
Serious question

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If I am this timeless presents. I am me nate and I'm also you , I am also a squid in the ocean And an alien in outer space a bird in the sky I I have infinite variation in each of my self there are infinite versions of the way all these Infinite kind of life's unfold my series question is this and this is not something I can wrap my mind around what happens when God's lives threw everything and variation of that thing is that why amnesia exists when I'm born because God is ginormous but in the end stuck in repetitive combination on the grand to the max scheme of things is forgetting that important in this thing called God 

Thanks all


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17 minutes ago, Nate0098 said:

If I am this timeless presents. I am me nate and I'm also you , I am also a squid in the ocean And an alien in outer space a bird in the sky I I have infinite variation in each of my self there are infinite versions of the way all these Infinite kind of life's unfold my series question is this and this is not something I can wrap my mind around what happens when God's lives threw everything and variation of that thing is that why amnesia exists when I'm born because God is ginormous but in the end stuck in repetitive combination on the grand to the max scheme of things is forgetting that important in this thing called God 

Thanks all


You are not Nate and Nate is not me. God is appearing as Nate and God is appearing as me. God is appearing as everything. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@Nate0098 Infinity need not be repetitive. 

Also, it's simply because everything is radically one. 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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I think because you are a channel of God, when you change the channel on the tv you do not want to have information of the other show on the one you are trying to watch. Everything about the channel is based around a character of the channel when you change the show you see that you weren't anything in the show but the thing that holds the channel in existence. Then you can see I am the tv and I can go to any channel i want

Edited by Hojo

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Don't speculate based on hearsay you've taken on as belief. Question from scratch. It's useful to start with you, your nature.

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13 hours ago, Nate0098 said:

If I am this timeless presents. I am me nate and I'm also you , I am also a squid in the ocean And an alien in outer space a bird in the sky I I have infinite variation in each of my self there are infinite versions of the way all these Infinite kind of life's unfold my series question is this and this is not something I can wrap my mind around what happens when God's lives threw everything and variation of that thing is that why amnesia exists when I'm born because God is ginormous but in the end stuck in repetitive combination on the grand to the max scheme of things is forgetting that important in this thing called God 

Thanks all


Here are some insights for you:

1. You are here to experience everything possible, till infinity.

2. Forgetting helps you to limit yourself, so that you can have unique experiences.

3. You can and will exist all the time. There's no escaping, but only forgetting.

4. Your karma pushes you forward and backward towards infinity. 

Don't ask me the logic behind the  insights, lol, they are just obtained like the rest of the insights present in  spirituality. From deep contemplation. Make sure to have fun with those insights and not make them your beliefs.

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