
reality is absolutley perfect. your thoughts about it are imperfect.

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@Schizophonia “your thoughts about it are imperfect.”

Not trying to be mean, just being honest!

Also, labeling and categorizing such beauty is a disservice. 

I did not merely see a woman, I saw MYSELF.

Mystical yearning, s/o earnestly lingers flawlessly

Edited by Yimpa

I AM Godzilla

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1 hour ago, Schizophonia said:

Perfect according to what criteria?


in the sense that every single thing in existence performs its designed duty to absolute perfection. the purpose of a cancer cell is to be a cancer cell. the purpose of genetic mutations are to genetically mutate. My fingers reacting instantaniously to the signals from my brain telling them to hit the buttons on my keyboard. My fingers not reacting instantaniously to the signals from my brain, if a link in the chain of events is broken. 

fire is always fire. water is always water. earth is always earth. 

all things coherently dynamincally adapting from moment to moment.

i mean its literally impossible to put into words, ive only begun to realize how little im capable of fathoming the genius of existence, its so fucking mindblowing and otherworldly. and its not just like reality is a photography, a painting or a movie, you are a fucking part of it, constantly influencing and manipulating it. simply that existence is able to be should be enough to baffle you. simply that it is able to be speaks to the absolut objective perfection that it is.

you can literally not find one instance of reality that is faulty, it is completely without mistakes. literally 0 bugs or glitches, its fucking flawless man lol. no one ever sat in their living room and had a gorilla pop up out of nowhere. no one ever cut themselves on a blunt object. the rules of reality are perfection


Edited by emil1234

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55 minutes ago, emil1234 said:

you can literally not find one instance of reality that is faulty, it is completely without mistakes. literally 0 bugs or glitches, its fucking flawless man lol. no one ever sat in their living room and had a gorilla pop up out of nowhere. no one ever drank a glass of water and were submerged and drowned (bad example lol). the rules of reality are perfection

Yeah, great way to say .that's how it is. It cannot be anything other than perfect. In reality there is no room for imperfection, it is impossible. An ocean wave cannot be imperfect, or a CO2 molecule. Either it is perfect or it doesn't exist.

From here an inevitable conclusion is derived: that your parents sell you to a circus to be tortured in public for the amusement of the audience, is perfect. If you can see this, it means that at this moment your ego is out of play. If you think it's not perfect that Vlad dracul impales you and your family, it's your ego speaking. 

That is what the ego is: what invents imperfection, and it does so for a cause: creation. 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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On 12/10/2023 at 9:45 PM, Princess Arabia said:

Every time you speak it's the same story. Ok, hear me out. Ever since i've been born up to this minute, the one thing i can say for sure is that my feelings along with circumstances and just about everything else has been fleeting, changing, never the same, ups and downs, happy and sad, joy and sadness, absolute terror and absolute happiness, nothing has stayed the same, absolutely nothing. Not even conditions. Why is the only constant, except for my being of course, is your story? It's the only thing in my experience that is always the same.

I feel like I invented you and the way I invented you is just that, your story. You show up every time as the same story. You seem like a robot to me. Everybody that I know of, has experienced all the emotions there is but it seems like you're stuck on the negative ones, or at least that's how you always show up here. 

Seems a bit weird to me how your life is just going all the way bad all the time forever and ever and ever and ever and ever. Nobody ever goes through hell 24/7, 365, year in and year out. It's literally impossible. So maybe for once you can show up with a funny story or tell us something that happened in your day that made it joyful.

There are 8 billion people on the planet and your one being in speaking for most of them saying how life sucks for most people. Did you do an interview. Why isn't the sun and the moon and the stars and the animals and the galaxies and the planets and the whatever else there is not erupting and shattering into pieces and going through hell and having a hard time being what they are. Why is it that it's just humans that seem to be going through hell when we are just a tiny fracture of what is here out of all the billions of species that exists, I don't see ants and cockroaches screaming and dropping dead for no reason. They are still being the pests that they are and they're stupid little animals. I don't see birds complaining that they can't fly. I don't see fire complaining that it can't burn. 

