
I finally deciphered the idea of 'creepiness'.

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1 hour ago, MysticalSnow said:

You created him.

You don't know what you're talking about.

Millions of men struggle to understand how to handle women. I help to correct that. This is a serious issue for many men. Unfortunately some of them are too far gone down an ideological rabbithole.

What have you done to help them?

Edited by Leo Gura

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10 hours ago, mr_engineer said:

This projection of the 'intent' is what 'creeps them out'! 

Being creepy is being attached to an outcome. Your neediness is evident in that you want women and authorities to have a different image than the one you give off.

People can sense you're hiding your real intentions, whether their guesses are true or not doesn't matter. What matters is how people (not just women) feel around you. Someone is creeped out by you if you inspire in them feelings of awkwardness, fear, guilt...basically if you give them an overall unpleasant interaction without being authentic.

Going on a crusade against what society deems safe won't help your case, you'll just go further down the spiral.

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21 minutes ago, coburn said:

You know, even your explanation sounds creepy the way you blame it on women. They have every right to feel whatever they want towards you and by your defensive reaction to some good answers here  they might have a good reason for it. 

And I have every right to hold women accountable for the way they feel. No, they don't have good reason for it. And they definitely don't have a good reason to blame me (or any man, for that matter) for feeling 'creeped out', if he hasn't committed a crime. 

22 minutes ago, coburn said:

How about you take some responsibility for yourself instead of blaming others?

How about you stop being a simp?! 

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8 minutes ago, meta_male said:

Being creepy is being attached to an outcome. Your neediness is evident in that you want women and authorities to have a different image than the one you give off.

Kay, that's your definition. It's whatever makes a woman feel 'creeped out', it's very subjective. 

8 minutes ago, meta_male said:

People can sense you're hiding your real intentions, whether their guesses are true or not doesn't matter. What matters is how people (not just women) feel around you. Someone is creeped out by you if you inspire in them feelings of awkwardness, fear, guilt...basically if you give them an overall unpleasant interaction without being authentic.

And what they're 'sensing' is wrong. 

If I have intentions, the only way they know, is if I express them. If you're projecting an uncommunicated intention, that's on you. And we have to recognize this, as a society. 

And, why is being 'inauthentic' and 'socially awkward' a crime now? 

8 minutes ago, meta_male said:

Going on a crusade against what society deems safe won't help your case, you'll just go further down the spiral.

You gotta call a spade a spade, right?! You gotta call BS BS. 

Edited by mr_engineer

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1 minute ago, Squeekytoy said:

Being creepy is just someone's judgement. Can be justified, can be nonsense. All your talk isn't going to change the world either way.

Ah, I see. Now that invalidation isn't working, now we're resorting to trivialization. Got it. 

If all of us got together and just held women accountable for the way they feel, dating would get a lot easier. We would not have to play such a massively manipulative game to get laid, we could just directly ask women whether they want to have sex or not. 

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So besides all that angry talk, whats your reasonable solution? Are you going to make it a law how woman have to feel?

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3 minutes ago, mr_engineer said:

And what they're 'sensing' is wrong. 

If I have intentions, the only way they know, is if I express them. 

And, why is being 'inauthentic' and 'socially awkward' a crime now? 

Most of society is unaware of why they feel the way they feel, they can't steer their emotions, empathy is the key. You're only shooting yourself in the foot here. If you let them know your intentions and they don't match your nonverbal communication then people are going to be wise enough not to risk anything.

It's not a crime as as far as I know, but it definitely puts you in the spotlight.

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Just now, coburn said:

So besides all that angry talk, whats your reasonable solution? Are you going to make it a law how woman have to feel?

As I said, hold women accountable for the way they feel. Educate women about the difference between what a crime is and what a crime is not, educate them about their rights. And don't turn into a simp when a woman comes to you and says 'Me feel creeped out because him'. 

Just now, Squeekytoy said:

I'm not with everyone here, lol.

About the manipulation game, I hear you. That's why I don't date.

You can start dating now. I have figured out what's underneath the manipulation-game and you can call it out now. Let's go! 

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1 minute ago, meta_male said:

Most of society is unaware of why they feel the way they feel, they can't steer their emotions, empathy is the key. You're only shooting yourself in the foot here. If you let them know your intentions and they don't match your nonverbal communication then people are going to be wise enough not to risk anything.

But, what if there are no intentions? What if, the behavior is just outside the ordinary, for whatever reason? Maybe it's his style, maybe he's uncalibrated. 

2 minutes ago, meta_male said:

It's not a crime as as far as I know, but it definitely puts you in the spotlight.

The problem isn't the drama caused by women who call guys 'creepy'. The problem is, the simps who come to rescue her from the 'creepy guy'. Men have to be educated about what's behind this 'creepy'-talk, so that we know what's what and we know how to deal with women when they say stuff like that. It's the simps who demonize the 'creepy guy' and they tell women to demonize him. 

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@mr_engineer You dont know what simp is,simp is you giving so much attention to a woman not @coburn

Also being creepy is actually you not being direct with a woman,your intent is not maching your behaviour,that's why creep dont actually want to have sex with a woman(because of some psychological problem) but his behaviour is just to lust over them(looks like he wants to but is indirect) that indirectness creates creepiness,when what you do is not congruente with who you are.

