Spiritual Warrior

Getting into Spirituality Too Early (A trap I fell into)

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I would like to share with you guys a trap that I fell into in my life; getting into spirituality too early. 

When I was 23 years old, I graduated college and had an existential crisis. I didn't know who I was outside of my college self and didn't know what to do with my life. I started to dabble in the self help field, watching lots of Leo's videos and reading some self help books. I also got a job at a Telecommunications company (which my mom basically handed to me I might add) and I started working long, stressful hours. The first couple of years flew by. 

When I was 25, I decided to quit and spend all of my money on traveling and self help books, I coasted by for a couple of years, living off of COVID unemployment money, money that I had saved up, and some odd jobs. This is when I started to get into spirituality. I read all of Jed Mckenna's books, The Book of Not Knowing, Conversations with God and I listened to every one of Leo's videos on Spiritual Enlightenment. I was blown away by the material and am still fascinated as to what this state of consciousness is and how I can get there. 

This seems like a nice trajectory that I've taken, but there are a couple of major problems with it. I know now that I was using spirituality as a distraction from the authentic desires that I held for creating a successful dating life and also finding my life purpose. These spiritual pursuits were not  an authentic desire of mine, they were merely being used to avoid the emotional labor that it would take to tackle my dating needs and to find my life purpose. Sure, I now have a nice baseline understanding of what enlightenment is and what techniques can be used to get there, but now at 28 I am basically starting from ground zero in the dating world and I have found my life purpose, but am at ground zero in terms of building this life purpose into a successful career that can earn a sustainable income. As an adult, the evolution of a man's desires should go more or less like this:

1. Get success in the dating world

2. Find your life purpose and create success within it

3. Pursue spirituality / enlightenment

Can you pursue all three at once? Yeah sure, probably.. just be careful that you are not half assing the pursuit of them. If you are going to pursue something, then fully lean into it. That is why it is more ideal to pursue one fully and then move onto the next. 


Unenlightened people can be described as living in the dream state, enlightened people have exited the dream state and couldn't go back in if they tried. 

Yes, I admit it, I am dreaming, but I am enjoying every delicious, juicy, painful, anxious moment within this dream... and until it is an authentic desire of mine to leave this dream state, I will not pursue it... and neither should you. 


I hope someone gets something out of this and best of luck to you all. :) 

Edited by Spiritual Warrior

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I totally agree with you. You should gather experience and do as many dumb things as possible when you are young. The brain is more plastic before age 25, and young people are more susceptible to the influence of their experiences. Therefore, mystical experiences can be detrimental to their mental health and cause delusions rather than enlightenment. For instance, my best friend ended up in a mental institution after experimenting with DMT.

I think that this is the great video to watch:


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I think some people will go down bad paths without it early though, say drug addiction, suicide, or suicide by 9to5(i.e. the American Dream), but not all. If you have a good family upbringing you would regret it a long time until you figure it out.

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Yes, Maslow's Heirarchy of Needs.

Serious spiritual pursuits will derail your normal life.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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If it wasn't for my spiritual path I would have given up on my life purpose a while ago. To me this either/or mentality is equal to stagnation. 

1 hour ago, Spiritual Warrior said:


 I will not pursue it... and neither should you. 

Some people's minds work in different ways than yours

Sailing on the ceiling 


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8 minutes ago, Rigel said:

If it wasn't for my spiritual path I would have given up on my life purpose a while ago. To me this either/or mentality is equal to stagnation. 

Some people's minds work in different ways than yours

Similar here, I hate to think where I would be, at least 30 years behind where I am now in my life pursuits, in a miserable existence I imagine, probably joined the military for a dangerous position for some semblance of meaning.

It's freed me, it's been scary at times and dark, but for all the dreaming about life as a youngin' I never dreamt of how great a life I've found, I was in a box of limitations and fear.

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It's very alluring to want spirituality, to think of oneself as enlightened. There are numerous people I've met who seem utterly convinced of their spiritual enlightenment and yet behave like selfish assholes.

The challenge is to live your daily life with a more enlightened underpinning. To live in the world without trying to be above it.