Why did God only condemn us humans while everything else in the Universe seems to be doing fine. The sky isn't falling down and the clouds aren't shooting out Pepsi cola. Something is wrong with this picture if God can create or dream up or whatever the fuck it's doing for you to expect to go to bed at night KNOWING that morning will come and the whole day won't be pitch black and that birds won't just suddenly turn into cats. Why us. Tell me why . Why did God condemn humans and made everything else perfect but our sucky lives. Answer that and maybe, I can see your point, but only if it makes sense, and I bet you it won't.

Maybe if you stop calling your life shitty and a total shithole and saying it's absolutely horrible, just maybe, you as God can experience the part of your body that doesn't have the shit hole in it. Maybe if you stop re-living the shithole in your mind it will stop being a shithole. Try that.

If you've been hearing the same story from me perhaps it's because I've been living the same story? Maybe? Not because you invented me or whatever bs.

And I'm indeed working on changing it, the little I'm able to, but that doesn't change the fact that my life is currently still hell. I can't speak for the future, just for the now.

I am very likely to have experienced a much wider range of emotions than you or the people you've known given my condition, but that doesn't change the fact that I tend to have far more negative experiences than I do positive ones, and that's not just my mind playing games or whatever dumb conclusion you came to. Sadly I can't just stop interpreting objectively bad experiences as good ones in the midst of chaos. If I'm whipping you with a belt with all my strength every single day, you're not just gonna learn to love it. Or maybe you will, women can be interesting like that. I'm not one, however.

You don't know what it's like to have lived in fear your entire life. You're so privileged you can't even fathom someone who can't help but be constantly negative. Meanwhile being so hypocritical that MY negativity is not permissible because then your "positivity" is threatened, as evidenced in the above rant.

Of course I have moments where I feel good, but they're short-lived, few and far between. I'm very weak, vulnerable and fearful, I cannot understand what it's like to be normal, think normal, feel normal... because I've never experienced it. Every single day for years I've been trying to brainwash myself into being the opposite, and it's been a little helpful, but it shouldn't have to feel like I'm splitting the ocean in half out of pure willpower just to be able to hold a conversation, go to the grocery store, eat when other people are around, hear a variety of sounds without feeling like I could pass out, etc. And that too being just as hard every single time, no improvement after years of doing it on a daily basis. And the reality is, if you were born without legs, no matter how positive, you will never walk.

Your question makes no sense. God didn't make everything else perfect but condemn us humans. I'd like for you to experience being a hyena when it's being eaten by a lion. You act as if it makes a difference in reality's perfection that I can verbalize my emotions and a cockroach can't. What a dumb concoction.


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On 11/12/2023 at 5:45 AM, Princess Arabia said:

Every time you speak it's the same story. Ok, hear me out. Ever since i've been born up to this minute, the one thing i can say for sure is that my feelings along with circumstances and just about everything else has been fleeting, changing, never the same, ups and downs, happy and sad, joy and sadness, absolute terror and absolute happiness, nothing has stayed the same, absolutely nothing. Not even conditions. Why is the only constant, except for my being of course, is your story? It's the only thing in my experience that is always the same.

I feel like I invented you and the way I invented you is just that, your story. You show up every time as the same story. You seem like a robot to me. Everybody that I know of, has experienced all the emotions there is but it seems like you're stuck on the negative ones, or at least that's how you always show up here. 

Seems a bit weird to me how your life is just going all the way bad all the time forever and ever and ever and ever and ever. Nobody ever goes through hell 24/7, 365, year in and year out. It's literally impossible. So maybe for once you can show up with a funny story or tell us something that happened in your day that made it joyful.