You being scared of women and inexperience will create creepiness.You gonna want her but act like you want to be her friend.

I wrote this to my own entertainment otherwise im talking to a wall.

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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2 minutes ago, Squeekytoy said:

Difference is I'm not expecting the world to change on account of me. I make my choices and deal with it.

I trust that the world's level of consciousness is always rising, so they will see this truth when I talk about it. 

2 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

Also being creepy is actually you not being direct with a woman,your intent is not maching your behaviour,that's why creep dont actually want to have sex with a woman(because of some psychological problem) but his behaviour is just to lust over them(looks like he wants to but is indirect) that indirectness creates creepiness,when what you do is not congruente with who you are.

Why is any of this a crime? 

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Just now, mr_engineer said:

But, what if there are no intentions? What if, the behavior is just outside the ordinary, for whatever reason? Maybe it's his style, maybe he's uncalibrated. 

In that case you can still focus on what makes people feel comfortable. I personally don't think it's easy navigating the thin line between being your authentic self vs. not scaring people.  I don't believe your intentions are bad and it sounds like you want to get this handled since it causes you suffering. But you need to open your mind a bit more and leave women out of this debate, it has absolutely nothing to do with them.

7 minutes ago, mr_engineer said:

Men have to be educated about what's behind this 'creepy'-talk, so that we know what's what and we know how to deal with women when they say stuff like that. It's the simps who demonize the 'creepy guy' and they tell women to demonize him. 

You have a sneaky mind. Why do you want all this? So you can get laid, I don't really believe it's for the men ;) Let the simps simp, you wanna play at their level?

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@mr_engineer Its not a crime its inappropriate, its like me farting next to you when you eat or in general it would disgust you.Women experience everything on so much bigger level emotionally show her a bug then you will see.What irrirates you irritates them on a higher level and they dont operate like you and dont have same experience.Some women had an experience with behaviour that you showing with a guy that did something bad to her could be that you never know.You shouldnt care for them you should care for yourself to not be creepy by not staring at women for long time with imagining some scenarios or something its innapropriate...

It would weird you out if a woman starts acting like a man same way you need to learn how to be a man but thats a phantasy if we caring about this..

Edited by NoSelfSelf

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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3 minutes ago, meta_male said:

You have a sneaky mind. Why do you want all this? So you can get laid, I don't really believe it's for the men ;) Let the simps simp, you wanna play at their level?

The problem is that the simps are in positions of power and they believe that it's their God-given duty to 'believe all women'. 

And the reason I want all this is not so that I can get laid. That's a separate conversation. My reason for this, is because I want to be able to look at a woman, appreciate her beauty and not get into trouble for it. 

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29 minutes ago, Squeekytoy said:

Being creepy is just someone's judgement. Can be justified, can be nonsense. All your talk isn't going to change the world either way.

I want to wiggle my tongue into your ear hole.

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2 minutes ago, mr_engineer said:

The problem is that the simps are in positions of power and they believe that it's their God-given duty to 'believe all women'. 

I think you're confusing something here.

4 minutes ago, mr_engineer said:

My reason for this, is because I want to be able to look at a woman, appreciate her beauty and not get into trouble for it.

This sounds more like a simp, which is creepy.

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3 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I want to wiggle my tongue into your ear hole.

Say that to a gay guy and he might take you up on it. 

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16 minutes ago, mr_engineer said:

The problem is that the simps are in positions of power and they believe that it's their God-given duty to 'believe all women'. 

If a woman tells you you're creepy it's because that's how you made her feel. Her feelings are genuine but of course that is her subjective experience. It doesn't have to correspond to objective reality.

The point is that once you learn game you will never make women feel creeped out any more and everyone will be happy.

No one claims that being creepy is a scientific fact. It's how you make others feel.

Edited by Leo Gura

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4 minutes ago, meta_male said:

This sounds more like a simp, which is creepy.

Yupp. Don't even look at women, experience their beauty and make up your mind as to whether you want to approach her or not, based on what you see. 

Do you just go for the hole when you approach women?! Is that the opposite of 'creepy'?! 

3 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

If a woman tells you you're creepy it's because that's how you made her feel. Her feelings are genuine but of course that is her subjective experience.

The point is that once you learn game you will never make women feel creeped out any more and everyone will be happy.

I actually want to be able to vet the manipulative women, who are willing to unleash a horde of simps on you just because they 'felt creeped out'. That's not a safe individual to be with, from male perspective. 

Edited by mr_engineer

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9 minutes ago, mr_engineer said:

I actually want to be able to vet the manipulative women, who are willing to unleash a horde of simps on you just because they 'felt creeped out'. 


Dude, you are your own worst enemy here. You have this toxic suspicion of women. Like you need to fight with them.

I have talked to thousands of women and never once has your kind of thinking entered my mind.

You just go up to women and have fun talking to them. That's all. Stop with all this ideological overthinking. There is no political battle, there is nothing you need to defend against.

You are thinking about things you shouldn't even be thinking about.

The only thing you should be thinking about is how to make a woman laugh and how to have fun.

I'm telling you what works. What you are doing will not work.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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