Sitting around in the woods with a loincloth chanting "ommm" all day might be some people's dream but it would be better use of their time and knowledge to imbue the world with whatever wisdom/enlightenment by participating and improving people's lives.

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I'm in a similar situation.

What you can do is:

  • Stop watching/consuming spirituality content.
  • List 5 skills that you would like to master.
  • Make money, develop a sense of power and mastery.

You can use spirituality to counterbalance some stress.

Breathwork, Meditation, Contemplation, Yoga Nidra. @Spiritual Warrior

Edited by CARDOZZO

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I really relate to this post, I'm 25 and had an unwanted awakening when 18... Since then I've been lost in life because somehow a thought that life is about awakening installed in my mind, but I didn't really know what is awakening. It wasn't full awakening, just huge kundalini emotional realase.

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5 minutes ago, CARDOZZO said:

You can use spirituality to counterbalance some stress.

Breathwork, Meditation, Contemplation, Yoga Nidra. @Spiritual Warrior

Yes, I like this. Spirituality wil always be a part of my life, I just cant devote all of my time to it right now...

I'm having too much fun dreaming :D

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It’s interesting, it seems like so many people are losing their zest for God these days. 

I live in a spiritual community and met 3 people who dropped out of the silent retreat happening this week. They simply didn’t feel it was aligned. 

Today I met a woman in cafe who said she woke up the other night and simply dropped her spiritual pursuit. Couldn’t even do yoga or meditate after. 

Now this


Not sure what’s going on but I think many people pre maturely jump into spirituality. It’s good to recognize the authenticity of your pursuit. 

Im similar to OP in the sense I had an existential crisis at 23 which catapulted me into the path. I’m now 30. The difference is that I went all in and haven’t looked back. My fire for God is stronger than ever. I don’t even need books or teachers God speaks to me in thousands of ways throughout the day. 

OP. this could also be a trick, to go “burn your karma” but you get stuck in the rat race for a while. 

imo it’s best to conquer the spiritual truths when you’re young and have time and energy. 

I was so set on finding God that i saved all my money to be able to fully pursue it. now, I don’t give a flying fuck about dating, success or status. It’s a joke to me. 

funnily enough I have tons of sex with God realized gorgeous women, my finances are stable and I’ve found my life purpose, which is to teach God realization. It all ties together. They don’t have to be exclusive. 

dating? Meet spiritual women who enhance your practice

life purpose? Serve God 

so if you have that calling stay with it. But if you truly feel it’s not genuine then go back to the delusion, realize it’s empty and disatisfactory, and come back. 

Spirituality is the most satisfying exciting loving thing to do. Sometimes I feel like people dropping around my like flies (off the path) is simply a test. 

I laugh, I’ll die before I fall off the path. 

if it ever gets dry I’ll stick myself inside a cave until the fire is lit again. 

i don’t even need psychedelics anymore God realization is a waking state. 

Lions Heart is my YouTube Channel- Syncing Masculinity and Consciousness

Lions Heart YouTube

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5 hours ago, Spiritual Warrior said:

Unenlightened people can be described as living in the dream state, enlightened people have exited the dream state and couldn't go back in if they tried. 

Yes, I admit it, I am dreaming, but I am enjoying every delicious, juicy, painful, anxious moment within this dream... and until it is an authentic desire of mine to leave this dream state, I will not pursue it... and neither should you. 

How do you exit from an infinite dream?

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2 hours ago, LostSoul said:

I really relate to this post, I'm 25 and had an unwanted awakening when 18... Since then I've been lost in life because somehow a thought that life is about awakening installed in my mind, but I didn't really know what is awakening. It wasn't full awakening, just huge kundalini emotional realase.

Damn dude.. very interesting.

What is your plan moving forward, will you go all out down the spiritual path or take a step back and pursue material desires such as money, sex, relationships, etc.? 

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50 minutes ago, BlessedLion said:

I laugh, I’ll die before I fall off the path. 

if it ever gets dry I’ll stick myself inside a cave until the fire is lit again. 

Very inspiring, I hope to get there one day!

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36 minutes ago, Spiritual Warrior said:

Very inspiring, I hope to get there one day!

