Rafael Thundercat

Is the Sun Unbiased?

44 posts in this topic

Strange question I know, but today watching the Sun I asked this to myself? And I actually dont know. If you would look to the Sun as a being , a being like you, you would think it wants to be there?  or it made the choice to start burning at some point and will male the choice to stop burning at some point? 

But realise that the ideia of a Sun starting and ending is both projections, I dont saw the start point of this warm ligth and the end it. Everyday this phenomena that I call "day" fades away and every "morning" it come back, after a bit of dreams. The Sun have no especial concern to burn for me, it could in any moment expand or colapse and would not have any problem in burn the whole planet  and I assume would be the end of me, the one who see the Sun every day. So as far I can observe from my arguments is me who have many bias towadrs the sun, is important for me that it keep a safe distance and dont disapear totaly otherwise I would freeze. Ligth,Warm, coming and going and photos and videos of the Sun and scientific explanations of how it work, it is all I know about it. The case is : Does it know all this about itself? So powerfull with no little self inside to know it exists..

Edited by Rafael Thundercat

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Are you trippin'?

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Are you anxious about that?

Logical explanation doesn't help when it comes to ocd for example but I don't know if this is the case with you.

🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation.


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1 hour ago, Nivsch said:

Are you anxious about that?

Logical explanation doesn't help when it comes to ocd for example but I don't know if this is the case with you.

 No anxious at all with that. And is not the case with me.

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@Rafael ThundercatAny ideas you have about the sun are backstory and not in your direct experience. This is especially true at night. 😂

Just joking brother.

Edited by Parallax Mind

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14 minutes ago, Parallax Mind said:

@Rafael ThundercatAny ideas you have about the sun are backstory and not in your direct experience. This is especially true at night. 😂

Just joking brother.

I will check if is really a backstory tomorrow, I check everyday for years and this Sun backstory is very consistent, even repetitive. Even at nigth in dreams Sun show up sometimes. Cosmic Joke. He

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2 minutes ago, Parallax Mind said:

Tomorrow is an idea in your mind and a backstory for the present experience. It's not real 

Why consciouness cant hold and ideia of a tomorrow in order to plan events? For example, one plan the event of pluging 5Meo tomorrow, yes just an Idea, but a very important Idea that may recontextuize all yestwrdays and all tomorrows. Even a story can be a steping stone to walk the path to let go of all stories.

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The sun is actually a selfish bastard, it gets super lazy at night and always abandons shift last minute. It has a love affair with gravity and don't think it wont abandon you for it.

Describe a thought.

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The sun is very racist. Gives me sun burn.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

The sun is very racist. Gives me sun burn.

We brown/blacks don't have a problem. Sun only burns whites. So it's not racism. :P

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14 hours ago, Rafael Thundercat said:

Strange question I know, but today watching the Sun I asked this to myself? And I actually dont know. If you would look to the Sun as a being , a being like you, you would think it wants to be there?  or it made the choice to start burning at some point and will male the choice to stop burning at some point? 

But realise that the ideia of a Sun starting and ending is both projections, I dont saw the start point of this warm ligth and the end it. Everyday this phenomena that I call "day" fades away and every "morning" it come back, after a bit of dreams. The Sun have no especial concern to burn for me, it could in any moment expand or colapse and would not have any problem in burn the whole planet  and I assume would be the end of me, the one who see the Sun every day. So as far I can observe from my arguments is me who have many bias towadrs the sun, is important for me that it keep a safe distance and dont disapear totaly otherwise I would freeze. Ligth,Warm, coming and going and photos and videos of the Sun and scientific explanations of how it work, it is all I know about it. The case is : Does it know all this about itself? So powerfull with no little self inside to know it exists..

Sun is a demigod, so obviously it has an ego.

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7 hours ago, Bobby_2021 said:

We brown/blacks don't have a problem. Sun only burns whites. So it's not racism. :P

I know you're being funny but within every joke is a hint of "realness". By your statement, I think you're implying it's not racism if whites are being looked down upon or attacked. In this case, the sun is attacking whites (just an analogy), so the sun isnt racist, but if it was attacking blacks or brown people or whatever you call it, that would be considered racism. Racism doesn't discriminate. If black people hate white people that's also racist. If black/brown people look down on another race, whatever that race is, that's still racism. It's all racism, doesn't matter which race does what.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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22 hours ago, Rafael Thundercat said:

Strange question I know, but today watching the Sun I asked this to myself? And I actually dont know. If you would look to the Sun as a being , a being like you, you would think it wants to be there?  or it made the choice to start burning at some point and will male the choice to stop burning at some point? 

