Rafael Thundercat

Is the Sun Unbiased?

44 posts in this topic

On 12/12/2023 at 3:22 AM, Squeekytoy said:

Why are people taking this question seriously? I really don't get it.

Fuckin' MU! -_-

Maybe I need to reframe the question. 

What is "Sun"? 

I see the Sun, me, my eyes, a very biased driven me and eyes with bias to see ligth, colors, shadows etc.. but the Sun dont see me, dont even see itself or think about itself or its own survival, just is, and even if one speculate of the possibility of discovery if the Sun have a special sense of self, how would one make it? By what method? 

I mean, all I know about the Sun is second order, knowledge I got slowly since birth, school, science, even the ideia of the origin of the Solar system and the ideias of how it will colapse. So, nobody knows exactly what it the Sun or if it have its own sense of self. I am not trying to antropomorphise the Sun, saying it could have emotions or bias like me. But everything that have form is somehow keeping its form somehow. The science explain what it knows about its inner workings but what strikes more it that there are nobody controling the process, a fire that keep itself on and on with no entity behind the scene.

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Just now, Rafael Thundercat said:

Maybe I need to reframe the question. 

What is "Sun"? 

I see the Sun, me, my eyes, a very biased driven me and eyes with bias to see ligth, colors, shadows etc.. but the Sun dont see me, dont even see itself or think about itself or its own survival, just is, and even if one speculate of the possibility of discovery if the Sun have a special sense of self, how would one make it? By what method? 

I mean, all I know about the Sun is second order, knowledge I got slowly since birth, school, science, even the ideia of the origin of the Solar system and the ideias of how it will colapse. So, nobody knows exactly what it the Sun or if it have its own sense of self. I am not trying to antropomorphise the Sun, saying it could have emotions or bias like me. But everything that have form is somehow keeping its form somehow. The science explain what it knows about its inner workings but what strikes more it that there are nobody controling the process, a fire that keep itself on and on with no entity behind the scene.

I think he was mostly referring to the answers and not your original post. E.g. racism came up about a post about the sun, which I totally agree with him on if that's what's he's referring to even though it initially started with a joke. Just my thought.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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If the Sun had a side hustle, it would be hittin’ on all the Hotties.

Nevermind, the Sun is too Hot for anyone but Itself.

Edited by Yimpa

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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5 hours ago, Squeekytoy said:

There is only one mistake you are making: you take the inner for the outer and the outer for the inner. What is in you, you take to be outside you and what is outside, you take to be in you. The mind and feelings are external, but you take them to be intimate. You believe the world to be objective, while it is entirely a projection of your psyche. That is the basic confusion and no new explosion will set it right! You have to think yourself out of it. There is no other way." -- Nisargadatta

the world is a projection of your psyche, and your psyche is a projection of the world. What appears in your experience is alive, because everything is life. 

5 hours ago, Squeekytoy said:

Ahab Ahab? Is it I or God that lifts this arm? If the great sun moves not of himself, but is as an errand-boy in heaven; nor one single star can revolve but by some invisible power; how can this one small heart beat; this one small brain think thoughts; unless God does that beating, does that thinking, does that living, and not I." -- Ahab, Moby Dick by Herman Melville.

Beautiful quote, the mystery of the self, the entity that seems to be the receiving center of experience, what is it? do we have a choice, will? It seems that it is separate but at the same time it is one with reality. difficult to understand

Edited by Breakingthewall

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15 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

Beautiful quote, the mystery of the self, the entity that seems to be the receiving center of experience, what is it? do we have a choice, will? It seems that it is separate but at the same time it is one with reality. difficult to understand

I have experienced things that undermines free will, but the experience itself could very well be an illusion.

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3 minutes ago, Squeekytoy said:

People put way too much emphasis on experience. Yes of course the experience was an illusion. All experience is an illusion. You can experience stuff any which way you like, doesn't make it true.

But no god forbid you should actually use your head to reach actual indisputable conclusions, as in that Ahab quote. Thinking baahaahaad.

Do you mean Ahab, the 7th King of Israel?

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@Squeekytoy, I don't get your point, are you saying experience can be an illusion, and thinking is a better way to understand things, or are you being sarcastic? Because people who think that way are rare in spiritual circles.

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2 hours ago, An young being said:

I have experienced things that undermines free will, but the experience itself could very well be an illusion.