There are 8 billion people on the planet and your one being in speaking for most of them saying how life sucks for most people. Did you do an interview. Why isn't the sun and the moon and the stars and the animals and the galaxies and the planets and the whatever else there is not erupting and shattering into pieces and going through hell and having a hard time being what they are. Why is it that it's just humans that seem to be going through hell when we are just a tiny fracture of what is here out of all the billions of species that exists, I don't see ants and cockroaches screaming and dropping dead for no reason. They are still being the pests that they are and they're stupid little animals. I don't see birds complaining that they can't fly. I don't see fire complaining that it can't burn. 

Why did God only condemn us humans while everything else in the Universe seems to be doing fine. The sky isn't falling down and the clouds aren't shooting out Pepsi cola. Something is wrong with this picture if God can create or dream up or whatever the fuck it's doing for you to expect to go to bed at night KNOWING that morning will come and the whole day won't be pitch black and that birds won't just suddenly turn into cats. Why us. Tell me why . Why did God condemn humans and made everything else perfect but our sucky lives. Answer that and maybe, I can see your point, but only if it makes sense, and I bet you it won't.

Maybe if you stop calling your life shitty and a total shithole and saying it's absolutely horrible, just maybe, you as God can experience the part of your body that doesn't have the shit hole in it. Maybe if you stop re-living the shithole in your mind it will stop being a shithole. Try that.

Infinity includes everything. Including lives where it's hell 24/7

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9 hours ago, michaelcycle00 said:

You don't know what it's like to have lived in fear your entire life. You're so privileged you can't even fathom someone who can't help but be constantly negative. Meanwhile being so hypocritical that MY negativity is not permissible because then your "positivity" is threatened, as evidenced in the above rant.

You call me privileged but all you see of me is a picture and writings on a screen. That's proof of mind making shit up. I'm not saying I am nor am I saying I'm not because feeling privileged is a relative notion. I feel privileged just to be able to write and articulate my words to form sentences and relate to others in this way. You're doing the same. Some people can't even read or write. I feel privileged because I can drive a car, I bet you can too. I can list dozens more ways I feel privileged that has nothing to do with crappy outside conditions and circumstances. I can also list dozens of ways I could possibly feel unprivileged if I allowed my mind to wander there. You just created a privileged version of me without even realizing you've done that and that's all from your assumptions and ideas of me. Then you called me a hypocrite and saying I don't like you expressing your negativity and calling my attempts at whatever I'm trying to achieve with my post, positivity and saying I'm threatened by your negativity and uses that as evidence. Another "making shit up" using the mind because I'm not threatened by your negativity. 

Matter of fact, I can dissect your whole comment and show how a lot of it are just projections of your own mind and assumptions and ideas of me that you've made without my saying anything of the sort. You told me I have no idea how it's like to live with fear and blah blah blah, how do you know that. I'm going by what you've said not what I think you mean. How do you know it's not because I have lived with fear or that I used to see the world a certain way or that i haven't been in literal hell or this or that why I'm even giving your post any attention and even attempting to show you something here. How do you know that, you never asked nor am I on here complaining or showcasing how miserable life can get and blah blah. But you're assuming you know where I'm coming from with this and call it positivity, Not saying anything of the sort nor saying it's not the case, just trying to show you how I've  come to the recognition how the mind can make up stories about life, people and circumstances and create hell for us here on earth.

In the end, your mind and imagination once more said to me you'd like for me to experience being a hyena when it's being eaten by a lion. It's these kinds of things I'm constantly seeing amongst people and how their minds can create scenes in their heads and wallow in their ifs and buts how I'm able to see through the illusion of the mind and how I'm able to realize and recognize how we create our own delusions, anxieties and fears out of thin air just by our imaginations. I'm seeing so much how I used to do the same and none of what I feared or dreamt up in my mind came to pass. I'm literally seeing through a lot of this bullshit from the people around me by being an observer and observing how people are creating their own hell. I'm the type of character that learns from others' mistakes quicker than I do my own so now I'm using the art of observing others to my advantage instead of using it to criticize and judge and trying my best to not let my mind put me in hell like i see so many people do when none of what the mind is saying is happening or will ever come to pass. 

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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