But realise that the ideia of a Sun starting and ending is both projections, I dont saw the start point of this warm ligth and the end it. Everyday this phenomena that I call "day" fades away and every "morning" it come back, after a bit of dreams. The Sun have no especial concern to burn for me, it could in any moment expand or colapse and would not have any problem in burn the whole planet  and I assume would be the end of me, the one who see the Sun every day. So as far I can observe from my arguments is me who have many bias towadrs the sun, is important for me that it keep a safe distance and dont disapear totaly otherwise I would freeze. Ligth,Warm, coming and going and photos and videos of the Sun and scientific explanations of how it work, it is all I know about it. The case is : Does it know all this about itself? So powerfull with no little self inside to know it exists..

In "The Law of One: Ra Material" Sun is desribed as Sub-logos. A very inportant powerful being that generated the creation in this part of Universe. You might be interested in reading that.

In the Vast Expanse everything that arises is Lively Awakened Awareness.

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1 hour ago, Princess Arabia said:

Racism doesn't discriminate. If black people hate white people that's also racist. If black/brown people look down on another race, whatever that race is, that's still racism. It's all racism, doesn't matter which race does what.

I agree. But many people think that racism can only go on way. 

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@Rafael Thundercat  

Yes, the sun wants to be the sun. reality is the total glory of existence. The rules of the universe are the full glory of existence alive, gravity is alive, and so are the inner forces of atoms. The stars and galaxies are God in all his power and glory, being. It is perfection made matter, it is the energy, intelligence and art that is within us, what we are.

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6 hours ago, Bobby_2021 said:

I agree. But many people think that racism can only go on way. 

I understand that but we have to become the change we want to see; so we shouldn't be concerned with how many people think but try our hardest to demonstrate what we feel in our hearts to be the way Source sees us and to try to reflect that instead of how we think the majority thinks. 




What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Is the Sun Unbiased?

Everyday… except SUNdays.


(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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Google Bard interpretation’s to previous reply:


According to the image, the sun is biased against SUNdays. The image shows a smiley face with two hands around it, and the text says "Everyday... except SUNdays..." This suggests that the sun is happy and friendly every day except on Sundays.

There are a few possible interpretations of this image. One possibility is that the sun is simply more tired on Sundays because it has to work harder to light up the sky. Another possibility is that the sun is biased against SUNdays because it is associated with rest and relaxation, and the sun prefers to be active and working. It is also possible that the image is simply a joke, and there is no deeper meaning behind it.

Regardless of the interpretation, the image is certainly funny and thought-provoking. It challenges us to think about the sun in a new way, and to consider whether it is possible for a natural object to be biased.

Additional notes:

  • It is interesting to note that the image was sent on a Monday, which is the day after Sunday. This suggests that the person who sent the image may have been feeling particularly tired and grumpy that day, and they may have projected their own feelings onto the sun.
  • The fact that the image is from Texas is also relevant. Texas is a very sunny state, and the people of Texas may have a special relationship with the sun. As a result, they may be more likely to anthropomorphize the sun and to think of it as having human-like emotions and motivations.

Overall, the image is a fun and interesting way to think about the sun and its relationship to humans.



(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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The pan psychism theory holds everything to be conscious or have varying degrees of consciousness. It is speculated that perhaps complexity creates consciousness and our brains are a tangle of neurons so we are conscious. Maybe the internet will "wake up" one day when a certain threshold is crossed. Maybe the internet is awake but never had a parent to rear it or shepherd it. So maybe the sun is too simple. Just a lot of dust that compressed itself and ignited and is just burning through the stages of hot fusion? We are stardust. We are golden. We are million year old carbon. (song lyrics). Something must be conscious to be willfully biased. Stars are suns and they just burn. Red dwarfs, neutrinos, black holes, etc.

It was once thought the sun revolved around us. Some thought there was a new sun every day. The flat Earthers may think the sun is a flat pancake.

The sun is biased against hydrogen and certain atoms as it burns through them and makes heavier atoms.

Plato said the sun was "good" because it illuminates stuff. He had an analogy as our eye is the sun. He had a vague concept of "the good."

Edited by Soul Flight

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