It really doesn't matter. The one who knows these things is the self and they are of no use to it. It is an interesting curiosity, nothing more, but in infinity everything is infinite, and that's it.

awakening is becoming infinite, and realizing what you are. It is not something that can be structured or reasoned with, you can only be it now, and to do this you have to break the structures.

to think that free will does not exist, or that if it exists, they are structures. There's nothing wrong with them, they're interesting. I would like to take lsd and realize that I am a particle in an alien mind from another multiverse within infinite multiverses and things like that, but knowing that that is not awakening. There is only one awakening, opening yourself to the infinite, your true nature, now.

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6 minutes ago, Squeekytoy said:

At least until you become lucid enough to join with the infinite intelligence of the your dreamstate. But you'll only know to do that if you've thought things through. And you'll only find your way out of the swamp by thinking it through. People who don't use their heads don't go anywhere and die as stupid as they were born.


(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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3 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

It really doesn't matter. The one who knows these things is the self and they are of no use to it. It is an interesting curiosity, nothing more, but in infinity everything is infinite, and that's it.

awakening is becoming infinite, and realizing what you are. It is not something that can be structured or reasoned with, you can only be it now, and to do this you have to break the structures.

to think that free will does not exist, or that if it exists, they are structures. There's nothing wrong with them, they're interesting. I would like to take lsd and realize that I am a particle in an alien mind from another multiverse within infinite multiverses and things like that, but knowing that that is not awakening. There is only one awakening, opening yourself to the infinite, your true nature, now.

You seem to be clear in your beliefs and have awakened to everything, kudos to that. But I can't help but share what I called as my experience in an attempt to enlighten you more, lol.

I had a brief period where I got controlled by an external entity with a specific personality. It literally controlled my movements, like making me turn my head, walk to the place it wanted me to and even write things in a piece of paper. Sometimes, when it was doing that, I realised that it knows everything before I actually did, meaning it was always in control, and had more control than the one I thought was me. Sometimes both the entity and I was seen as one, and sometimes separate. It was something integrated rather than something external like a spirit or ghost.

Of course, I was diagnosed as delusional when I shared these experiences to the external world, but like @Squeekytoy says, I used my brain and arrived at the conclusion it is not so.



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13 minutes ago, Squeekytoy said:

The reason people are delusional in the first place is because they don't think things through. The reason nobody knows what they're doing or why, is because they don't think things through. If you want to grow up or wake up from delusion and know what you're doing and why, then you need to think things through. Be the CEO of your life.

That's definitely an issue, especially in spiritual discussion platforms.

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53 minutes ago, An young being said:

You seem to be clear in your beliefs and have awakened to everything, kudos to that. But I can't help but share what I called as my experience in an attempt to enlighten you more, lol.

I had a brief period where I got controlled by an external entity with a specific personality. It literally controlled my movements, like making me turn my head, walk to the place it wanted me to and even write things in a piece of paper. Sometimes, when it was doing that, I realised that it knows everything before I actually did, meaning it was always in control, and had more control than the one I thought was me. Sometimes both the entity and I was seen as one, and sometimes separate. It was something integrated rather than something external like a spirit or ghost.

Of course, I was diagnosed as delusional when I shared these experiences to the external world, but like @Squeekytoy says, I used my brain and arrived at the conclusion it is not so.



I'm not saying that that's not true, maybe it is, and the structure of reality is something extremely complex and twisted and we can't even intuit it. maybe our entire universe is a cog in the mind of an unimaginable being, and that kind of thing. how far can we see? It doesn't matter, because with our finite mind we can only see up to a certain point, and beyond it there is more, there is always more because there is no limit. but everything, the alien, the multiverses, the infinite gods, are the same substance, the absolute total infinity, so there can only be one awakening, and it is the final awakening: becoming infinite.

It's not that difficult, you just have to completely let go of the self. with psychedelics it is more or less common. Letting go of the self means, among other things,  giving up the need to understand, because you cannot understand the infinite, you can only be it. It is an interesting puzzle, once you have it, you can do it, but not so easy, sometimes, certain moments. once every 3 days would be fine imo. It is being at home, complete, total, perfect. Then you can think that the others do not exist, or if they do exist, whatever you prefer. imo it's better not to think about that, or if I think, doing knowing that doesn't matter.

Edited by Breakingthewall

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7 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

It's not that difficult, you just have to completely let go of the self. with psychedelics it is more or less common. Letting go of the self means, among other things, giving up the need to understand, because you cannot understand the infinite, you can only be it. 

I am fine with your view of reality, but one thing that raises curiosity in me is your need to maintain the state of oneness as long as possible. Using what methods are you trying to do that?