You will brother. Your heart is already ignited. It’s all God, even if you take a break, the calling will come back 


Much love on your journey ahead 

Lions Heart is my YouTube Channel- Syncing Masculinity and Consciousness

Lions Heart YouTube

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The truth is that most serious spiritual seekers are pretty fucked up, dysfunctional, mentally ill/severely neurotic and their professional and romantic lives are for shit.

So they seek for a solution to their mental suffering and fucked up lives.  And awakening CAN HELP (e.g. Eckhart Tolle among countless examples.)

If you can fix your romantic and professional life, of course you do it first.  Spirituality can come later as an icing on the cake, the next step, "pimping your life" or whatever.

Edited by SeaMonster

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6 hours ago, BlessedLion said:

It’s interesting, it seems like so many people are losing their zest for God these days. 

I live in a spiritual community and met 3 people who dropped out of the silent retreat happening this week. They simply didn’t feel it was aligned. 

Today I met a woman in cafe who said she woke up the other night and simply dropped her spiritual pursuit. Couldn’t even do yoga or meditate after. 

Now this


Not sure what’s going on but I think many people pre maturely jump into spirituality. It’s good to recognize the authenticity of your pursuit. 

Im similar to OP in the sense I had an existential crisis at 23 which catapulted me into the path. I’m now 30. The difference is that I went all in and haven’t looked back. My fire for God is stronger than ever. I don’t even need books or teachers God speaks to me in thousands of ways throughout the day. 

OP. this could also be a trick, to go “burn your karma” but you get stuck in the rat race for a while. 

imo it’s best to conquer the spiritual truths when you’re young and have time and energy. 

I was so set on finding God that i saved all my money to be able to fully pursue it. now, I don’t give a flying fuck about dating, success or status. It’s a joke to me. 

funnily enough I have tons of sex with God realized gorgeous women, my finances are stable and I’ve found my life purpose, which is to teach God realization. It all ties together. They don’t have to be exclusive. 

dating? Meet spiritual women who enhance your practice

life purpose? Serve God 

so if you have that calling stay with it. But if you truly feel it’s not genuine then go back to the delusion, realize it’s empty and disatisfactory, and come back. 

Spirituality is the most satisfying exciting loving thing to do. Sometimes I feel like people dropping around my like flies (off the path) is simply a test. 

I laugh, I’ll die before I fall off the path. 

if it ever gets dry I’ll stick myself inside a cave until the fire is lit again. 

i don’t even need psychedelics anymore God realization is a waking state. 

I'm touched. Beautiful. 

You cannot love what you need. 

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The need for spirituality, specifically awakening or enlightenment arises when you are undergoing extreme suffering and there is no other way to get out of it or you are extremely curious that you are ready to undergo any extreme of suffering for it.

There are other aspects of spirituality though: compassion, gratitude, forgiveness, unconditional love. Anybody can strive to practice these qualities, no matter what their condition is.

Edit: I forgot the most important thing, Mindfulness.

Edited by An young being

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11 hours ago, BlessedLion said:

funnily enough I have tons of sex with God realized gorgeous women, my finances are stable and I’ve found my life purpose, which is to teach God realization. It all ties together. They don’t have to be exclusive. 

dating? Meet spiritual women who enhance your practice

life purpose? Serve God 

Sounds good in theory but in practice, how do you meet deeply spiritual people? Hitting on women in meditation retreats is creepy.

Anything you choose as your life purpise is serving God.

+ If you haven’t noticed for some weird reason, it is impossible to fully focus on spiritual practices, unless you are financially free.

Even teaching spirituality for a living comes with its baggage, mind games, twisting things and agendas. Less of course.

Edited by Miguel1

Connect with me on Instagram: instagram.com/miguetran

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3 hours ago, An young being said:

There are other aspects of spirituality though: compassion, gratitude, forgiveness, unconditional love. Anybody can strive to practice these qualities, no matter what their condition is.

Yes, good point. I think what I meant is I got into enlightenment work too early, which is spirituality but an entirely different beast from what you've described above.

I will always be striving to be a more loving human being, this is a lifelong endeavor.

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