, Virginia on June 16, 1977. Though his important role in Hitler’s war machine will forever cloud his legacy, many believe that, without Wernher von Braun, America would have landed men on the Moon much later, if at all. The von Braun crater on the moon is named for him.

As for propaganda well that was studied extensively by the US amongst other countries no doubt. If you look back at the Nürnberg Rallies (Nuremberg) in Bavaria. The rallies were primarily propaganda events, carefully staged to reinforce party enthusiasm and to showcase the power of National Socialism to the rest of Germany and the world.

The propaganda used by the German Nazi Party in the years leading up to and during Adolf Hitler's dictatorship of Germany from 1933 to 1945 was a crucial instrument for acquiring and maintaining power and for the implementation of Nazi policies. The manipulation of the minds of individuals by using Propaganda fear and lies is being portrayed and used today. It is just so subtle and done in such a surreptitious way that it is hard to recognize it. 

In the 21st century, propaganda is largely disseminated and propagated through the mass media, the internet, social media platforms, and of course, TV. and the news.  Modern propaganda still utilizes classic tactics such as name-calling and bandwagoning to sway the audience toward or against a particular belief.  Propaganda can also be used as a force for good as well.

What is even sadder is that almost 80 years have passed and nothing seems to have been learned through previous Wars. 

Interesting how those events played out and how a German man became a hero to the Country that had once been enemies.

It is a shame they did not give all that gold back that they plundered. To some the Spanish conquistadors were heroes. They bravely sailed into the unknown, gathered untold riches and wealth, and spread Christianity to the New World. To others, the conquistadors were evil villains who slaughtered native empires, enslaved thousands, and cheated and stole great fortunes.  They viewed the Aztecs as potential subjects to be conquered and converted to Christianity and for some reason, smallpox comes to mind.                                                                                                                              


Edited by Jehovah increases

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19 hours ago, OBEler said:

They did not only mastered it,they saw the limitations and transcended rationality, logic and intellect and also cultural learned morality to a higher force (the instinct, unconsciousness, evolution force, the raw natural power). Hitler wanted the Nazis to be lead by this force, which is far more powerful than the intellect. Which makes them some kind of not human anymore. Nietzsche would call them super humans.


Instinct, unconsciousness and evolution aren't higher though. Hitler took Nietzche's concept of the superman (ubermensch) and perverted it. It takes a level of wisdom and consciousness to understand the same level of wisdom and consciousness. Hitler became a false prophet of Nietzche's philosophy and not only misinterpreted it but acted upon that interpretation to create the atrocity he did.

When Nietzsche talks of the will to power it doesn't mean will to dominate and win the survival of the fittest - to be absolutely darwinian. Yes, its intoxicating, grand and stroked the ego - but this is the same myth and archetype of the Hero which other cultures feel affinity to. It's just not done at the expense of others.

Power isn't a problem, its the misuse of it that is. Power in the service of lower forces wreak inhumane atrocity. 


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54 minutes ago, zazen said:

Instinct, unconsciousness and evolution aren't higher though. 

They are higher and Nazis knew this very well. . Your intellect is very limited. Instinct and evolutionary forces are way superior and triggers in you more power. They also exist in humans way longer. Intellect arised very short time period in humans.


For example:You would not make children just with intellect alone. The evolutionary force is guiding you through this very complex process (finding a woman with good genetics who can breed, have sex with her etc).

Also on the battlefield better trust your instincts instead of your intellect. Nazis were incredible fighters on the battlefield. They did not rely on too much theory and intellect.

Edited by OBEler

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1 hour ago, OBEler said:

They are higher and Nazis knew this very well. . Your intellect is very limited. Instinct and evolutionary forces are way superior and triggers in you more power. They also exist in humans way longer. Intellect arised very short time period in humans.


For example:You would not make children just with intellect alone. The evolutionary force is guiding you through this very complex process (finding a woman with good genetics who can breed, have sex with her etc).

Also on the battlefield better trust your instincts instead of your intellect. Nazis were incredible fighters on the battlefield. They did not rely on too much theory and intellect.

Man is animal, but he is also more than animal. If we reduce ourselves just to our instincts then why not just breed like rabbits and eat sugar all day.

