
Understanding the nazi mind

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insights on the nazi mind:

The nazi mind is racist. Prejudiced against the jews.

The nazi mind is violent. World conqueror. And national. 

The nazi mind is Hitler. 

The nazi mind is white supremacist. 

The nazi mind is hierarchical. Traditional. Patriarchal. Misogynistic. Homophobic and ableist. 

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There is an infinite depth spectrum of nuances of mental play possibilities.
Nazism is a type of game that's just a little wackier than average, requiring you to kill people for random reasons and put swastikas everywhere, lol.

When I was younger I liked to play fascist (not by Nazi either), but then I realized that I was fundamentally very liberal.


Edited by Schizophonia

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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1 hour ago, Majed said:


I cannot see this in my country. Do they fear I become a Nazi after watching this? I am a German so of course it's in my gene to become the next Hitler...I just need to see Nazi material.Then maybe it's better that I cannot see the history of my own country and just know what I was teached in school.

Edited by OBEler

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8 hours ago, OBEler said:

I cannot see this in my country. Do they fear I become a Nazi after watching this? I am a German so of course it's in my gene to become the next Hitler...I just need to see Nazi material.Then maybe it's better that I cannot see the history of my own country and just know what I was teached in school.

That also always annoyed me when I lived in Germany. The search for truth can be dangerous.


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Here's an insight: 

The nazis weren't only anti jewish, they were anti religion. 

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Edited by Majed

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insights on the nazi mind: 

the nazi mind is wise. 

Question to contemplate: why does the nazi mind exists ?

who is hitler ?

what was hitler's ambition ? 

what happened in the 20th century?

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2 minutes ago, Majed said:

the nazi mind is wise. 

Don't over play your hand.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura in the sense that it grew up in a different era, and is wise to a lot of stuff we're unwise to.

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This topic exists because you are seduced by the Nazi aesthetic.

All there is to know is whether it's in your best interest or not.

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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btw guys, maybe one day i'll release an episode: "Understanding the nazi mind". I'll study deeply nazism, and spend dozens of hours contemplating it, and then release a 3 hours episode where i share all the insights. 

If leo ain't gonna do it, i'll do it myself. 

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2 hours ago, Majed said:

@Schizophonia i'm in love with nazism. 

Do not make us look bad by associating with you.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura alright, i'm moderating my speech.

Edited by Majed

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