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31 minutes ago, Squeekytoy said:

Looks like you finally changed your mind about this since we busted heads about it earlier this year. 👍

could be. When we spoke last time, when we had a shitty argument, I was at the point where my mind couldn't stop trying to solve the riddle. That is not the way, the way is to realize that the need to understand is fear, and open yourself to the bottomless abyss. But perhaps, if a constant and stable openness is achieved, a deep non-conceptual understanding of the structure of reality can occur. I don't  know to what extent, what I see is that If I don't let go of the need to understand with the logical mind, I'm trapped

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51 minutes ago, An young being said:

I am fine with your view of reality, but one thing that raises curiosity in me is your need to maintain the state of oneness as long as possible. Using what methods are you trying to do that?

It is something, let's say addictive, because the state of openness is of great beauty and total happiness, but it is very difficult to maintain it, the mind is always lurking to set limits and close the door. psychedelics help, but they are enough in low doses. 5meo, lsd, dmt sometimes, mushrooms, lately THC is enough. Also meditation every day. Every time you achieve that opening for a few seconds, your settings change. subtle but real changes

Edited by Breakingthewall

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5 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

It is something, let's say addictive, because the state of openness is of great beauty and total happiness, but it is very difficult to maintain it, the mind is always lurking to set limits and close the door. psychedelics help, but they are enough in low doses. 5meo, lsd, dmt sometimes, mushrooms, lately THC is enough. Also meditation every day. Every time you achieve that opening for a few seconds, your settings change. subtle but real changes

Good, but I just hope that you don't spend rest of your life trying to be it, ha ha!

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23 minutes ago, An young being said:

Good, but I just hope that you don't spend rest of your life trying to be it, ha ha!

That's what we do, or all humans should do. Always try to open yourself more, more depth, more real. stagnation does not exist in the reality, there is always movement, so if you do not move forward, you will move backwards

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10 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

That's what we do, or all humans should do. Always try to open yourself more, more depth, more real. stagnation does not exist in the reality, there is always movement, so if you do not move forward, you will move backwards

There are multiple aspects to opening yourself more, I just don't want you to get stuck in the same place. From another perspective, you can continue doing what you are doing, as long as you don't suffer because of it.

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Oh hey I like this question!  I am the Sun because I am in the Sun, yet I am not the Sun because I am Nothing.

The Sun is Divine Consciousness and this is not a metaphor.  Non-divine consciousness is Lunar, the Moon.  Most humans only function on Lunar consciousness.  You must deconstruct the Moon - your ego - before you may access Divine Consciousness, which is Solar, and yes it is much better.

Hm - maybe I explain the slightly bigger picture better, first.

Everything is energy, and the energy we are interested in is the ElectroMagnetic.  The two perfectly opposed forces in energy are Electricity and Magnetism.  Electricity is the Divine Masculine - Divine Consciousness.  Electricity provides *Form*.

Magnetism is the Divine Feminine - Divine Power.  Magnetism provides *Creation*.  The Sun is Ardhanarishvara - the King who is Half Queen - as they are a perfect ball of Divine Union, balanced Electric Siva and Magnetic Shakti.  The light of Mars and Venus do split these two rather well.

The visible light within the electromagnetic spectrum is the Divine Masculine - they are that which is.  The wave lengths that are not visible are the Divine Feminine - that which is not.  This is why Shiva is always a hermaphroditic entity, though they are typically presented as a masculine entity (Yiva from the Slavic is an example of a feminized version of the Destroyer).

In any case - no the Sun is not unbiased.  Those who have solar consciousness are the living awareness of God - who is the Sun.  All of reality is the dream of Solar Divine Consciousness, and our experiences give the Sun feedback on what to change about the dream.

Trivially I will share the key to Heaven - you must prepare to surrender all words and all images from your mind.  Heaven, within the Sun, has no context we may comprehend, as we are in an illusion.  The Moon is a watered down reflection of the Divine Masculine - it is *non-divine* light.  All words and images are of the Moon.  They are "unauthorized".  God will not accept them within the Sun.  Think of it like taking your shoes off if you must.  Yet - when you die - or sooner if you gain enlightenment - learn to blissfully embrace being "no thing", no words or images, and then - you may be eternal within the Sun, and live again and again in the dream, aware, forever.

Those who hold onto hierarchy and money and nonsense will of course fail.  They may be destroyed forever, possibly.  Sounds awful yet I'm just a wild dog, I didn't make this place.  Oh wait shit I did.

Good luck.  

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