It's because instinct was harnessed through discipline that civilisations were created, not because we indulged instinct which is what end of empires do when abundance satiates them.

Universal consciousness / godhead /life itself is older than even instinct - it's this life that is exploring itself and evolving itself back to its own realisation but through the material world of biology and instinct.

Biology and instinct chain down the soul which wants to transmute its limitations, not indulge them risking its own destruction and that of others.

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6 minutes ago, zazen said:

Man is animal, but he is also more than animal. If we reduce ourselves just to our instincts then why not just breed like rabbits and eat sugar all day.

It's because instinct was harnessed through discipline that civilisations were created, not because we indulged instinct which is what end of empires do when abundance satiates them.

Universal consciousness / godhead /life itself is older than even instinct - it's this life that is exploring itself and evolving itself back to its own realisation but through the material world of biology and instinct.

Biology and instinct chain down the soul which wants to transmute its limitations, not indulge them risking its own destruction and that of others.

instinct/tapping into unconsciousness is far more deeper than just breeding, reproducing. It helps in every action you take. Every insight you have.

For example Tesla tapped into unconsciousness and extracted the greatest innovations.

There lies the true intelligence. Not the limited intellect. And Nazis knew this

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insights into the nazi mind :

why does the nazi mind exists ? Conquest, territorial expansion, order, stability, the 3rd reich.

who is hitler ? nazi, 3rd reich leader, fascist, wounded intellectual, barbaric, revolutionary, visionary, antisemetic, toxic loving, orderly, disgusted, stable, liberal, dictator, serial womanizer, seducer, loving nationalist, idiot, grandiose. 

what was hitler's ambition ? conquest, territorial domination, tyranny, germany's greatness, women, sex (it's getting freudian), attraction, populist, homophobia, patriarchy, patriotism. 

what happened in the 20th century ? conquest, expansion of breed, fights, world wars, genocide, technological advancements, nuclear bomb, famine, communism, science, atheism, christianity's fall down after nietsche, telepathy. 

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Questions about the nazi mind to contemplate :

1.How did the ideological foundations of the Nazi regime shape the mindset of individuals who actively participated in or supported the atrocities committed during World War II?

2.What psychological and societal factors contributed to the radicalization of individuals within Nazi Germany, leading them to embrace and propagate the extreme beliefs of the Nazi Party?

3.In examining the Nazi mind, what role did propaganda, indoctrination, and the dehumanization of certain groups play in fostering an environment where individuals were willing to commit heinous acts against their fellow human beings?


1.The ideological foundations of the Nazi regime, primarily rooted in Adolf Hitler's anti-Semitic and racist beliefs, played a pivotal role in shaping the mindset of individuals involved in heinous acts. The Nazi ideology propagated a distorted sense of racial superiority, scapegoating certain groups for perceived societal issues. This belief system contributed to dehumanization, fostering a mindset that justified discrimination, persecution, and ultimately, participation in genocide.

2.The radicalization within Nazi Germany can be attributed to a combination of historical factors, economic instability, and the aftermath of World War I. The country faced severe economic hardships, and the Treaty of Versailles imposed harsh conditions, leading to widespread resentment. Hitler's charismatic leadership exploited these grievances, providing a narrative that blamed certain groups for Germany's plight. Propaganda and the creation of a perceived enemy further fueled radicalization, as individuals sought a sense of identity and purpose within the context of the Nazi ideology.

3.Propaganda, indoctrination, and the dehumanization of targeted groups were instrumental tools in manipulating the minds of individuals within Nazi Germany. Propaganda campaigns, led by Joseph Goebbels, disseminated false narratives that portrayed certain communities as threats to the Aryan race. Through relentless indoctrination, including in schools and through Nazi youth organizations, individuals were conditioned to accept and internalize these prejudiced beliefs. The dehumanization of targeted groups through propaganda reinforced the idea that these individuals were subhuman, making it easier for perpetrators to justify acts of violence and cruelty during the Holocaust.

Edited by Majed

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On 8/1/2024 at 5:33 PM, OBEler said:

Also they would wait to invade Germany at the right chance.

Why would Russia want to invade Germany? What sources claim that this was planned?

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